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Thyroid Blues

Anyone out there have to deal with hypothyroid/thyroidectomy aftermath? Any diet suggestions?

Wed. Dec 13, 12:13am

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I think my thyroid is out-of-wack once in a while. It gets swollen, and it feels like something is stuck in my throat. I get tired and impatient. I've never gone to the doctor's for it, but have read a lot about controling it. Thyroid disfunction runs heavy on both sides of my family.

I always have protein with anything sweet, including fruit, to keep my blood-sugar levels at a norm. I eat 5-6x per day. I make sure I go to bed early enough to get 7-8 hours of sleep. If my thyroid is feeling funny, I eat some shrimp or other seafood (for the iodine). Also, too many peanuts tend to upset my thyroid balance. I also take Omega-3 fatty acid and a multi-vitamin. I have only had one "imbalance" period over the last 3 months. This uncomfort lasted 3-4 days and then I had some sushi which seemed to help.

I hope this helps at all.
Does having a thyroid that seems "off" once in a while seem logical? Does anyone else feel like this?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 1:30 PM

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hmmm. . .if your thyroid feels enlarged or if you have a lump in your throat, you really should see a doctor. You may have nodes on your thyroid that may need to be removed, and if you have and swollen lympph nodes in the area it could be something more serious. a simple blood test can check to see if you have a problem with your thyroid. please ask your doctor about this!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 1:47 PM

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I had a total thyroidectomy in levels are still not quite right..I think the main problm is that the doctors tend to say your "in the range"..but they should really take into consideration how you are feeling also..because I might feel great at one level, and someone else might need to be lower/higher..I also always ask myself if I am struggling to lose weight, am I doing everything I need to to lose? Am I excersising everyday?And eating really healthy?? and if I know I am not really being "good", then I try to see if that is the problem before I turn to my thyroid..if I know I am following a great plan, then I go to the Doctor and check out my levels..It really stinks to have to have this on top of trying to lose weight which is hard with no problems..

and yes you should have that lump checked out!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006, 5:32 AM

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Not only should you get it checked out but do you know how good you will feel on the thyroid medicine? I think i must have suffered from it my whole life because when i finally got it checked and got on meds..........Ive never felt so good. never thought so clearly and i have much more energy and no more brain fog. thats what bothered me the most. It gave me so much anxiety. Anyone else get that?

Thursday, December 14, 2006, 10:53 PM

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It's not so much a "lump" as it is a full feeling. I'm not worried. It's been like this my whole life.

Friday, December 15, 2006, 9:31 AM

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I had the same problem.....

I didn't know that I had a thyroid problem until one day I went to the doctor and he did complete blood work when I went in. When I went back for my test he asked me all kinds of question like have I gained any weight and I told him yes. About 35 pounds but I was very active and I worked alot and that keep me moving at that time it was 16. I was always feeling like I was chocking. and coughing while sleeping and, throughout the day. They put me on medication and in 3 months took me off I went back to the doctor in about 5 months later was starting to notice that the chocking had started back when I went back to the doctor my thyroid was out of control at 51 and what I am trying to say is if you have a thyroid problem it best to go the the doctor and have it checked in a long run its only helping or go to gnc and get the thyroid support. But I think you need to see some one to see how out of wack it is.

Friday, December 29, 2006, 3:08 AM

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I have symptoms of my blood pressure going up after something I ate that triggered the thyroid off, something feels like its in my throat, swelling of the neck. I guess that is what it is. I had gone to the ER last night after eating a hamburger. My BP was up but went down. The doctor said I had palpitations. What foods to avoid or if I feel my symptoms, do I just eat fish or something with iodine in it. Am I lacking iodine or can I goto the GNC store to get something with iodine in it. All my doctor tells me is wait 8 weeks and we will chk your thyroid again but I still have symptoms.

Saturday, May 16, 2009, 7:01 AM

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