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where's that thread about "loose" vs. "lose"??

Okay, fine - so some people type loose when they mean lose. Typo? maybe. Just not knowing? fine. But I saw it misspelled in an AD!! These little Google ads that are on the right side of the page --->
There was an ad for and it offered a way to "Loose 10 pounds!" I would fire the person who submitted that ad.

Thu. Sep 22, 1:08pm

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God, that annoys the CRAP out of me! I mean, when we regular people are writing, yeah, we make mistakes, some of us have words that we just never spell right...but when it's someone's JOB to proofread and to put information out there about a company, come on!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005, 2:11 PM

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Maybe it was a play on words....

Friday, September 23, 2005, 1:57 AM

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It's really funny 'cause when I read your post the ad was the first one so your arrow pointed straight to it...what can I say, I'm amused by the little things in life...

Friday, September 23, 2005, 9:38 AM

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English Minor --> I'm Shuddering Right Now

OK, so maybe I have some sort of problem- I can accept that. I'm that person who (when the drive-through window is broken and they put up a hand-made sign that says "please drive to front of restraunt") pulls the sign into her car, corrects it with a marker, and puts it back up. It drives me CRAZY! My husband jokes on me about it constantly, but I agree with you completely- proofreaders who fail that miserably need to find a new vocation!

Friday, September 23, 2005, 4:41 PM

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I admit, I used to type loose instead of lose all the time - I just didn't know the difference. Now that I do, I'm trying not to make that mistake any more!

But can I say that it bugs the heck out of me when people type "your" instead of "you're"? So in the vein of just in case someone doesn't know the difference (rather than is just not paying attention while typing)...

"Your" is an adjective just like "my" or "his" or "hers." (This is your ipod and those are his ear buds.)

"You're" is a contraction for "you are" just like "isn't" is a contraction for "is not." ("You're a good listener, but he isn't.")

Therefore..."Your work exceeds all our expectations. You're going to get a huge bonus this year."

Friday, September 30, 2005, 8:46 AM

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