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How do you pick yourself up when you're having a bad day?

I'm having a bad day and looking for a way to get myself out of this mood. It seems like the day started off badly and everything is getting worse the longer the day goes on. I'm trying not to let myself get caught up in this mood but it's really difficult. Any suggestions on how to perk myself up? Or at least not be so low?

Tue. Dec 5, 4:26pm

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Exercise helps me. If you can go for a nice long walk or a jog I'm sure the outdoors (even if it's cold where you live) will perk you up!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 4:31 PM

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Yes, exercise is the best since 1. you know you're doing something positive and 2. those endorphins in your brain will kick in and you'll naturally feel better. For me, if I *really* don't want to exercise I'd either call my best friend, do something to distract myself that's healthy (watch a movie, get a pedicure while reading a trash magazine, etc) or just go someplace different in my city for a change of scenery. For me, healthy distraction is key. I hope this helps and that you have a MUCH better day tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 5:40 PM

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I agree-- Exercise always makes me feel better!

How about this-- if it is sunny outside--try going outside for a 1/2 hour for a brisk walk if it is cold, or just to get some sunshine if it's warm...

I find that when I'm holed up at home in the dark, my mood gets worse--but when I open the windows to let in the light, it helps....

The other thing is a saying my friend taught me... "Would you rather be right than happy?" in other words, pick your battles-- if you are in a bad mood because of something that has happened, take a look at the bigger picture--will beating yourself up or being in a foul mood change anything? if not, try thinking some "happy thoughts' or give yourself the okay to say "oh well" and let things roll off your back-- I know it's hard, but even just reading a funny joke or laughing may help to elevate your mood, too. :-)

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 7:18 PM

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Oh, and if you put on a funny movie WHILE exercising, that helps, too! :-)

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 7:19 PM

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One of my favorite things to do is gather some girlfriends and go out to coffee or dinner. There are a number of restaurants nearby where I can keep my calorie consumption at a reasonable level, and most of my friends are inthe same situation, so it's nice that we can get together and go out and keep it lite(er). There is nothing that cheers me up more than good conversation and great company! I also like grabbing a buddy and going for a walk, but that's not always possible in winter where I live, so coffee is the next best thing.

Mainly though I find it is important for me to move my focus away from myself and to find a more positive place to put it. Friends are great and pets and kids are too. Activity is also wonderful for this. Get your body busy and pretty soon your mind will let go and calm down. Exercise has already been covered, but anything will do. I love housework at times like that and gardening is my absolute #1 stress-reliever/bad-day banisher - unfortunately it's a seasonal activity. Another great one is to grab my 2 yr old nephew and go to the park or play 'choo-choo' or 'cars'. It's so hard to feel sorry for myself when I can lose myself in the joy of playing with someone who takes it seriously ;-).

Hope you have a great day, but just in case you don't - we're here for you as well! And remember - tomorrow is a new day :-)

Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 12:25 PM

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Well, when I'm having a bad day, I treat myself with one piece of something good. It may be a hot chocolate, a candy bar, or something I don't normally eat (fudgesicles are only 50 cals!). I tell myself how much I have accomplished, and that one bad day will not ruin my resolve to be a better person, eat good and get in shape. I don't forgive myself or look over the fact that I missed a workout, I end up scheduling myself and working harder to get back where I was. If it's something at the office, I drive slower on the way home so that it ends before I see my family. If it's something at home, I will do something positive for my family (work on cleaning a room, do laundry or home improvement projects) to keep my mind busy. Usually by the next day I'm back to normal, stay away from sweets and bust my butt in the gym. Also, when I get down, I find a race or other physical challenge to create a new goal to work towards.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 12:31 PM

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OP here

Y'all are fantastic! Thanks so much for the uplifting ideas and the encouragement and support. My night ended much better then the day started and today has been wonderful so far. I appreciate all of the helpful hints and used as many of them as I could... and then I ended the night with a bubble bath which just made everything better!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 2:43 PM

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I try and forgive myself and get back with the program. Right now I was doing terrible I got back online. Stopped beating myself up( i hope no one else does) I also decided to stop loggin untill the new year. I not only fell off the wagon but it ran over me. I keep on trying. The people here at Peer Trainer have been really kind to me. Thanks for the good topic!

Thursday, December 7, 2006, 8:07 PM

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Pray and go on peer trainer. I am so tired of having bad days

Saturday, December 9, 2006, 6:00 PM

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