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So OT..bad haircut

I went to a friend of a friend for a haircut. She is a licensed cosmotologist. I explained that I loved the way my hair had been cut, the shop I had been going to was just too expensive. I asked her to just trim. She cut my hair very short. It's even, the cut is okay, it is not what we discssed. She charged me for the cut and color. She works from her home so I did not tip her. I told her it was not what I wanted but it's hair, it will grow back. However it's now the next day and I just get angry when I see myself in a mirror. Should I say anything to her?

Thu. Nov 30, 11:49am

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I think that now that your shock is over your anger is setting in.. perfectly normal. However, in my personal opinion you shouldn't say anything to her You chose to pay her and it's now the next day. Lesson learned, as you said, it's just hair, I just wouldn't go to her again. Sorry about your haircut... good luck.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 12:15 PM

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I sympathize. I wouldn't say anything more to the friend of a friend -- you've already told her that the haircut is not what you wanted (congratulations on your diplomacy skills). My daughter has had several awful haircuts since she left town to attend college. Most of the bad haircuts came from those franchise haircutters in the mall. Between the two of us, my daughter and I have decided that we'll try to save money in other areas, but a good hairdresser is worth the money.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 12:36 PM

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Yep - you already did what you could. What would you gain by continuing to pursue the issue unless you'd like her to take another whack at it (and from what you describe I can't imagine you'd want to)? Chalk it up as a lesson learned. My hairdresser may charge $50 for a cut, but they are the only person who can cut my hair and I walk out feeling like a million bucks (plus the scalp and neck massage they give during the shampoo is worth at least $30!). I will never scimp in this area - just not worth it.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:53 PM

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Expensive is no guarantee of quality, though.... About a year ago, a v. expensive new colorist (my old one had moved) did something I expressly told her I did not want and dyed my hair red!! As it's waist-length I'll be growing that line out for 4 years.... I'm STILL furious every time I see it in the mirror, even though my great new colorist has done a lot to disguise it.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 2:15 PM

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I would say something if you'd like to keep the friendship. Otherwise, your anger will bubble and explode one day and that explosion could ruin your friendship for forever.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 3:20 PM

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2:15 - you are right...I just spent a ton of money at a nice salon to get a cut and color and it was not a good experience. They had overbooked the stylist and I had to sit and wait a lot and I didn't get my head massaged even though they had plenty of time.
If you find someone to do a great job...stick with them and cut back elsewhere. It is not worth the stress. Unfortunately, I moved away from my best hairstylist and I haven't found anyone near her quality to replace her yet.
Good luck.

Oh, and I wouldn't say anything, I just wouldn't go back.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 3:25 PM

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what is it that you would want to make YOU happy?? thats what i ask when a client calles with a complaint i would ask for my money a salon owner and that would not be an unreasonalbe request ..if your not happy you should not have to pay and even if you alreay did like one post said the anitial shock has worn off.

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 7:02 PM

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As a friend, you could maybe explain that you were not happy with the result because she specifically did not do what you asked for.
If she does this with other customers, she won't be able to keep any of them.
If she just misunderstood what you wanted, then she needs to improve her listening skills because again, another customer may be very angry with the service they receive and spread the word.

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 11:52 AM

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Let it Go it will grow back. You didn't give her tip! That stated your case. she can't give you back your hair Just forgive her. You will only hurt yourself holding on to this!

Saturday, December 2, 2006, 11:46 PM

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Sorry. This may sound like a dopey question, but what does 'OT' mean? :)

Monday, December 4, 2006, 3:46 AM

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It means "off topic." It's just a heads up for those about to open the thread that it's not necessarily related to weight loss or health in case they would rather not read it.

Monday, December 4, 2006, 5:40 AM

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