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Rant: 'On Vacation' tab

Does anyone else have group members who set the 'On Vacation' tab because they can't (or don't want to) log regularly, but don't want to get kicked out of their groups? They aren't 'On Vacation,' but instead using the flexibility of the site to stay hooked into groups that they are not really contributing to.

This is currently happening in two of my groups (one person admitted it, and another I know has a lot of life changes and can't commit fully right now), and it is driving the quality of the group discussions way down.

I'm an active poster and logger, and I suppose the answer is to just leave the group and join another one...but I too am comitted to these groups and don't feel that the answer necessarily has to be for ME to be the one who checks out when it is in fact another person who seems to have done so.

Any thoughts?

Wed. Sep 20, 12:28pm

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Feed them to the lions!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 12:47 PM

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Feed them to the lions!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 12:47 PM

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Feed them to the lions!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 12:47 PM

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can't you be productive with the other members who do log? i would not get myself upset and just ignore those who don't post as often as i would like. you can't control how people act.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 1:12 PM

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can't you be productive with the other members who do log? i would not get myself upset and just ignore those who don't post as often as i would like. you can't control how people act.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 1:12 PM

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can't you be productive with the other members who do log? i would not get myself upset and just ignore those who don't post as often as i would like. you can't control how people act.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 1:12 PM

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The key phrase in your log is "it is driving the quality of group discussions way down". You and the other active loggers deserve better, and I would politely send a private message to the one using vacation mode inappropriately and let them know how you feel. Just know that if they leave, you may have to go through a few new members or put up with other dud behavior before finding a good fit-I guess you also have to consider group dynamics too. Of course, just posting this thread may resolve your issue, and it is a good wakeup call to everyone to recognize how their personal habits here on PT not only affect their progress, but the success of the group as a whole.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 3:30 PM

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The key phrase in your log is "it is driving the quality of group discussions way down". You and the other active loggers deserve better, and I would politely send a private message to the one using vacation mode inappropriately and let them know how you feel. Just know that if they leave, you may have to go through a few new members or put up with other dud behavior before finding a good fit-I guess you also have to consider group dynamics too. Of course, just posting this thread may resolve your issue, and it is a good wakeup call to everyone to recognize how their personal habits here on PT not only affect their progress, but the success of the group as a whole.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 3:30 PM

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The key phrase in your log is "it is driving the quality of group discussions way down". You and the other active loggers deserve better, and I would politely send a private message to the one using vacation mode inappropriately and let them know how you feel. Just know that if they leave, you may have to go through a few new members or put up with other dud behavior before finding a good fit-I guess you also have to consider group dynamics too. Of course, just posting this thread may resolve your issue, and it is a good wakeup call to everyone to recognize how their personal habits here on PT not only affect their progress, but the success of the group as a whole.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 3:30 PM

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I think peertrainer should require proof of vacation before pressing the button.

(total sarcasm!) :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 7:06 PM

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I think peertrainer should require proof of vacation before pressing the button.

(total sarcasm!) :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 7:06 PM

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I think peertrainer should require proof of vacation before pressing the button.

(total sarcasm!) :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 7:06 PM

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Is the quality of what's written there really worse, or is it just that you want more contact? If you just feel the need to converse with more people, then join an additional group, and you'll be able to do that.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 9:52 PM

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Is the quality of what's written there really worse, or is it just that you want more contact? If you just feel the need to converse with more people, then join an additional group, and you'll be able to do that.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 9:52 PM

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Is the quality of what's written there really worse, or is it just that you want more contact? If you just feel the need to converse with more people, then join an additional group, and you'll be able to do that.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 9:52 PM

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