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hobbies that don't suck?
I'd totally like a hobby, but most of the ones that I run across remind me of either Christian womens groups or things that docs give psych ward patients to keep them calm: wallet making, knitting, scrapbooking, candlemaking... Are there any hobbies that are a little more agro?
Tue. Oct 11, 11:35am
Salsa Dancing
I'm totally addicted. See if there are any dance studios that offer salsa classes. You will get totally hooked, and go out dancing every chance you get (and burn lots of calories) Also consider art lessons, or taking up a language.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 11:47 AM
rock climbing
Indoor rock walls are popping up in tons of gyms! It's fun, and not nearly as hard as it looks, and a great workout! And if you go to the same wall a few times, you'll start to see the same people there - all walls have "regulars." It's not a cliquey sport though, so in no time you'll also have some new friends!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 12:10 PM
- Kayaking is great and you meet some great guys.
- Skiing in the winter;
- Those color me mine ceramic places where you paint cups are awesome!
- My friend coaches little league. he loves the kids and makes friends with the parents!
- drawing or some kind of artistic expression, you can throw pottery or collaging
- writing class but specific, like how to be a playwright
- charity: helping out at those habitat for humanity places are amazing.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 12:15 PM
Volunteer - tutor some local kids, build a house with Habitat for Humanity, take your dog to the local nursing home for the old ladies to pet, organize a blood drive in your office building for Katrina victims, coach a kid's soccer team, get involved and connected to your community in any way you can think of - find some skill that you have that someone less fortunate could benefit from and use it to help them!
Develop a long lost interest - always wanted to be an astronaut when you were a kid? get a cheap, used telescope and take an astronomy class at your local community college. used to think scuba diving was the coolest thing under the sun? get certified and plan a trip to the Carribean or the Great Barrier Reef. jealous of your boy-scout brother? get him to take you camping and teach you how to start a fire from scratch. like to cook but too nervous to entertain? take a cooking class and invite your friends over for a demonstration of your new skills when it's over. Never got the chance to ride as many horses as you'd have liked? Sign up for a month of lessons at a local stable. Always wanted to be a literary critic? Join (or start!) a local book group. Always wanted to be a ballerina? Take a ballet or synchronized swimming or jazz or ballroom dance class. Hate your parents for not making you practice the piano? Take up the bagpipes or the saxaphone or the cello. LIke food a whole lot? Make it your goal to find the best pad thai in your city (or the nearest large city) and recruit friends to try every thai place you can find.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 12:19 PM
Gardening - keeps you outside and active!
stich 'n bitch - find a group, get it out and make a scarf at the same time :-)
hiking - this can be as easy or hard as the trails you choose.
dancing - active and a great way to meet others
cooking - this can be as healthy or unhealty as you make it. Go explore the local specialty markets and join a recipe exchange
Yoga or a martial art - learn physical and mental discipline at the same time.
As someone pointed out earlier rock climbing is really not as hard as it looks and I was surprised by how friendly, supportive and encouraging all the other climbers are.
Another friend I have is in the SCA (Society for Acreative Anachronism) - they recreate certain personas and periods of medeival history (this is the short explanation). If you like history this might be for you. There are fighters (uber-active), craftspeople, scribes, etc.... This can be as active or passive as you like. You can be invovlved a little or a lot.
There are plenty of local organizations that you can look up and belong to. I keep swearing that when I have more time (I have too many hobbies) I'll join the local trails association and volunteer on work parties that help maintain local hiiking trails. Maybe this winter when things quiet down..... but somehow they never do!
Check out the local college and see what they have for evening classes. I would love to learn another language or start on my graduate degree!
Best of luck and have fun trying new things!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 1:36 PM
I didn't post this thread, but I'm glad the OP did. I like these ideas! I think I'm going to try the habitat for humanity.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 1:38 PM
i didnt post this thread either but have the same problem finding something to do! taking a dance class would be awesome thank you everyone and to who did post this
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 7:42 PM
what's "agro?"
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 8:04 PM
i dont know what agro is but i didnt even see it posted?!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 9:03 PM
what about writting? its a calm activity but can help u alot with your stress and opinions! find any topic and write. or get on the net and do some searching about something you are interested in and write what you learned about it. it'll keep your brain working!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 9:14 PM
writing always helps with my stress too. I'm also asking, what is agro?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 11:51 AM
The title of this thread is hilarious.
I have trouble finding hobbies that I stick with. I try something for a month, but never really get good enough at it to enjoy it. Maybe I'd be better giving in a charity as well.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 1:42 PM
To the poster before me, I also have the same problem. I stick with something and in a month or so lose interest. I guess we need to keep trying different things that sparks that interest. I did take pottery and loved it but hated how my back ended up hurting every time. I am hoping with some more weight loss that might not be the issue. I used to oil paint and had a natural talent for it (as I and my mom were told) but money situation was bad and was couldn't afford the classes and was forced to work with my aunt "the artist" and everything I ended up doing looked like her work, I hated her and stopped. Now I wish I could have found some other way.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 1:50 PM
question for the original poster...
Some of us are wondering what agro means.
Maybe it was a typo, but you said, "Are there any hobbies that are a little more agro?"
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 2:07 PM
OP: agro definition
"Agro" is a shorthand for "aggressive" but really means "hardcore without being extreme" like retro punk rock would be "agro", but not "raw". Not to be confused with "aggie" (originating in the wine country) which means agriculture workers (generally the field hands) as in "that bar is so aggie".
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 2:40 PM
agro (adjective: also aggro), the state of being angry and aggressive over a situation.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 2:44 PM
I luv photography, but can be very pricey
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 7:24 PM
I play volleyball in a league. You can pick this up -- I learned how to play (on a very low level team) and now am pretty good (intermediate level). I meet a lot of people at pick-up games -- they have a open-play night where everyone just shows up to play.
I have other computer-based hobbies -- photoshop, for example -- but these probably aren't "agro" enough.
Art gallery hopping is fun, too. Free drinks.
Thursday, October 13, 2005, 8:42 AM
hobby ideas
Capoeira - Best 'butt' workout around. And shoulders too... It can be acrobatic as you get more and more into the lessons (cartwheels - n-stuff like that). Lot's of fun.
Adult education classes are great for learning a whole bunch of new skills and sticking to the ones you like. You can take a poetry writing class, or bead making, or silversmithing, or bellydancing. Lot's of opportunity to explore some of the areas that interest you - and, the classes usually are only once a week for about 8 weeks - so if you get bored with it - you know it'll end soon and you can move on to something different. :D
Thursday, October 13, 2005, 1:33 PM
I take drawing and painting courses at the local Art League. It's not a formal art school, more like an artists' cooperative that happens to give classes. Love it.
Sunday, October 16, 2005, 12:14 AM
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