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blood sugar crashes
I just wrote about this to someone in my group but I would love to learn more. Anyone know how your adrenals impact blood sugar? Also, how to avoid crashes in your blood sugar levels to maintain your energy? TIA.
Tue. Sep 26, 10:19am
I control my bood sugars by eating right, eating often, and working out hard. I am Hypoglucimia, and over the years have learned what works for me, I try to stay away from loads of fruit, sugar, and pasta. But I know everyone is different.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:04 AM
I control my bood sugars by eating right, eating often, and working out hard. I am Hypoglucimia, and over the years have learned what works for me, I try to stay away from loads of fruit, sugar, and pasta. But I know everyone is different.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:04 AM
I control my bood sugars by eating right, eating often, and working out hard. I am Hypoglucimia, and over the years have learned what works for me, I try to stay away from loads of fruit, sugar, and pasta. But I know everyone is different.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:04 AM
I have started a new diet low in sugar, pasta and other bad stuff. But I still eat a good deal of fruit, and find when I am down that an apple keeps me going. But I do need to eat pretty consistently, small amounts at a time.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:01 PM
I have started a new diet low in sugar, pasta and other bad stuff. But I still eat a good deal of fruit, and find when I am down that an apple keeps me going. But I do need to eat pretty consistently, small amounts at a time.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:01 PM
I have started a new diet low in sugar, pasta and other bad stuff. But I still eat a good deal of fruit, and find when I am down that an apple keeps me going. But I do need to eat pretty consistently, small amounts at a time.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:01 PM
I am also hypoglycemic and am scared to get hungry because of the way I do when I crash (and it's a fine line between hunger and crashing). I find eating a small handful of almonds (10-12) when I feel hunger start to settle in keeps me from crashing, and also from over eating.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:42 PM
I am also hypoglycemic and am scared to get hungry because of the way I do when I crash (and it's a fine line between hunger and crashing). I find eating a small handful of almonds (10-12) when I feel hunger start to settle in keeps me from crashing, and also from over eating.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:42 PM
I am also hypoglycemic and am scared to get hungry because of the way I do when I crash (and it's a fine line between hunger and crashing). I find eating a small handful of almonds (10-12) when I feel hunger start to settle in keeps me from crashing, and also from over eating.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:42 PM
what happens when one "crashes"?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:44 PM
what happens when one "crashes"?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:44 PM
what happens when one "crashes"?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:44 PM
I get light headed, extremely nauseaus, gag, and black out. Has happened since childhood, though very rearly. (new poster to the thread). You feel like you're dying, but two sips of milk/OJ and you perk right back up (not that I stop there, but itI just mean things are set right fairly quickly). Extremely strange sensation. If you've ever had a severe dip in blood pressure, it basically feels the same.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 5:05 PM
I get light headed, extremely nauseaus, gag, and black out. Has happened since childhood, though very rearly. (new poster to the thread). You feel like you're dying, but two sips of milk/OJ and you perk right back up (not that I stop there, but itI just mean things are set right fairly quickly). Extremely strange sensation. If you've ever had a severe dip in blood pressure, it basically feels the same.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 5:05 PM
I get light headed, extremely nauseaus, gag, and black out. Has happened since childhood, though very rearly. (new poster to the thread). You feel like you're dying, but two sips of milk/OJ and you perk right back up (not that I stop there, but itI just mean things are set right fairly quickly). Extremely strange sensation. If you've ever had a severe dip in blood pressure, it basically feels the same.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 5:05 PM
In my case, what I eat first thing in the morning (when I'm lowest) makes a HUGE difference in my day. Having a piece of fruit or protein and a glass of milk first thing in the morning keeps me balanced longer than anything (particularly grain products)....
When I crash my vision goes first..when I have trouble focusing or everything's black, THEN I get dizzy, feel nauseaus, etc... My hearing also gets cloudy/distorted... I can feel one coming on because my thinking starts to get 'fuzzy'.... its like my processing slows WAY down. (I try to lay down and have a little snack (i.e. crackers, peanutbutter, etc).
