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Rejion Weight Watchers

Should I or shouldn't I ? I am not sure. I have been to every meeting they have close to me. They are alright! There are 1or 2 lecteurs who are good. Most OK and 1 or 2 who shouldn't be lecteurs. The last time I was ther it was for a year strit and I never lost wieght. I would gian 1 week and lose the next. The problem is it is price and I couldn't afford it. Now after Christmas I will have the money to buy a prepaid through my insurance company for 3 months. It helps a little It is also time consuming But it keeps me focused. Sometimes I think I am just PITFUL I had a lecteurer who would always say are you pitful or powerful. What do you guys think

Sun. Dec 10, 9:40am

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If your really following program and exercising you should be losing weight. If you were there for a whole year and didn't lose anything that it really strange. Not to sound mean but with no weight loss in a year I would say you aren't counting your points right or not exercising. You aren't doing the program right. Even people who follow the point system and don't exercise lose weight. If your not going to really do it why waste your money. The weight isn't going to come off just by going to a meeting.

Sunday, December 10, 2006, 1:45 PM

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I am also concerned that the last time you did weight watchers that you may not have been completely following the programme. As, in my experience if you follow the points system (I'm not so sure about the new core programme, as I don't have experience of it myself or of people that have been on it) and keep a daily food diary (and exercise certainly helps), then over time your weight will trend downwards. The fact that you have previously done weight watchers for a year and did not lose weight tells me that either you did not follow the programme (so, you did not stick to points and overate) or perhaps there is some other medical issue going on (though the latter would be very unlikely I would imagine).

If you intend to do weight watchers in the same way as you did it the last time, then it doesn't seem like a wise use of your time or money. If however you think that you didn't follow the programme fully last time you did it, and you intend to make a commitment to log honestly and work hard to eat to points, then I think it could be worthwhile for you.

I really do wish you well. You can do it, and its worth persevering. I am doing weight watchers, I became a life member years ago, but then put on weight again and went back to it some months back and it has worked well for me. However, it took me a good few weeks after I started before I was actually consistently eating within my points allowance, and once I got that sorted the weight consistently started to come off.

Best wishes on your journey - YOU CAN DO IT!

Sunday, December 10, 2006, 11:58 PM

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PS I should also say, that you are NOT pitiful. You are spectacular. Thing is, you really, like the rest of us, want to get rid of the excess weight. And that's certainly proven in the fact that you stuck with weight watchers for a year despite not seeing the losses that you would have hoped for, and also that you're willing to look at it again. The very most important thing is to never give up. But it is also worth that extra little bit of effort to make sure that the work you put in pays off. So stick with it, never ever ever give up, and YOU WILL get there. It's a lifelong journey for all of us.

Monday, December 11, 2006, 12:07 AM

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