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Curves Fitness for Women

If anyone is a member of Curves fitness for women, I made this team so we can stick together, motivate, share recipes, stories, tips, tricks, ect.

Come join! :)


Sat. Dec 9, 7:48pm

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i was a member until i learned that the founder does not support the right of a woman to choose and in fact funnels hundreds of thousands of dollars to prevent that right from remaining legal. this fact brings in many women who share his beliefs, but also drives many away. the workout was not effective enough for me to contirbute to his cause. good luck in your efforts! my aunt lost over 60 lbs in a year at a Curves.

Monday, December 11, 2006, 11:10 AM

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I am really disappointed to here about Diane.
but, I have already paid my money, so might as well stick with it.

I go to curves and like it for the most part. although, I do run on the "recovery" stations, and get in trouble for it. But its the only way to get myheart rate up. I am still in my 20's and healthy.

Has it helped you?

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 4:39 PM

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Are you having success with this? I like the idea of a women only gym but don't like how regimented it looks.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:05 PM

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Really not very regimented. Only downside is not having options like a treadmill or other cardio equipment. But man I do get a workout and can feel it later!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:09 PM

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I just stopped doing Curves coz it hurts my back. I asked the lady to watch me work the machines and she assured me that I was doing them correctly - but man, did my back hurt. Had to stop.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 6:15 PM

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I worked at cuvers for over a year and I was shocked at how many injuries orccured, - neck, knee, back, hip etc.... although the founder claims that the machines fit everyone they do not. Please talk to your PT, or chiro before joining.

Saturday, November 3, 2007, 3:16 AM

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I concur!

I USED to belong and got injured. I knew of a woman who passed on the machines. Curves is a franchise and they hire people with no real training.

Saturday, November 3, 2007, 1:49 PM

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The woman passed OUT on the machines she did not die.

Saturday, November 3, 2007, 1:51 PM

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My mother who is 56 just joined Curves and is enjoying it quite a lot. She likes having the rotating stations and is intimidated by a regular gym environment. She is already in fairly good condition though and does a lot of walking (about 140lbs and 5'6"). I will have to warn her about the injuries, thanks for the info!

Saturday, November 3, 2007, 3:14 PM

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OOHH! I am pissed

So I joined b/c I do not like to work out in front of men. SO I go to my curves beside my office today and it has moved outside into the middle of a food court in the mall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of my co-workers eat there. no way in Hell!! am I working out in the middle of everyone like that. goes against the whole principle of joining Curves.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 1:22 PM

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ex-Curves member

I too used to belong to Curves, and was horrified how they push religion on people. It isn't every chain, since they are a franchise, but the one that I had to go to by my work was horrible! This is of course, in addition to the above posting about their beliefs about women... I am sorry, but Church belongs at Church, I don't want to work out to "This Little Light of Mine", and I don't want my money going to support people like that. I found it horribly offensive. Needless to say, I don't go there anymore. Now I go to Anytime Fitness, and I love it!

Monday, November 5, 2007, 1:36 PM

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will wait unitl my year is up

1:22 here. still fuming. and yes they do play christian music all the time. I am christian and I enjoy it in my car, but to make everyone listen to it-
They should market it as such.
Christian all female regimented no cardio allowed workout with many injuries, that might have to work out in the middle of the mall.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 3:12 PM

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I go to Curves in the DC area and love it. I have lost 15 pounds in the last three months, always leave sweating, and have never heard anything remotely religious.

The lack of cardio doesn't concern me because it isn't supposed to be a treadmill/spinning class style workout. It's a combination of cardio and strength training. You use machines that are like weight machines, but with out the weights on them. Instead they have hydraulic type resistance. It's like the resistance you get when you try to slam the screen door, the harder you push the stiffer it is. So you work on these machines doing very quick resistance moves that in turn gets your heart rate up in a target range for 30 minutes.

It's not a strenuous work out, but if you put the effort into making it a tough workout, you can get a lot of return.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 4:26 PM

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I joined Curves a few years ago. I have worked out all my life and didn't know anything about the gym. I liked that it was all women. I noticed the Christian music. But what really irked me was the lack of training the people that worked there had. I saw several different ways women were instructed to use the squat machine. I knew how to use it but I saw people injured. I had difficulty getting my heartrate up and was told it was because I was out of shape (hardly the case). I was told to stay on the machines longer and not use the recovery squares which made no sense. The final straw was after several women complained they were not losing weight...the owner brought in a new scale. When I got on it it said I was 7 pounds lighter than my bathroom scale that morning. I weigh myself each morning on the same way I lost 7 pounds. I'm 5'2, my clothes would have been falling off of me. When I mentioned this to the owner she said I was wrong..I had lost weight. Everyone lin the gym lost weight that month!

I am happy for ANYONE who becomes active and finds something that works for them. But I would caution most people to be extremely wary of CURVES

Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:35 PM

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