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Experienced Weight Trainers - Help!

I've been diagnosed with DVT - a blood clot in my leg. That means ZERO compression/bending on the leg for 3 months. I can do upper body weights, but what on earth can I do to get my heart rate up if I want to do circuits? A variety of sit ups and then what? I may be SOL, but figured I'd ask.

Wed. Oct 11, 5:57pm

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Can you swim? You can really get your heart rate up in a pool! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:51 PM

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Can you swim? You can really get your heart rate up in a pool! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:51 PM

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Can you swim? You can really get your heart rate up in a pool! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:51 PM

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Is your doc OK with you getting your heart rate up and the blood pumping? That's who I would ask. It sounds like you have the medical go-ahead to do upper body weights, but have you gotten the all-clear to get your heart rate up while you do? Because you can lift weights aerobically, but it sounds like you might not be able to. I would invest in a couple sessions with a trainer who can work out a program for you and make sure your form is good and you are not inadvertently putting stress on your leg - maybe a physical therapist would actually be a better choice and might be covered by your insurance.

Get well soon! Hopefully your recovery is boring and uneventful and you are back doing cardio activity before you know it!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 8:53 PM

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Is your doc OK with you getting your heart rate up and the blood pumping? That's who I would ask. It sounds like you have the medical go-ahead to do upper body weights, but have you gotten the all-clear to get your heart rate up while you do? Because you can lift weights aerobically, but it sounds like you might not be able to. I would invest in a couple sessions with a trainer who can work out a program for you and make sure your form is good and you are not inadvertently putting stress on your leg - maybe a physical therapist would actually be a better choice and might be covered by your insurance.

Get well soon! Hopefully your recovery is boring and uneventful and you are back doing cardio activity before you know it!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 8:53 PM

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Is your doc OK with you getting your heart rate up and the blood pumping? That's who I would ask. It sounds like you have the medical go-ahead to do upper body weights, but have you gotten the all-clear to get your heart rate up while you do? Because you can lift weights aerobically, but it sounds like you might not be able to. I would invest in a couple sessions with a trainer who can work out a program for you and make sure your form is good and you are not inadvertently putting stress on your leg - maybe a physical therapist would actually be a better choice and might be covered by your insurance.

Get well soon! Hopefully your recovery is boring and uneventful and you are back doing cardio activity before you know it!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 8:53 PM

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No swimming for me, I absolutely HATE it.

I'm seeing my doctor again tomorrow, but I don't feel like she is that informed about exercise and what I can and cannot do (she's fantastic in all other areas) so the recommendation to talk to my PT is great. He might know someone anyway.

I did just do upper body lifting today - 50 minutes and 489 calories (seems high?) according to my HRM, so it's all good. 9 more week until I can get back to spinning (I hope!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 10:29 PM

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No swimming for me, I absolutely HATE it.

I'm seeing my doctor again tomorrow, but I don't feel like she is that informed about exercise and what I can and cannot do (she's fantastic in all other areas) so the recommendation to talk to my PT is great. He might know someone anyway.

I did just do upper body lifting today - 50 minutes and 489 calories (seems high?) according to my HRM, so it's all good. 9 more week until I can get back to spinning (I hope!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 10:29 PM

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No swimming for me, I absolutely HATE it.

I'm seeing my doctor again tomorrow, but I don't feel like she is that informed about exercise and what I can and cannot do (she's fantastic in all other areas) so the recommendation to talk to my PT is great. He might know someone anyway.

I did just do upper body lifting today - 50 minutes and 489 calories (seems high?) according to my HRM, so it's all good. 9 more week until I can get back to spinning (I hope!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 10:29 PM

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