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awesome soap

Hi, I just wanted to share about a soap that I found. It's especially for people that workout at the gym. It's anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic...great for athlete's foot and stuff like that.

I was impressed by it. Check it out...


Sun. Sep 24, 8:51am

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Anything "antibacterial" is generally excessive, a threat to public health, and a possible threat to your personal health. Just google antibacterial and public health. There's tons of new information about it. The soap sounds like a great idea ('cause who wants althetes foot and ringworm?!), but does more damage than its worth. The site doesn't even list the active ingredients (most likely its triclocarban), and only has info about "how dirty your gym is" rather than how effective the soap is. No offense to your new soap.

"Antibacterial" nowadays is mostly a marketing tool and the huge influx of antibacterial chemicals could be breeding superbugs. If you really want to avoid gym germs, wear flip-flops to the shower!


Sunday, September 24, 2006, 2:34 PM

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Anything "antibacterial" is generally excessive, a threat to public health, and a possible threat to your personal health. Just google antibacterial and public health. There's tons of new information about it. The soap sounds like a great idea ('cause who wants althetes foot and ringworm?!), but does more damage than its worth. The site doesn't even list the active ingredients (most likely its triclocarban), and only has info about "how dirty your gym is" rather than how effective the soap is. No offense to your new soap.

"Antibacterial" nowadays is mostly a marketing tool and the huge influx of antibacterial chemicals could be breeding superbugs. If you really want to avoid gym germs, wear flip-flops to the shower!


Sunday, September 24, 2006, 2:34 PM

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Anything "antibacterial" is generally excessive, a threat to public health, and a possible threat to your personal health. Just google antibacterial and public health. There's tons of new information about it. The soap sounds like a great idea ('cause who wants althetes foot and ringworm?!), but does more damage than its worth. The site doesn't even list the active ingredients (most likely its triclocarban), and only has info about "how dirty your gym is" rather than how effective the soap is. No offense to your new soap.

"Antibacterial" nowadays is mostly a marketing tool and the huge influx of antibacterial chemicals could be breeding superbugs. If you really want to avoid gym germs, wear flip-flops to the shower!


Sunday, September 24, 2006, 2:34 PM

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All I know is that a few of us from my gym have been using it and we love it. One of the ingredients is tea tree oil- which I like the smell of. The active ingredients are on one of the links on the site, too.

Thanks for the info on anti-bacterial stuff. Maybe its all in my head...but I like that extra clean feeling after the gym.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 3:54 PM

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All I know is that a few of us from my gym have been using it and we love it. One of the ingredients is tea tree oil- which I like the smell of. The active ingredients are on one of the links on the site, too.

Thanks for the info on anti-bacterial stuff. Maybe its all in my head...but I like that extra clean feeling after the gym.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 3:54 PM

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All I know is that a few of us from my gym have been using it and we love it. One of the ingredients is tea tree oil- which I like the smell of. The active ingredients are on one of the links on the site, too.

Thanks for the info on anti-bacterial stuff. Maybe its all in my head...but I like that extra clean feeling after the gym.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 3:54 PM

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Athlete's foot is a fungal problem, not an anti-bacterial problem. So, yes, a proven anti-fungal like tea tree oil should be a real help.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Athlete's foot is a fungal problem, not an anti-bacterial problem. So, yes, a proven anti-fungal like tea tree oil should be a real help.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Athlete's foot is a fungal problem, not an anti-bacterial problem. So, yes, a proven anti-fungal like tea tree oil should be a real help.

Sunday, September 24, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Thanks for the tip re the soap. I will definitely check it out. As to the 2:34 pm poster, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss anti-bacterial soap. I just read a great (although kind of scary) story about anti-bacterial soap and hospitals. See the link below.


Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:36 AM

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Thanks for the tip re the soap. I will definitely check it out. As to the 2:34 pm poster, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss anti-bacterial soap. I just read a great (although kind of scary) story about anti-bacterial soap and hospitals. See the link below.


Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:36 AM

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Thanks for the tip re the soap. I will definitely check it out. As to the 2:34 pm poster, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss anti-bacterial soap. I just read a great (although kind of scary) story about anti-bacterial soap and hospitals. See the link below.


Monday, September 25, 2006, 12:36 AM

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my husband has been showering with this soap. his small gym seems to be riddled with ringworm. he hasnt gotten it and we think it is because of the effectiveness of the soap.

just wanted to share the tip! happy new year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 10:06 PM

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my husband has been showering with this soap. his small gym seems to be riddled with ringworm. he hasnt gotten it and we think it is because of the effectiveness of the soap.

just wanted to share the tip! happy new year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 10:06 PM

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my husband has been showering with this soap. his small gym seems to be riddled with ringworm. he hasnt gotten it and we think it is because of the effectiveness of the soap.

just wanted to share the tip! happy new year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 10:06 PM

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if i knew my gym was "riddled with ringworm", i would call the health department immediately!!! and i would stay far away...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 8:41 AM

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if i knew my gym was "riddled with ringworm", i would call the health department immediately!!! and i would stay far away...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 8:41 AM

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if i knew my gym was "riddled with ringworm", i would call the health department immediately!!! and i would stay far away...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 8:41 AM

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