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 6:20 PM
In my case, what I eat first thing in the morning (when I'm lowest) makes a HUGE difference in my day. Having a piece of fruit or protein and a glass of milk first thing in the morning keeps me balanced longer than anything (particularly grain products)....
When I crash my vision goes first..when I have trouble focusing or everything's black, THEN I get dizzy, feel nauseaus, etc... My hearing also gets cloudy/distorted... I can feel one coming on because my thinking starts to get 'fuzzy'.... its like my processing slows WAY down. (I try to lay down and have a little snack (i.e. crackers, peanutbutter, etc).
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 6:20 PM
In my case, what I eat first thing in the morning (when I'm lowest) makes a HUGE difference in my day. Having a piece of fruit or protein and a glass of milk first thing in the morning keeps me balanced longer than anything (particularly grain products)....
When I crash my vision goes first..when I have trouble focusing or everything's black, THEN I get dizzy, feel nauseaus, etc... My hearing also gets cloudy/distorted... I can feel one coming on because my thinking starts to get 'fuzzy'.... its like my processing slows WAY down. (I try to lay down and have a little snack (i.e. crackers, peanutbutter, etc).
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 6:20 PM
For me (4:42 poster) crashing means I become nauseous, dizzy, shaky, and everything begins to blur. I have a hard time thinking, and feel unsafe to do activities like driving.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:44 PM
For me (4:42 poster) crashing means I become nauseous, dizzy, shaky, and everything begins to blur. I have a hard time thinking, and feel unsafe to do activities like driving.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:44 PM
For me (4:42 poster) crashing means I become nauseous, dizzy, shaky, and everything begins to blur. I have a hard time thinking, and feel unsafe to do activities like driving.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:44 PM
to avoid crashing always make sure you eat protein with a high sugar or carb meal. Don't eat pasta with a meatless red sauce- have some meat with it. Have some walnuts with your fruit. Being hypoglycemic doesn't mean you can't have certain foods (like fruit) you just have to balance it with something else.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:55 PM
to avoid crashing always make sure you eat protein with a high sugar or carb meal. Don't eat pasta with a meatless red sauce- have some meat with it. Have some walnuts with your fruit. Being hypoglycemic doesn't mean you can't have certain foods (like fruit) you just have to balance it with something else.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:55 PM
to avoid crashing always make sure you eat protein with a high sugar or carb meal. Don't eat pasta with a meatless red sauce- have some meat with it. Have some walnuts with your fruit. Being hypoglycemic doesn't mean you can't have certain foods (like fruit) you just have to balance it with something else.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:55 PM
this reminds me of being in a friends wedding this summer-we were taking pictures out on a mountain after the ceremony but before the reception. i had eaten breakfast that morning, but being a bridesmaid, was pretty much too busy to eat after that and underestimated how much time it would be till i could eat again. started to feel really ill, thought it was anxiety, naseous, shaky, like i was going to pass out. i realized what it was, and as we were out on a mountain i didn't have many options for food ( i knew if i didn't get something soon-it was going to be bad bad bad news!) so i started asking everyone going from car to car if they had ANY food in their car, anything at all. everyone said no. finally one of my friends said "oh, here, have a granola bar" and handed one to me. i BURST into tears! haha!
everyone thought i was just having an emotional day because my best friend was getting married-no, it was because this girl had just save me from passing out in front of 100 people! anyway, not trying to hijack the thread, i promise!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 10:54 PM
this reminds me of being in a friends wedding this summer-we were taking pictures out on a mountain after the ceremony but before the reception. i had eaten breakfast that morning, but being a bridesmaid, was pretty much too busy to eat after that and underestimated how much time it would be till i could eat again. started to feel really ill, thought it was anxiety, naseous, shaky, like i was going to pass out. i realized what it was, and as we were out on a mountain i didn't have many options for food ( i knew if i didn't get something soon-it was going to be bad bad bad news!) so i started asking everyone going from car to car if they had ANY food in their car, anything at all. everyone said no. finally one of my friends said "oh, here, have a granola bar" and handed one to me. i BURST into tears! haha!
