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I'm supposed to get 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. How much is a serving?

Tue. Oct 24, 9:33pm

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Getting 5 a day is relatively easy. Here are guidelines from the 5aday website.

What is a serving?

1 medium-size fruit

3/4 cup (6 oz.) of 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice

1/2 cup fresh, frozen, or canned fruit (in 100 percent juice) or vegetables

1 cup of raw leafy greens

1/2 cup peas or beans — cooked dry, frozen, or canned

1/4 cup dried fruit


Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:52 PM

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Getting 5 a day is relatively easy. Here are guidelines from the 5aday website.

What is a serving?

1 medium-size fruit

3/4 cup (6 oz.) of 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice

1/2 cup fresh, frozen, or canned fruit (in 100 percent juice) or vegetables

1 cup of raw leafy greens

1/2 cup peas or beans — cooked dry, frozen, or canned

1/4 cup dried fruit


Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:52 PM

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Getting 5 a day is relatively easy. Here are guidelines from the 5aday website.

What is a serving?

1 medium-size fruit

3/4 cup (6 oz.) of 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice

1/2 cup fresh, frozen, or canned fruit (in 100 percent juice) or vegetables

1 cup of raw leafy greens

1/2 cup peas or beans — cooked dry, frozen, or canned

1/4 cup dried fruit


Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:52 PM

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Here's a site that someone in my group gave us.

Sorry don't know how to add it as a link.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:54 PM

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Here's a site that someone in my group gave us.

Sorry don't know how to add it as a link.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:54 PM

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Here's a site that someone in my group gave us.

Sorry don't know how to add it as a link.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:54 PM

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I say a serving is a cup period. I mean come on, 2 1/2 cups of veggies is enough for the entire day??? That means the rest of what you're eating is grain and meat. My guess is that you eat more than 5 cups of food a day- do you really want fruit and veggies to account for less than half of what you're eating?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 1:42 PM

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I say a serving is a cup period. I mean come on, 2 1/2 cups of veggies is enough for the entire day??? That means the rest of what you're eating is grain and meat. My guess is that you eat more than 5 cups of food a day- do you really want fruit and veggies to account for less than half of what you're eating?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 1:42 PM

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I say a serving is a cup period. I mean come on, 2 1/2 cups of veggies is enough for the entire day??? That means the rest of what you're eating is grain and meat. My guess is that you eat more than 5 cups of food a day- do you really want fruit and veggies to account for less than half of what you're eating?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 1:42 PM

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