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how is it that i went away for about 24 hours (sat am to sunday pm) and yes, in that time i let myself splurge, ate more than normal and drank quite a bit...and i am up 10 lbs. from saturday morning???? TEN POUNDS??? how is this even possible? i guess my metabolism sucks...sorry, i had to vent as i nearly died when i just stepped on the scale! :(
Tue. Oct 4, 6:20am
got to be water weight.
or the scale, or so many things, so many factors. Seriously, give your body a rest with the salt, etc for the day and see what happens. weigh yourself tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 6:28 AM
make sure you are weighing yourself under the same conditions every time you do so. Usually the best time is in the morning, with nothing on.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 6:39 AM
Did you drink a lot of alcohol?
Lots of sugar in alcohol which converts to fat that clings to your belly. Fried foods also has a tendency to do this. And a hidden culprit? Soy sauce. I've experienced at least a 5 pound fluctuation on the scale following just one evening on sushi.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 6:41 AM
thanks guys - i did drink quite a bit but even so, to gain 10 lbs is just rididulous...i have been drinking lots of water to rehydrate but the # hasn't changed from yesterday to today, i just don't understand how this is possible! it's going to take my forever to lose this again! 24 hrs ruined a few months of weight loss, i am so frustrated!
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 6:49 AM
weight varies considerably throughout the day
I always weigh myself in the morning before breakfast just to be consistent.
But on a couple of occasions I stepped on the scale later in the day. One time I weighed 8 lbs more! No joke.
I think you digest food, lose water, etc. during the night. If you weigh yourself during the day, you're weighing all that food and water you've consumed.
Don't weight yourself like that, you will get discouraging results. Weigh yourself in the morning before eating or drinking and you'll get a more accurate picture of the trend.
I will add that there have been days when I splurged and the next day went back to normal, and the weight immediately dropped right back down... my theory is that your body always seeks homeostasis -- It wants to maintain whatever your current weight is.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 9:36 AM
sudden weight gain
there could be so many factors beyond just eating. Sure - eating and drinking and splurging will add weight - but, it could be as simple as monthly pre-menstral bloating.
Keep trying to flush out your system with lots of water, and if bloating is an issue - then get hold of some water tablets. water pills are awesome for keeping that bloat away.
don't worry to much - if it's an issue of water gain - it'll come off a lot more quickly than if it is 'fat' weight.
it would be impossible to gain 10 lbs. of fat in 24 hours... one lb = 3500 calories. But, it is possible to retain fluids, either from monthly cycle/hormone changes, or from reactions to certain foods/drinks. Don't despair - go back to your healthy diet and the weight will come off.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 3:34 PM
10 pounds in 24 hours, IMPOSSIBLE! You either are retaining a lot of water ate way to much salt or are about to get your period. It takes an extra 3500 calories to gain 1 pound and that is on top of the amount of calories it takes to sustain your current weight. Don't worry or freak out, it will more then likely go away in a day or two or you'll get your period.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 4:36 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:36 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:36 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:36 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:36 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:37 PM
pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again:)
I tend to freak out like that as well....once i went on this diet that had me drinking tons of water and I was still upset that the scale said i weighed 10 pounds more(even though I realized later it was the water). I like to keep the facts in mind. 3500 calories equals one pound. that is 3500 calories that u dont burn off...If your metabolism is very slow and you only burn 1000 calories a day not the average 2000 than you would have to have eaten 4500 calories in one day even just to really gain a pound....there is no way you at 45,000 calories in one day!:) I try to keep things in perpective. If I burn 1500 cals a day and eat 5000 on a saturday night splurge than all I need to do is eat 500 less every day for the next week, or 250 less for 2 weeks, or take an extra walk everyday to burn them off. They used to remind us at weight watchers that weightloss is a process,we didnt put the weight on in one weekend, it took months or years, and it wont come off in one weekend.We dont have to let a dinner party or a midnight splurge send us off our whole diet.small mistakes are easy enough to fix, I know its hard, just try not to be discouraged, you can be back on track in no time.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:37 PM
very sorry my computer has spazzed out.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 5:37 PM
double post
the double posting above deserves to be posted twice. it's BRILLIANT advice and i'm taking it. i was feeling a little discouraged a second ago. i just weighed myself and i weigh only one pound less than two weeks ago. GRR. i know i feel slimmer, but that damn number on the scale is getting to me! it's nice to be reminded to put things in perspective; i always knew this was going to take time. i just have to continue to be patient. we all do.
so thanks to whoever posted (twice ;), carrieanne (diamond group)
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 6:14 PM
seriously, thank you to all of you who replied...made my day easier....i lost a lot of the weight, i am still up a little but that's to be expected after the binging and the again, thank you, it's nice to have people who can put it into perspective when i cannot! :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 10:20 AM
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