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Could there be something wrong with my metabolism?
I'm afraid theres something wrong with my metabolism, I know that a person isnt supposed to go under 1200 calories a day even when trying to lose weight( I have 10 pounds to drop) but I have been eating 1200 for as long as I can remember and nothing has budged. I thought for a while I was eating too little so I increased to 1600 but that only made me gain weight. for the last few weeks I've been eating around 1000 but still no change. I dont eat sugar or complex carbs... mainly I eat lean meats and veggies and nuts. I walk everywhere and hike for 30 minutes every day. I'm not sure what to do, I feel so restricted that yesterday I got upset because I had half a cup of granola and a handful of shredded wheat and now that feels like cheating to me. Should I see a doctor? I'm mystified and discouraged.
Sat. Oct 1, 9:51am
If you're concerned, ask your dr. They can check your thyroid levels to see if you're in a normal range. You may be at your ideal weight. Honestly, I don't think a dr. is going to think your metabolism is slow if you only have 10 pounds to lose. I don't have a thyroid and am able to lose weight with eating right, exercise and replacement hormones. It sounds like you're pretty active. Have you tried strength training? You may not see your weight go down, especially right away, but it will help you get leaner and kick up your metabolism.
Saturday, October 1, 2005, 10:36 AM
Its possible your body is at a comfortable weight for how you eat and your activity level. Do you eat 3 meals a day? If you do try eating 4 meals a day and increasing your cals to 1400, so really you would only be eating an extra 200 cals and that would be considered a snack. After all you need food to burn fat, a horrible thing that took me a long time to grasp. Its also possible that you think you still need to lose 10 pounds but in reality you don't. You might just be where you should be for your build and age. And really, granola and shredded wheat? Not such bad stuff, you shouldn't feel bad. I never think of the way I eat as restricted, if I did I wouldn't lose anything, I see it as eating healthy and I don't deprieve myself of something I want just in small amounts and not too often, that way when I do have something I want I don't feel bad or like I defeated my goal. Good luck...
Saturday, October 1, 2005, 11:12 AM
You should DEFINITELY see a doctor. Getting upset about granola and shredded wheat isn't healthy - everything is ok in moderation! And unless you are a very small person, 1200 cals a day could send your body into starvation mode (where it slows everything down as much as possible because it thinks it's not going to get more food tomorrow.) If you're not comfortable talking to your doctor, you could also talk to a nutritionist. He or she can help you find a healthy balance between fat, protein, and carbs, and also how many cals/day you should be aiming for.
Monday, October 3, 2005, 9:06 AM
I do recommend that you go see the dr first. If they are unable to find a reason, then I suggest that you be tested for allergies. Or, if you do not wish to do that, try a diet that cuts out common foods that cause allergic reactions, then adds them back in slowly. This will allow you to decide what your body does not like.
I had to do this after my blood work showed that I was fine. I followed the Fat Flush Plan, and found that I was allergic to white bread and potatoes. I cut them out of my diet and lost 25 pounds in 2 months. I did not change anything else...I did not change my eating habits or my exercise.
Monday, October 3, 2005, 9:30 AM
same for me
I'm as frustrated as you. I mainly eat veggies, tofu and egg whites (I'm a vegetarian). I restrict my carbs as much as possible and stay away from sugar, honey, etc. I work out for over an hour every weekday (50 minutes of cardio). Over the years I've had to increase my exercise, but even that isn't working lately. Just a month and a half ago I got back to my 'thin' self, pretty flat belly. Literally, two or three weeks later I had ballooned back, though continuing with the exercise as always. I did splurge a few times in those weeks (maybe some candy or a white-bread sandwich instead of my usual salad and diet jello), but the weight gain seems much more extreme than it's ever been, and in such a short period of time.
I, too, am worried about my metabolism. Sure, I might splurge once in a while (on average once a week), but if you're exercising tons and strict about eating normally, is that enough to make you gain weight? And is it worth feeling deprived all the time anyway? Sometimes I get so pissed off about it, I almost want to stray from my good eating habits just out of spite.
I finally made a doc appointment and will go next week. I actually hope it is a problem that can be altered. But to be honest, I expect the doctor to say, sorry, these things are genetic. Period.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 8:19 AM
Definitely get your thyroid level checked out, because that will cause your metabolism to slow down. I've been on thyroid medication for 15 years. You would also feel very tired and sluggish if your thyroid is not working properly, but you are pretty active.
Use the link below to calculate how many calories you need per day for your age, weight, and height.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 2:29 PM
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