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Ideas for lunch today - Going out...

I have to run out for lunch - can anyone give me some quick suggestions as to healthy quick lunch to go?

Fri. Oct 20, 11:23am

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-or- grab a salad from your groecery store's salad bar (if availble)

-or- Grab a salad from a fast food joint-- if it's only today then you have nothing to fear, but be sure to watch the dressing.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:26 AM

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-or- grab a salad from your groecery store's salad bar (if availble)

-or- Grab a salad from a fast food joint-- if it's only today then you have nothing to fear, but be sure to watch the dressing.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:26 AM

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-or- grab a salad from your groecery store's salad bar (if availble)

-or- Grab a salad from a fast food joint-- if it's only today then you have nothing to fear, but be sure to watch the dressing.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:26 AM

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I find mexican food pretty easy to work with - all you have to do is avoid the fried stuff like chimichangas and lay off the quesadillas if the place tends to be heavy handed with the cheese (my favorite take-out is light on the cheese and heavy on the, lots of tasty protein).

Subway & Blimpie are good too, if you want a more definite calorie count.

Greek and middle-eastern places have tons of good, healthy options as long as you stay away from minced lamb/gyros.

Wendy's Value menu...get the $1 chili and the $1 potato. Pour the chili over the potato and voila - 380 calories and lots of smart fiber.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:50 AM

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I find mexican food pretty easy to work with - all you have to do is avoid the fried stuff like chimichangas and lay off the quesadillas if the place tends to be heavy handed with the cheese (my favorite take-out is light on the cheese and heavy on the, lots of tasty protein).

Subway & Blimpie are good too, if you want a more definite calorie count.

Greek and middle-eastern places have tons of good, healthy options as long as you stay away from minced lamb/gyros.

Wendy's Value menu...get the $1 chili and the $1 potato. Pour the chili over the potato and voila - 380 calories and lots of smart fiber.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:50 AM

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I find mexican food pretty easy to work with - all you have to do is avoid the fried stuff like chimichangas and lay off the quesadillas if the place tends to be heavy handed with the cheese (my favorite take-out is light on the cheese and heavy on the, lots of tasty protein).

Subway & Blimpie are good too, if you want a more definite calorie count.

Greek and middle-eastern places have tons of good, healthy options as long as you stay away from minced lamb/gyros.

Wendy's Value menu...get the $1 chili and the $1 potato. Pour the chili over the potato and voila - 380 calories and lots of smart fiber.

Friday, October 20, 2006, 11:50 AM

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I like au bon pain soups, and most are under 250 cals for a "medium," which is 12oz, so a lot of soup. A whole wheat baguette to go with it is another 250 cals, for a total of 500, or mix it up and get a side of grapes and a side of carrot sticks, or they also sell hard-boiled eggs in their refrigerator. Their salads are good too, and their raspberry vinaigrette is only around 80 cals for the whole packet!

Friday, October 20, 2006, 4:36 PM

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I like au bon pain soups, and most are under 250 cals for a "medium," which is 12oz, so a lot of soup. A whole wheat baguette to go with it is another 250 cals, for a total of 500, or mix it up and get a side of grapes and a side of carrot sticks, or they also sell hard-boiled eggs in their refrigerator. Their salads are good too, and their raspberry vinaigrette is only around 80 cals for the whole packet!

Friday, October 20, 2006, 4:36 PM

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I like au bon pain soups, and most are under 250 cals for a "medium," which is 12oz, so a lot of soup. A whole wheat baguette to go with it is another 250 cals, for a total of 500, or mix it up and get a side of grapes and a side of carrot sticks, or they also sell hard-boiled eggs in their refrigerator. Their salads are good too, and their raspberry vinaigrette is only around 80 cals for the whole packet!

Friday, October 20, 2006, 4:36 PM

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