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Spotlight Groups - 6-week member update

Here's my update. Other spotlight members are welcome to post their updates here, too!

Since the start of the spotlight groups, I have lost about 5 pounds. I didn't weigh myself on the start day, but the friday before I weighed 139 and the friday after, I weighed 137. And as of this past friday, I weigh 133. So, it's an average! : )
Over the six weeks, I made some good progress and suffered a few setbacks, but overall I feel good about what I accomplished.
I know that along with my weight loss I gained some muscle tone. My legs and arms are looking the best they've looked in a long time - - though I admit that I still have work to do - especially on my stomach and butt!
My biggest triumph is that I was able to buy myself some new jeans this past weekend in a size 6! I have not seen that size in my closet in a long, long time.
Over the next six weeks (in my next "tour" of the spotlight group), I hope to lose the remaining 8 pounds to reach my goal of 125. I also intend to take my measurements - as soon as I can locate my tape measure - so I can more accurately track my progress. I hope to stay more focused this time and have fewer setbacks. I need to make sure I get in some exercise everyday - even if I can't make it to the gym.
My biggest challenge will be to shrink my belly. I can visibly see the progress I've made everywhere BUT my stomach. That belly fat is clinging on for dear life. I need to step up both my aerobic workouts and my zone-specific exercises (crunches, etc.).
I would appreciate any continued feedback (my group has been wonderful, by the way!) to keep me accountable and on track!
Tiffany (tnt0617 - Red group)

Tue. Sep 27, 7:31am

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Cool idea!

OK, so here's me:

I started Spotlight at just over 160 lbs., and right when I had a minor surgery so I was not able to exercise again until last week.
I have lost about 6 lbs. (and when I broke 155 two weeks ago, that marked a total of 80 lbs. lost in 3 years).
My ultimate goal is 145, so I am down to my last 10 lbs., which I know are the hardest, and since last week for the first time since I joined PEERtrainer in May, I gained a pound, they are already proving to be difficult.
I am back in the gym now and working on toning up vs. just doing cardio, which is what I was doing to lose all the weight.
I'm starting to take my measurements too.
I am almost able to fit into a size 8, which was my ultimate size goal. Most of my 10s are loose now.
Just like Tiffany, I need to work on my belly/waist--it's still pretty thick and poochy!
I hope we get to stay in the Spotlight for another six weeks because this is going to be my biggest challenge, getting these last pounds off.
I LOVE my Spotlight group!

Kate (kissmekate02 - Red group)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 9:18 AM

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12 lbs, 6 wks

i just went to have an annual and the dr. told me that my heart sounded great. she asked me if i'd been excercise a lot. i told her all about my renewed commitement to my body. she was impressed.

it was amazing to know that the dr. could hear the changes in my body. it was amazing to think that all the work i've been doing has helped my heart - the v. thing that keeps me alive. it really invigorated my sense of accomplishment and really helped me to recommit to my PeerTrainer agenda.

So, here it is. In the last six weeks i've not shedding very many lbs. i have however reached some of my fitness goals. for instance i ran 5 miles in 41 mins! i wanted to do it in 40, but i will take the 41. i couldn't run more than two miles when i started all this.

but now, it's time to lose the body fat. I am determined to lose those last 12 pounds and get down to 143. I think that over the past few weeks i hit a plateau and while I feel more toned I don't think I've lost enough overall body fat. So, I WILL lose an average of two pounds a week for the next six weeks and then, of course, I will keep them off.

i love the spotlight, i love the peertrainer.

carrieanne (white group)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 11:53 AM

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this is so motivating to read the comments, especially the last one about how the doctor could hear that the heart sounded different. I am so focused on my appearance that I completely forgot (almost) that the health benefits of what we are doing is so much more important.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 9:47 AM

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Since the spotlight started, I have not lost very much weight (2.6 lbs), but have lost inches. I've lost 2 1/4 inches in my chest (thank God!), 1/4 inch in the waist, and 3/4 of an inch on each thigh. I have noticed a difference in my clothes, a difference in how I feel, and a difference in my confidence. I am making a commitment to myself to do this again for another 6 weeks and see how much further I can come! Hopefully this time w/out the headaches and back pain :)

Thank you BLUE group! I loved listening to Amanda and Alester's back and forth comments. You guys are so entertaining. And SuzyQ - what you've already achieved is SO motivating for me considering how far you've come since you started (since we started at about the same weight - the 190's). If we don't end up in a group together somewhere down the line, best of luck to everyone!


Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 12:01 PM

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Ok guys, what are your goals for Spotlight #2?

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 12:30 PM

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My goals for this six week period is to continue to lose at least one pound per week. I want to continue to get some form of exercise nearly every day. I'm trying to make myself aware of how much water I am/am not drinking and I want to make sure I take my vitamins every day.

I have a daughter who is overweight for her age and I'm working very hard at helping her make good food choices and keep her active every day. It's funny to hear her say she shouldn't have something because it has too much sugar. She will also say how much she loves broccoli and how good it is for her. That it's healthy and makes her strong. I don't want to just force my ideas down her throat but want to teach her about moderation, healthy eating and the benefits of exercise. She is only five! I wish my parents had done that for me as a child. Different generations.

I'm enjoying getting to know my new group members. I like to see what everyone else is doing and what's working/not working. With having more weight to lose than most of the spotlight members I feel like I'm at a different place for the most part. When I type in how much I weigh I think, "they must think I'm just huge. They have 10 pounds to lose. I have 63." Then I remember that we're all here with a common goal and everyone needs the same support whether it's for 10 pounds or 63.

I want to go shopping and just try on clothes to see where I'm at with my size. My current clothes are all loose but still very wearable. Most of them I haven't been able to wear in years so they seem new to me! I think I have till about the first of next year before I have to really start buying something other than a couple of pairs of jeans to get me by.

aka loricbme

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 6:58 PM

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Lori, I started with 90 pounds to lose--we all start somewhere!

My goal for this next Spotlight segment is to hit my ultimate weight goal, which is 145. As of last week I am 7 pounds away. I want to fit into a size 8, and I am ALMOST there. In order to get there I am going to continue eating healthy and I am working out harder in the gym, doing half cardio and half weight training, at least 4 times a week.

Kate (kissmekate02)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 7:21 PM

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lori -

I wish my parents had done that more for me. You're giving your daughter tools for LIFE right now!

My goal for spotlight #2 is not a weight loss number, but to dramatially make room for exercise in my life. If I can increse the number of times I workout ever week with some help and support (even if it's you all screaming at me GO TO THE GYM LINZ!) I will consider it a great success!


Thursday, October 6, 2005, 11:05 AM

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My goal for this spotlight is to end weighing less than I started. At least 5lbs would be nice, but anything will give me momentum!

I also want to be able to catch myself before I slide too far off track. I am no perfect eater and I do believe in the philosophy "focus on progress instead of perfection"

AND...keep working on establishing regular workouts and having it ingrained in my schedule so when things get crazy, this is still a good habit to fall back on.
I'm working on the at least 3x a week: 1 each of body/mind, cardio, strength.

Christina (hearts)

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 12:03 PM

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teaching the children

I, too, think you are providing your daughter with something priceless! I agree that it is so important to teach children about nutrition and fitness when they are very young - - and teach them in a way that is fun and exciting, or at least not drudgery. I have 3 nieces who are overweight. I fault their parents for not setting a good example and/or teaching them about the importance of nutrition ("you don't need ice cream after dinner every night") and exercise ("get outside and run around - - play!"), but I also have a problem with people like my mother who thought she was being nice when she mentioned to the 11-year-old, "you've lost some weight! you're looking good!" 11-year-olds should NOT be concerned with weightloss. They should be concerned with being healthy and strong and being good and having fun and whatever ideals I can throw in there.
I guess I've gone off on a tangent. But I guess that leads me to another goal. My goal is to get in shape and be happy and healthy as an example to my children (my daughters AND my son). I don't deny that I want to be thinner than I am right now. I admit that my fat makes me uncomfortable with myself, and that I feel better when I know I "look good." But I would like to foster as much self-worth in my kids as I can before the views of the world warp their self-esteem. Easier said than done - but I'll try!!

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 7:47 PM

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Childrens eating habits

Parenting can be soooo hard. I think of myself a year ago and where I am now and it's two totally different places. I remember how easy it was to say to my daughter, "go ahead and have an ice cream sandwich" instead of telling her no and getting into an argument. The whining, the crying... oy vey! We don't keep any junk food in our house anymore. So if she wants something it's usually a much healthier, beneficial snack. I remember thinking that I didn't want to give up the ice cream every night so how could I ask her to? I wasn't being a good example. For the previous poster, I think you will do great at helping your kids. Just being aware is a huge step.

aka loricbme

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 8:03 PM

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