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UNO's pizza and other secrets

Just wrote about this in a team and thought I'd share it here. I used to work at UNO's during college and if you saw the way that the cooks made that pizza I don't know if you'd ever touch it again. The sheer amount of butter used in the crust, doubled up again and again, should be outlawed. Does anyone else have any "behind the scenes" advice from restaurants, the kind you only see when you've been a waitress or worked in the kitchen? I'd love to read it.

Wed. Nov 1, 10:14am

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i don't have any dirty secrets, but i find that just looking up a restaurant's nutrition info really changes how i see the food and what i order. yesterday i looked up the info for sonic and saw how much trans fats are in their food. also, a shake i sometimes get has 750 calories! no wonder i'm not losing weight! you can bet i won't be ordering that again, unless i'm splitting it or something!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 10:23 AM

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i don't have any dirty secrets, but i find that just looking up a restaurant's nutrition info really changes how i see the food and what i order. yesterday i looked up the info for sonic and saw how much trans fats are in their food. also, a shake i sometimes get has 750 calories! no wonder i'm not losing weight! you can bet i won't be ordering that again, unless i'm splitting it or something!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 10:23 AM

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i don't have any dirty secrets, but i find that just looking up a restaurant's nutrition info really changes how i see the food and what i order. yesterday i looked up the info for sonic and saw how much trans fats are in their food. also, a shake i sometimes get has 750 calories! no wonder i'm not losing weight! you can bet i won't be ordering that again, unless i'm splitting it or something!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 10:23 AM

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I worked as a chef for over 10 years-I used to struggle with cooks that wanted to throw in a big spoon of compound butter at the last minute for flavor and consistancy. It is very easy to make things taste good with an aresenal of heavy cream, butter, oil and the like (I would say NEVER order a cream or butter based dish in a restaurant). Fortunately we have many more culinary graduates who have learned to work with local flavors, fresh seasonings and a wider range of international influences. If you use common sense, order items that are grilled, steamed , broiled or poached, ask for dressings and sauces on the side, ask for light or no cheese, sour cream, etc) you should be ok. To be honest, most cooks are not that aware nutritionally of the impact of what they are doing and/or don't care. .

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 12:44 PM

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I worked as a chef for over 10 years-I used to struggle with cooks that wanted to throw in a big spoon of compound butter at the last minute for flavor and consistancy. It is very easy to make things taste good with an aresenal of heavy cream, butter, oil and the like (I would say NEVER order a cream or butter based dish in a restaurant). Fortunately we have many more culinary graduates who have learned to work with local flavors, fresh seasonings and a wider range of international influences. If you use common sense, order items that are grilled, steamed , broiled or poached, ask for dressings and sauces on the side, ask for light or no cheese, sour cream, etc) you should be ok. To be honest, most cooks are not that aware nutritionally of the impact of what they are doing and/or don't care. .

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 12:44 PM

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I worked as a chef for over 10 years-I used to struggle with cooks that wanted to throw in a big spoon of compound butter at the last minute for flavor and consistancy. It is very easy to make things taste good with an aresenal of heavy cream, butter, oil and the like (I would say NEVER order a cream or butter based dish in a restaurant). Fortunately we have many more culinary graduates who have learned to work with local flavors, fresh seasonings and a wider range of international influences. If you use common sense, order items that are grilled, steamed , broiled or poached, ask for dressings and sauces on the side, ask for light or no cheese, sour cream, etc) you should be ok. To be honest, most cooks are not that aware nutritionally of the impact of what they are doing and/or don't care. .

Wednesday, November 1, 2006, 12:44 PM

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