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OT: Toddler Girls Ice Skates

OK, so it won't be OT if she develops a love for ice skating and can beat the childhood obesity stats....

anyway - my 3.9 yr old wants to learn to ice skate, and i am googling and amazoning like mad to find appropriate skates & am so confused. can someone recommend a brand-name skate for little ones w/ size 10T feet? i'd really like to find something that's adjustable so we get more than one winter out of 'em.

much appreciates, margeis32 (lest you think i'm a "spammer" i'll sign my name)

Sat. Dec 2, 9:27am

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Oh, GO margeis! Skating is the best. :-) I'll ask around.
you knew I'd say that,

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 9:29 AM

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When my kids were young they used double blade adjustable skates that was ions ago. I foud a web site that has them Good Luck!

Sunday, December 3, 2006, 8:02 AM

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Check out this link. I took my 3 yr old skating and she totally loved it. I used the rental skates, single blade figure and she did really well. I also used one of those skate trainers too. She went around the rink about 3 times with the trainer and then decided that she'll do it on her own. I also recommend putting snow pants on. She got pretty wet from falling.


Sunday, December 3, 2006, 9:29 AM

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thank you for the link!

Monday, December 4, 2006, 10:09 AM

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skate trainers sound like a great idea. I took my 3.9 year old out today for the first time with single blades and it was pretty hard. He ended up falling and wanting to go inside pretty quickly.

Saturday, November 10, 2007, 4:57 PM

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double blade toddler training skates

the double bladed trainer seemed like the most secure way for toddlers to learn. however, if you're looking for a great workout, i suggest taking your child around rink. because my daughter is just 2, i was worried about letting her fall on a busy friday night, so i had to tow her around. oooooh, did my hamstrings hurt the next day, but it was a great workout.


Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:04 PM

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