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backwards and upside-down question

For the last year or year and a half I have had dark circles around my eyes. Not just below my eyes, but also above my eyes, and sometimes orangish in color. It's not fatigue (have them even when well-rested) or dehydration or jaundice (went to doctor) so I decided it must be age. Sigh.

Well, the good news is I reached my goal weight a couple of weeks ago and am maintaining. I won't say that I'm maintaining in the most healthy possible way -- my chocolate consumption has skyrocketed, and I've been having more alcohol, but hey it's the holidays and I'm getting plenty of exercise and my weight hasn't budged. AND....the orangish circles are gone.. GONE, just like that.

I was never on all that restrictive a diet to begin with, and I had this problem before I started to lose weight..... Any ideas as to what it was and why it would go away now? Was I suffering from a rum-and-chocolate deficiency?

Sat. Dec 2, 7:09am

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Wow, that does sound like a nutrient deficiency! Interesting. I did some quick google searches and found some info that said that dark eye circles are caused by hemoglobin degradation (similar to what happens with a bruise, also interesting because bruises can take on a yellowish color). I'll leave the heavy-duty research to others, but thank goodness for chocolate and rum and the serendipity that solved your problem! Also, congratulations on meeting your weight loss goal!!!! Way to go!!!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 7:50 AM

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Wow, that does sound like a nutrient deficiency! Interesting. I did some quick google searches and found some info that said that dark eye circles are caused by hemoglobin degradation (similar to what happens with a bruise, also interesting because bruises can take on a yellowish color). I'll leave the heavy-duty research to others, but thank goodness for chocolate and rum and the serendipity that solved your problem! Also, congratulations on meeting your weight loss goal!!!! Way to go!!!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 7:50 AM

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Wow, that does sound like a nutrient deficiency! Interesting. I did some quick google searches and found some info that said that dark eye circles are caused by hemoglobin degradation (similar to what happens with a bruise, also interesting because bruises can take on a yellowish color). I'll leave the heavy-duty research to others, but thank goodness for chocolate and rum and the serendipity that solved your problem! Also, congratulations on meeting your weight loss goal!!!! Way to go!!!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 7:50 AM

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OP here -- the yellow color from hemoglobin degradation is jaundice, which is specifically what the dr. said I didn't have. (Of course, he could have been wrong, too... ) Also, I give blood and know that I don't have anemia.

Thanks for the search, though! And double-thanks for the congratulations. :-) Good luck to you!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 8:52 AM

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OP here -- the yellow color from hemoglobin degradation is jaundice, which is specifically what the dr. said I didn't have. (Of course, he could have been wrong, too... ) Also, I give blood and know that I don't have anemia.

Thanks for the search, though! And double-thanks for the congratulations. :-) Good luck to you!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 8:52 AM

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OP here -- the yellow color from hemoglobin degradation is jaundice, which is specifically what the dr. said I didn't have. (Of course, he could have been wrong, too... ) Also, I give blood and know that I don't have anemia.

Thanks for the search, though! And double-thanks for the congratulations. :-) Good luck to you!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 8:52 AM

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Huh. I know that dark circles under the eyes is a common symptom of allergies, because I have them too. My doctor calls them allergic shiners. However, I have never heard of them surrounding the eye, nor spontaneously resolving like that.
That's really strange! But very cool. Maybe there's hope for mine after all, many pounds down the road...

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 10:44 AM

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Huh. I know that dark circles under the eyes is a common symptom of allergies, because I have them too. My doctor calls them allergic shiners. However, I have never heard of them surrounding the eye, nor spontaneously resolving like that.
That's really strange! But very cool. Maybe there's hope for mine after all, many pounds down the road...

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 10:44 AM

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Huh. I know that dark circles under the eyes is a common symptom of allergies, because I have them too. My doctor calls them allergic shiners. However, I have never heard of them surrounding the eye, nor spontaneously resolving like that.
That's really strange! But very cool. Maybe there's hope for mine after all, many pounds down the road...

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 10:44 AM

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