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How Do You Stop a Binge?

Ok, so I'm sitting in my house right now. And I am hungry. I'm drinking unsweetened tea like crazy, so I know I'm not thirsty. I ate a large meal about 6 hours ago, so I know it's possible that I am actually hungry. I ate an apple, and it has sort of eased the hunger, but I AM STILL HUNGRY. I asked my husband if he was hungry since we ate so long ago, and mentioned that I "guess I could heat up one of my lean cuisine's or something". He looks over his shoulder and goes "nah, don't do that. You already ate today, remember?" Firstly, I was so embarassed that I left the room. Secondly, I don't know how to interpret or deal with it. Is he right? Did I eat my full meal (hadn't eaten anything until we had dinner at 4:30-5ish) when I had a larger dinner (not scary huge, just very full meal), and I just need to not eat anything else tonight? Do I need to just "suck it up" and forget about food tonight? Do I need to choke my prat husband and say "I am an adult, darn it, and if I'm hungry, you should trust me that I am ACTUALLY hunrgry, especially when I'm only talking about eating a Lean Cuisine"?

What do you do when you're not sure whether to eat or not eat? Because right now, I don't really know anymore whether I'm hungry because of not eating for several hours or that I was originally trying to eat from boredom but now (after my husband's comment) I'm trying to eat out of being upset?


Wed. Sep 28, 9:03pm

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I know I'm hungry if vegetables and/or some kind of protein sounds good when I think about them or see or smell them. If only sweets and carbs sound good, I know I'm not hungry and I have some other reason for wanting to eat.

Another way I can tell is if I am doing something else (this especially applies at work...I don't keep snack food in my house, so I don't snack at night), but I keep coming back to food over and over again. I'll try to eat something small (100 cals or less), and if, even after going back to whatever it was that was occupying my brain before, I still come back to food in 30 minutes, then I know I'm hungry and not just bored.

Also, your comment about knowing you aren't thirsty is very important. I read that the thirst mechanism in americans is so weak that something like 90% of the population mistakes the feeling of thirst for hunger.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 9:18 PM

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Emotional eating is so hard - hang in there! And tomorrow, when you're not upset any more, talk to your husband about it...he needs to be supportive of you, and while he might think he is by saying what he said, it's not working for you, so he needs to try something else.

I'd say try some low cal, high volume food (like spinach or popcorn with minimal amounts of butter) where you can eat a ton and still only get 200 calories. Or add a little peanut butter or cheese to your apple - sometimes a little fat can turn off the hunger signal.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 9:23 PM

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I just have to say something about the husband thing - he probably was trying to be helpful, knowing you're trying to lose weight, but still, they're pretty thick about wording their comments, aren't they!?! Don't ask his advice on eating. You need to make the decisions yourself.

If you ate dinner around 5 pm, then yes, 6 hours later, you would probably be legitimately hungry again. But it will do you NO good to be eating at 11:00 at night. Maybe eat dinner a little later so that you're not starving while you're still awake. And if you must eat something, eat a piece of fruit or a few celery or carrot sticks.

I have started eating dinner early too, and I have just trained myself not to eat after dinner. It's been one of the catalysts in my weight loss success. I drink water if I get a gnawing in my belly. The good thing is that you get used to it after a week or so and your body adjusts: you won't be feeling so hungry at night if you can just stick with it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 9:25 PM

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Yep... Thick is a word for it. We talked about it later, though, and he realized it wasn't well said... It's hard for me not to eat later at night because we're on a third-shift schedule, so when you're up until 3 or 4 am every day, 11 p.m. is like a normal person's 5 or 6 p.m....

Trying to figure that one out-- I'll try your "training" idea...

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 4:19 PM

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how to stop a binge

i would talk to your husband and thank him for for trying to be helpful but let him know he should try and help you through your cravings rather than just telling you not to eat. i would say that you probably were hungry but if you have a slow metabolism like me a medium size meal once daily is really all the food i need. if you ever think you could be craving b/c of emotions try to talk or if its out of boredom try and complete something that you've been meaning to do and it'll distract u and you'll be proud just for the accoplishment.

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 8:59 PM

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Loft plan

darn it, and if I'm hungry, you should trust me that I am ACTUALLY hunrgry, especially when I'm only talking about eating a Lean Cuisine"? Loft plan

Sunday, December 25, 2016, 4:12 PM

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Event Planner San Diego

if I'm hungry, you should trust me that I am ACTUALLY hunrgry, especially when I'm only talking about eating a Lean Cuisine"? Event Planner San Diego

Saturday, December 31, 2016, 4:36 PM

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