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Election Day

Well, for most people it's all over now except for the counting of the votes and the lawsuits. I've been a registered voter for almost 30 years and have voted in every election.

As a child I remember my parents getting the sample ballot in the Sunday paper and spending that day filling it out. Then on election day my mother would get dressed up (including white goves) and go to the polling station. Children were not allowed to go into voting booths with their parents then but I remeber feeling how important that day was. It was during the Vietnam War and my parents had been children during another war, WWII. We were raised to be responsible citizens, understand the issues of the day and give back to our community and country.

My wish for all of us is that we now move on past all the election season rhetoric and get about the business of fixing our country. Is the lack of civil discourse in elections a mirror of the same in our lives or is it the other way around? When the people lead, the leaders will follow. We can start here.

Tue. Nov 7, 5:51pm

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I think the vast vast majority of us would not attach ourselves too strongly to either party. Politics is politics and we are smart enough to see through that. I will say that in this era of intense personal attack, I really admire anyone willing to put themselves and their families through hell-- to serve the public. And yeah, many are there to serve themselves, but the majority of politicans want to do the right thing- regardless of the party.

In terms of the acrimony- if you look back 10 years, the republicans were behaving like the democrats are now. It is offputting, but what else are you going to do when you are out of power? You are going to stir things up to try and get back in. Might work, might backfire.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 6:00 PM

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I think the vast vast majority of us would not attach ourselves too strongly to either party. Politics is politics and we are smart enough to see through that. I will say that in this era of intense personal attack, I really admire anyone willing to put themselves and their families through hell-- to serve the public. And yeah, many are there to serve themselves, but the majority of politicans want to do the right thing- regardless of the party.

In terms of the acrimony- if you look back 10 years, the republicans were behaving like the democrats are now. It is offputting, but what else are you going to do when you are out of power? You are going to stir things up to try and get back in. Might work, might backfire.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 6:00 PM

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I think the vast vast majority of us would not attach ourselves too strongly to either party. Politics is politics and we are smart enough to see through that. I will say that in this era of intense personal attack, I really admire anyone willing to put themselves and their families through hell-- to serve the public. And yeah, many are there to serve themselves, but the majority of politicans want to do the right thing- regardless of the party.

In terms of the acrimony- if you look back 10 years, the republicans were behaving like the democrats are now. It is offputting, but what else are you going to do when you are out of power? You are going to stir things up to try and get back in. Might work, might backfire.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 6:00 PM

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