everyone thought i was just having an emotional day because my best friend was getting married-no, it was because this girl had just save me from passing out in front of 100 people! anyway, not trying to hijack the thread, i promise!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 10:54 PM
this reminds me of being in a friends wedding this summer-we were taking pictures out on a mountain after the ceremony but before the reception. i had eaten breakfast that morning, but being a bridesmaid, was pretty much too busy to eat after that and underestimated how much time it would be till i could eat again. started to feel really ill, thought it was anxiety, naseous, shaky, like i was going to pass out. i realized what it was, and as we were out on a mountain i didn't have many options for food ( i knew if i didn't get something soon-it was going to be bad bad bad news!) so i started asking everyone going from car to car if they had ANY food in their car, anything at all. everyone said no. finally one of my friends said "oh, here, have a granola bar" and handed one to me. i BURST into tears! haha!
everyone thought i was just having an emotional day because my best friend was getting married-no, it was because this girl had just save me from passing out in front of 100 people! anyway, not trying to hijack the thread, i promise!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 10:54 PM
Start eating frequently througout the day with foods that are slow burning to not spike your insulin. You should also go to the doctor and get your adrenal glands checked.
Thursday, January 11, 2007, 9:28 AM
Start eating frequently througout the day with foods that are slow burning to not spike your insulin. You should also go to the doctor and get your adrenal glands checked.
Thursday, January 11, 2007, 9:28 AM
Start eating frequently througout the day with foods that are slow burning to not spike your insulin. You should also go to the doctor and get your adrenal glands checked.
Thursday, January 11, 2007, 9:28 AM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:16 PM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:16 PM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:16 PM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:17 PM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:17 PM
iam 16 years old and just had a blood test done... my blood sugar was 2.9(my doctor said that it wasnt good.) i need to get some info on how to maintain my blood sugar levels please.... if u want my msn it is
[email protected]
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:17 PM
I have recently made changes to my diet. I used to eat high carb snacks for quick-fix energy. Then my blood sugar would crash and I would feel terrible. I studied up on hypoglycemia and the zone diet.
Now, I eat protein and fat with every meal. I avoid white sugar (including sauces, jelly, candy, etc), white flour (bread, buns, pasta), and CAFFEINE! caffeine causes insulin release, just like sugar does! And drink a lot of water. Write down your rules and follow them! Good luck!
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:58 PM
I have recently made changes to my diet. I used to eat high carb snacks for quick-fix energy. Then my blood sugar would crash and I would feel terrible. I studied up on hypoglycemia and the zone diet.
Now, I eat protein and fat with every meal. I avoid white sugar (including sauces, jelly, candy, etc), white flour (bread, buns, pasta), and CAFFEINE! caffeine causes insulin release, just like sugar does! And drink a lot of water. Write down your rules and follow them! Good luck!
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:58 PM
I have recently made changes to my diet. I used to eat high carb snacks for quick-fix energy. Then my blood sugar would crash and I would feel terrible. I studied up on hypoglycemia and the zone diet.
Now, I eat protein and fat with every meal. I avoid white sugar (including sauces, jelly, candy, etc), white flour (bread, buns, pasta), and CAFFEINE! caffeine causes insulin release, just like sugar does! And drink a lot of water. Write down your rules and follow them! Good luck!
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:58 PM
I find that if I eat something high in fiber like a wasa bread with a little protien I can go 6 or 7 hours with out eating and I am ok. But if I go much longer I start to get the headaches and grumpy really bad and finally to the point I don't care about anything. Which can be really bad cuz then you don't eat something. If it goes too low I have something with sugar, either fruit or if I am out a protien type bar.
To have a blood sugar or A1C of 2.9 I would say you need to talk to your dr about how to handle it. That is extremely low.
I just had one and it was 5.3 and my dr said that is too low, for me. It is perfect but I am on meds.
Anyway maybe you could call and talk to the nurse or something.
Good luck to you.
