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Anyone else suffer from constipation dominant IBS? Find anything that works more than sometimes to relieve the symptoms? I'm exhausted with this! Fiberone helps sometimes but not even it helps all the time. I tried fennel tea and that stuff is nasty! Peppermint tea works sometimes but even still...I spend most of my life with a swollen, constipated stomach. This is ridiculous. I used Zelnorm for a while...but the longer I used it the less it helped! :( This sucks! Any suggestions for getting rid of the curse?

Mon. Nov 6, 9:03am

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I suffered from IBS and I did this was torture but it was good in the end... The candida diet. It is a series of phases, During the first one you cant have any processed foods, no sugars ( even natural sugars found in fruits), no dairy etc. Basically only vegetables and protein ( there are alot of websites with better instructions) This phase lasts about 9 days. Then you gradually add back certain things like low sugar fruits and certain grains....for about 2 weeks...then you sort of follow what your body tells you. It was really difficult but is supposed to eliminate the yeast/fungus build up in our stomachs which causes ibs symptoms...and retrain your intestines to handle food. Sorry this is so vague but search for candida diet and you'll find additional info!:)

Monday, November 6, 2006, 12:03 PM

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I suffered from IBS and I did this was torture but it was good in the end... The candida diet. It is a series of phases, During the first one you cant have any processed foods, no sugars ( even natural sugars found in fruits), no dairy etc. Basically only vegetables and protein ( there are alot of websites with better instructions) This phase lasts about 9 days. Then you gradually add back certain things like low sugar fruits and certain grains....for about 2 weeks...then you sort of follow what your body tells you. It was really difficult but is supposed to eliminate the yeast/fungus build up in our stomachs which causes ibs symptoms...and retrain your intestines to handle food. Sorry this is so vague but search for candida diet and you'll find additional info!:)

Monday, November 6, 2006, 12:03 PM

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I suffered from IBS and I did this was torture but it was good in the end... The candida diet. It is a series of phases, During the first one you cant have any processed foods, no sugars ( even natural sugars found in fruits), no dairy etc. Basically only vegetables and protein ( there are alot of websites with better instructions) This phase lasts about 9 days. Then you gradually add back certain things like low sugar fruits and certain grains....for about 2 weeks...then you sort of follow what your body tells you. It was really difficult but is supposed to eliminate the yeast/fungus build up in our stomachs which causes ibs symptoms...and retrain your intestines to handle food. Sorry this is so vague but search for candida diet and you'll find additional info!:)

Monday, November 6, 2006, 12:03 PM

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use of probotics

A friend of mine is a nurse and recently brought up the importance of using probotics in our daily diet for digestive health. I found think link now. It looks good, at least to read up about the benefits of probotics.


Good luck!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 4:10 PM

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use of probotics

A friend of mine is a nurse and recently brought up the importance of using probotics in our daily diet for digestive health. I found think link now. It looks good, at least to read up about the benefits of probotics.


Good luck!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 4:10 PM

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use of probotics

A friend of mine is a nurse and recently brought up the importance of using probotics in our daily diet for digestive health. I found think link now. It looks good, at least to read up about the benefits of probotics.


Good luck!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 4:10 PM

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I suffered from IBS in highschool and a little bit in college. For me the trigger is stress and so I handle it now by getting enough sleep, enough water and stress control. I do have flare ups here and there when I'm going through a particular tough time though.
Hope that helps!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 5:11 PM

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I suffered from IBS in highschool and a little bit in college. For me the trigger is stress and so I handle it now by getting enough sleep, enough water and stress control. I do have flare ups here and there when I'm going through a particular tough time though.
Hope that helps!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 5:11 PM

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I suffered from IBS in highschool and a little bit in college. For me the trigger is stress and so I handle it now by getting enough sleep, enough water and stress control. I do have flare ups here and there when I'm going through a particular tough time though.
Hope that helps!

Monday, November 6, 2006, 5:11 PM

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Idon't have IBS but I do have IBD, and I also get very constipated. I starting using a product called PGX its a really high fiber product and I also drink 6-8 oz aloe vera juice, it tastes nasty but it really helps soothe the intestines. My dr. is really happy with the outcome. I've been doing this for almost a year now and it has made a huge difference. I now go 2x a day with no problems.

Monday, November 6, 2006, 9:00 PM

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Idon't have IBS but I do have IBD, and I also get very constipated. I starting using a product called PGX its a really high fiber product and I also drink 6-8 oz aloe vera juice, it tastes nasty but it really helps soothe the intestines. My dr. is really happy with the outcome. I've been doing this for almost a year now and it has made a huge difference. I now go 2x a day with no problems.

Monday, November 6, 2006, 9:00 PM

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Idon't have IBS but I do have IBD, and I also get very constipated. I starting using a product called PGX its a really high fiber product and I also drink 6-8 oz aloe vera juice, it tastes nasty but it really helps soothe the intestines. My dr. is really happy with the outcome. I've been doing this for almost a year now and it has made a huge difference. I now go 2x a day with no problems.

Monday, November 6, 2006, 9:00 PM

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Is this thread still alive? I'm trying to form a team of people trying to heathfully lose weight while coping with IBS (which I have), Chron's, ulcers, reflex and other conditions that screw up your tummy.

Anybody want to be part of that?

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 12:43 PM

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Is this thread still alive? I'm trying to form a team of people trying to heathfully lose weight while coping with IBS (which I have), Chron's, ulcers, reflex and other conditions that screw up your tummy.

Anybody want to be part of that?

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 12:43 PM

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Is this thread still alive? I'm trying to form a team of people trying to heathfully lose weight while coping with IBS (which I have), Chron's, ulcers, reflex and other conditions that screw up your tummy.

Anybody want to be part of that?

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 12:43 PM

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I'm reading this book called 'You on a Diet' and it says that if you suffer from constipation....high fiber foods actually slow down the process. Thats why they keep us full longer. So i wouldnt add any more fiber to your diet. I tried to lessen it a little and it has really helped me.

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 10:42 PM

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I'm reading this book called 'You on a Diet' and it says that if you suffer from constipation....high fiber foods actually slow down the process. Thats why they keep us full longer. So i wouldnt add any more fiber to your diet. I tried to lessen it a little and it has really helped me.

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 10:42 PM

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I'm reading this book called 'You on a Diet' and it says that if you suffer from constipation....high fiber foods actually slow down the process. Thats why they keep us full longer. So i wouldnt add any more fiber to your diet. I tried to lessen it a little and it has really helped me.

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 10:42 PM

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 9:43 AM

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to 12:43 poster. I am in a group call UC/ibd support. We have 1 opening for another member if you would like to join us.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 9:45 AM

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to 12:43 poster. I am in a group call UC/ibd support. We have 1 opening for another member if you would like to join us.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 9:45 AM

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to 12:43 poster. I am in a group call UC/ibd support. We have 1 opening for another member if you would like to join us.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 9:45 AM

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