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Another 'ol birth control question

I am trying to figure out if my problem is birth control or something else. I have never been really super thin but around 2 years ago I started on birth control (Estrostep) for the first time and from my first doctor visit to my second I gained 20 lbs in less than 1 year. After that, I gained probably another 5. I then switched to Yasmin this year. I try and try to lose weight and nothing. Before all this I lost 20 pounds no problem...still eating candy GOD forbid I lose 3 lbs for more than a 2 day period. Not only that, It is all going to my stomach...I don't know if it is stress or the pill or maybe a combination. Has anyone been on either one of these pills and then gone off and lost a significant amount of weight? Or started it and gained a significant amount? I don't really want to get off the pill because I don't want kids for a few more years but I don't want to stay chunky! (plus my face is much more clear the past couple years) Well give me advice if you got it. Thanks!

Tue. Nov 7, 2:45am

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I'm on one of the lowest hormone pills on the market - started with Mircette now on Kavlica (same active level of hormones) and did not gain weight due being on the pill...and I have actually lost weight while on the people through healthy eating and exercise. Perhaps switching to one of these types might help you.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 8:59 AM

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I'm on one of the lowest hormone pills on the market - started with Mircette now on Kavlica (same active level of hormones) and did not gain weight due being on the pill...and I have actually lost weight while on the people through healthy eating and exercise. Perhaps switching to one of these types might help you.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 8:59 AM

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I'm on one of the lowest hormone pills on the market - started with Mircette now on Kavlica (same active level of hormones) and did not gain weight due being on the pill...and I have actually lost weight while on the people through healthy eating and exercise. Perhaps switching to one of these types might help you.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 8:59 AM

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