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6 pounds of water weight? DURING A FAST

I have started a week long fast... and i decided not to weigh myself for the first 3 days...hoping to find results even if slight ones by day 4. I'm consuming about 100 oz of liquids (soup, tea, juice) etc each day. So today I stepped on the scale....about an hour ago (mid afternoon). AND ITS 6 POUNDS MORE...I weighed myself after eating 1/2 a pizza last week and its was 4 pounds less. I'm just confused. I've had alot of water today but I've also peed like 10 times. how does water weight work? I'm having a spastic moment.

Wed. Oct 18, 5:45pm

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I've never been on a fast, but maybe your body is in starvation mode- how many calories were you consuming each day before the fast? How many days have you been on the fast? Why are you fasting? Have you research fasting? Have you contact a doctor/nutritionalist for feedback before starting your fast?

Could be water weight- how much salt were you consuming before your fast? Are you eating canned soup now (as part of the fst?) Canned soups have A LOT of sodium. Also, is it *that* time of the month?

Good luck- hope you get it sorted out.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 5:54 PM

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I've never been on a fast, but maybe your body is in starvation mode- how many calories were you consuming each day before the fast? How many days have you been on the fast? Why are you fasting? Have you research fasting? Have you contact a doctor/nutritionalist for feedback before starting your fast?

Could be water weight- how much salt were you consuming before your fast? Are you eating canned soup now (as part of the fst?) Canned soups have A LOT of sodium. Also, is it *that* time of the month?

Good luck- hope you get it sorted out.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 5:54 PM

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I've never been on a fast, but maybe your body is in starvation mode- how many calories were you consuming each day before the fast? How many days have you been on the fast? Why are you fasting? Have you research fasting? Have you contact a doctor/nutritionalist for feedback before starting your fast?

Could be water weight- how much salt were you consuming before your fast? Are you eating canned soup now (as part of the fst?) Canned soups have A LOT of sodium. Also, is it *that* time of the month?

Good luck- hope you get it sorted out.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 5:54 PM

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For relatively consistent "water weight", only weigh yourself first thing in the morning after peeing. After that, it's affected by the actual weight of the food/water you've consumed.

Another tip - when fat cells empty of fat, they temporarily swell with water. I used to wonder if that was a myth until I had a massage therapist "prove" this to me by gently massaging my completely changed the shape of it and resulted in many trips to the bathroom that evening. The hydration percentage on the scale the next morning was a full point less than it had been.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 6:00 PM

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For relatively consistent "water weight", only weigh yourself first thing in the morning after peeing. After that, it's affected by the actual weight of the food/water you've consumed.

Another tip - when fat cells empty of fat, they temporarily swell with water. I used to wonder if that was a myth until I had a massage therapist "prove" this to me by gently massaging my completely changed the shape of it and resulted in many trips to the bathroom that evening. The hydration percentage on the scale the next morning was a full point less than it had been.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 6:00 PM

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For relatively consistent "water weight", only weigh yourself first thing in the morning after peeing. After that, it's affected by the actual weight of the food/water you've consumed.

Another tip - when fat cells empty of fat, they temporarily swell with water. I used to wonder if that was a myth until I had a massage therapist "prove" this to me by gently massaging my completely changed the shape of it and resulted in many trips to the bathroom that evening. The hydration percentage on the scale the next morning was a full point less than it had been.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 6:00 PM

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Have you also been exercising muscles in an unaccustomed way? This can result in a temporary weight gain of several pounds. Here's a link to a thread that discussed this type of temporary weight gain.


Thursday, October 19, 2006, 6:23 AM

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Have you also been exercising muscles in an unaccustomed way? This can result in a temporary weight gain of several pounds. Here's a link to a thread that discussed this type of temporary weight gain.


Thursday, October 19, 2006, 6:23 AM

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Have you also been exercising muscles in an unaccustomed way? This can result in a temporary weight gain of several pounds. Here's a link to a thread that discussed this type of temporary weight gain.


Thursday, October 19, 2006, 6:23 AM

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