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 9:00 PM
I find that if I eat something high in fiber like a wasa bread with a little protien I can go 6 or 7 hours with out eating and I am ok. But if I go much longer I start to get the headaches and grumpy really bad and finally to the point I don't care about anything. Which can be really bad cuz then you don't eat something. If it goes too low I have something with sugar, either fruit or if I am out a protien type bar.
To have a blood sugar or A1C of 2.9 I would say you need to talk to your dr about how to handle it. That is extremely low.
I just had one and it was 5.3 and my dr said that is too low, for me. It is perfect but I am on meds.
Anyway maybe you could call and talk to the nurse or something.
Good luck to you.
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 9:00 PM
I find that if I eat something high in fiber like a wasa bread with a little protien I can go 6 or 7 hours with out eating and I am ok. But if I go much longer I start to get the headaches and grumpy really bad and finally to the point I don't care about anything. Which can be really bad cuz then you don't eat something. If it goes too low I have something with sugar, either fruit or if I am out a protien type bar.
To have a blood sugar or A1C of 2.9 I would say you need to talk to your dr about how to handle it. That is extremely low.
I just had one and it was 5.3 and my dr said that is too low, for me. It is perfect but I am on meds.
Anyway maybe you could call and talk to the nurse or something.
Good luck to you.
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 9:00 PM
I am hypoglycemic and its protein that will sustain energy over time - carbs will supply short-term energy if you need it.
Friday, November 16, 2007, 9:06 AM
I am hypoglycemic and its protein that will sustain energy over time - carbs will supply short-term energy if you need it.
Friday, November 16, 2007, 9:06 AM
I am hypoglycemic and its protein that will sustain energy over time - carbs will supply short-term energy if you need it.
Friday, November 16, 2007, 9:06 AM
i dont have hypogluciemia ... i went to the chiropractor and they fixed me spine and my neck and stuff and everything cleared right up... they said that i just need to eat more frequently and just at meals.
Sunday, January 25, 2009, 4:29 PM
i dont have hypogluciemia ... i went to the chiropractor and they fixed me spine and my neck and stuff and everything cleared right up... they said that i just need to eat more frequently and just at meals.
Sunday, January 25, 2009, 4:29 PM
i dont have hypogluciemia ... i went to the chiropractor and they fixed me spine and my neck and stuff and everything cleared right up... they said that i just need to eat more frequently and just at meals.
Sunday, January 25, 2009, 4:29 PM
Wow! Some of you scare me! If you are passing out, you should discuss this with your doctor!
If you're like me and you just crabby, feel week, have trouble concentrating when you have low blood sugar, then by all means eat! Have something with a little sugar to bring you around, like a jelly bean, or small piece of candy or juice if it's really bad, and then eat some balanced food that includes protein, fats and preferable some complex carbs. But sometimes I understand - you're at that place of desperation.
I've increased the protein and healthy fats (nuts) in my diet and have low blood sugar episodes less frequently.
Monday, January 26, 2009, 6:49 AM
Wow! Some of you scare me! If you are passing out, you should discuss this with your doctor!
If you're like me and you just crabby, feel week, have trouble concentrating when you have low blood sugar, then by all means eat! Have something with a little sugar to bring you around, like a jelly bean, or small piece of candy or juice if it's really bad, and then eat some balanced food that includes protein, fats and preferable some complex carbs. But sometimes I understand - you're at that place of desperation.
I've increased the protein and healthy fats (nuts) in my diet and have low blood sugar episodes less frequently.
Monday, January 26, 2009, 6:49 AM
Wow! Some of you scare me! If you are passing out, you should discuss this with your doctor!
If you're like me and you just crabby, feel week, have trouble concentrating when you have low blood sugar, then by all means eat! Have something with a little sugar to bring you around, like a jelly bean, or small piece of candy or juice if it's really bad, and then eat some balanced food that includes protein, fats and preferable some complex carbs. But sometimes I understand - you're at that place of desperation.
I've increased the protein and healthy fats (nuts) in my diet and have low blood sugar episodes less frequently.
Monday, January 26, 2009, 6:49 AM
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