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Any recommendations for portable DVD for workout videos?
I've got some workout videos I like, and I'd like to be able to take my workouts with me when I travel. I've been researching portable DVD players and I have some questions:
(a) Is a 7-inch screen large enough to see the workout from a few feet away? If not, what size would you recommend?
(b) I'd rather not buy a new laptop to play DVDs, but that is an option if there is an undeniable advantage.
(c) Do you have a portable DVD player you like and use for workouts? What brand & model & price do you recommend?
Thanks so much for your thoughts!
Thu. Nov 30, 12:50pm
I've been thinking about trying this so not to wake my family for my morning workouts. Granted, I'm not doing aerobics, just an abs dvd, so i can be fairly close to the screen easily. I would say that if you're doing something liek tae-bo where you're far away from the screen 7 inches is pretty small unless you are very familiar with the dvd.
Thursday, November 30, 2006, 4:09 PM
I have a Philips PET710 Multi Region Portable Widescreen DVD Player with 7" Display.
I specifically bought it becoz I wanted a multi region one. I've heard Mitashi is also good, from friends, but I felt Philips was a bit sleeker (at the time when I bought it). I bought this 6 months ago in the UK, so I wont quote the price since it wouldnt be useful for you.
7" screen is good enough for my workout DVDs. I believe it depends also on how the workouts have been filmed. The w/os I do are filmed pretty close range so I'm able to see these well from a few feet of distance. But if yours are not (I suspect all workout DVDs shouldnt have this problem) then you may need a larger screen size. I think if you take the jack along, you should be able to plug it into your hotel room TV while you are travelling.
Friday, December 1, 2006, 4:55 AM
Op here. Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed responses. The Philips may be just what I was looking for. Interesting insight about whether or not the video was filmed at close range or not. One of my favorite workouts is very close range, some others are not. Maybe I should take a near-range and a far-range video to a local store and see how they look on smaller and larger screens. Thanks so much!
Saturday, December 2, 2006, 7:43 AM
OP here again. Just thought I'd post a follow-up. After looking at the Amazon reviews for several portable DVD players, the buyers of the PET710 recommended above seemed to be the most content group of buyers, so I did buy a Philips-PET710 over the holidays. (thanks for the recommendation)
I'm really happy with it. Surprisingly, the 7-inch screen is certainly adequate for my workouts. I also discovered some unexpected advantages of the portable player. With family home for the holidays, the portable allowed some of us to view DVDs in the same room as the raging bowl games -- so we were together, even if we laughed and cried at different times! Another advantage was that I could move my workout to different rooms, as family members & their activities took over my favorite spots.
Monday, January 8, 2007, 11:13 AM
I have the walk away the pounds tapes they are great. Nice workout and not a killer! I have a lot of weight with their help.
Monday, January 8, 2007, 9:02 PM
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