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wheat and hives

My boyfriend broke out in hives after he ate fresh pasta at lunch. The only thing I can think of is that he's allergic to wheat? The ingredients also contained egg. Yes, he's going to a doctor but I wanted to see if anyone has any real world experience with this. tia.

Mon. Nov 13, 4:24pm

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It might be a yeast infection. My sister had one like this, kind of latent in her system, and she would get a rash on her arms (maybe upper body, but she only showed us her arms) that looked like nickel-sized red circles if she ate too many wheat products - including beer.

Also, check out "candida" - that's a wheat-related infection that following a specific diet (similar to Atkins) for 8 weeks will fix.

Monday, November 13, 2006, 5:33 PM

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Hives is just an allergic reaction, and a person could conceivably be allergic to darn near anything.
One possibility to think about - all sorts of plants, definitely including wheat, probably any grain, can be "infected" by lots of kinds of microorganisms either in the field, or after it's harvested, and some of these put out some distinctive byproducts (or leave them behind as they die). Mostly these just get digested but it's possible that this batch of grain had something that he is especially sensitive to. In that case the exact same variety of grain grown in a different place, or even a different year's crop in the same place, might have no effect at all. I don't know how often this is the cause of a problem, but it's not unheard of.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 1:11 AM

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Yes, before I went on a low carb diet, I used to have kind of a permanent rash on my lower legs. On the low carb diet, I ate plenty of eggs, but little wheat, and my rash went away. Wheat will still bring back the rash if I eat too much of it. Good luck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 9:39 AM

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