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A theory of mine...why the 10 pounds comes back.

I'm in a group and one of the members was slow starting but then really got into it. She started counting points and working out (running) almost 5 days a week! She was stoked. She looked and felt so good that she met a guy. They went out on a date, the date went well. She worked out even harder. Lost a couple of more pounds. Then she went out on the second date. Didn't go so well. She was bummed out, stopped working out as much, started eating more. When she came back after 7 or 8 weeks, she had gained every single pound back. And she was really discouraged.

This got me thinking, what's the goal behind the goal? Is she losing the weight because she wants to feel good about herself in a relationship? And then when that doesn't seem "possible" anymore, she temporarily gets derailed in her weight loss?

Tue. Oct 4, 9:51am

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She's an emotional eater. I think realizing what your eating triggers are is a huge step. If we could all say, "Hey, I just want to be as healthy and strong as possible and I'm not going to get hung up on what the scale says", we'd all be happier. If someone is losing weight to please others, it is not going to work. You have to do it for yourself.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 11:43 AM

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the best way to find our bad habbits and find solutions is to write them down. if you use your log to write how you were feeling and why you were feeling that way itll help you realize when you need to eat and when you dont. many of us who eat when we r stressed or upset need to find other ways to deal with our problems rather than eating and people who eat when they are happy should find other ways to enjoy their happiness like watching a movie rather than going out to eat to celebrate. i may have gotten a little off track here but i think i made my point

Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 9:31 PM

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stressed eating

ok, so i know i eat when i am stressed out. for instance, today my advisor -- who controls whether or not i get a Master's this autumn quarter or during the Winter quarter -- told me that it's unlikely i'll get it this quarter. not nice--that's another three months and another 2,000$ spent!

and so, i came home, had a healthy dinner, and sat down to do work. five mins into writing i decided i wanted cookies (these small-little-ten-pieces-equals-3-grams-of-fat-and-130-cals-chocolate-organic-goodness-cookies). i grabbed about 7, ate them and did some work. then, when i got up again, i grabbed about 7 more. over the course of the evening i've had about 25 (probably over estimating here, but seriously, i've gone to get some three times now and five easily fit in my hand and once i think i dove in twice)

now my point here is that i know i went back in to the kitchen b/c i am stressed about what my advisor said. i really want to graduate this quarter REALLY! and each time i went to the fridge i thought, "i know why i am doing this." but honestly, it made me feel better (if for a split second).

so my question is, what the HECK else should i do? i know i'm "emotionally" eating, but how in the world am i supposed to stop it? What's supposed to take its place? those cookies made me feel better.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sick of this cycle. either i've got to figure out how to not be stressed out (which basically means i'd have to drop out of Grad school; it's nuts) or i've got to find some other thing that calms me like food. cause really, like i said, those cookies did help me unwind.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 9:51 PM

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the only way I can keep myself from not eating when I'm stressed is to make sure I have no access to things I'd want to eat. I keep no crackers, cookies, candy, popcorn, NOTHING snacky in my kitchen. That way, if I really, really want something, I have to go to the store, which involves way more work than just going to the kitchen.

In short, I practice all of my self control in the grocery store - if I don't buy it, I won't eat it. If it gets to my kitchen, it will definitely get eaten. So I just make sure I don't buy anything I don't want to be eating.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 10:46 AM

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