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Just found out im pregnant and have questions..........
I just found out last night (hubby and I).
I have a few questions and i cannnot get into the dr until next month......
I am in my fisrt trimester ( i think i had my last period the 2nr or 3rd week of last month.) I took 2 pregnancy tests last night to confirm.
I am experienceing some cramping in my lower stomach. Is this normal?
I did take Ibprofin for the past few days. Will this be ok? I was taking 2-4 of the 200mg each tablets.
Is it possible that i could have 2 false positives if im right before my period? I know this dosent even sound right b/c the test DOES test for HgH (human gonadatrophin hormone) which means your pregnant. but i have to ask....
One more....
Also, Is there a Web site for all of this???
I have tried calling a few freinds to ask them question but they are all at work! Go figure!
I know i sound very niave here but hey- its my first pregnancy ;)
Thanks so much for your help!
Wed. Sep 13, 10:41am
I don't have kids, so I don't have any answers to your questions, but just wanted to tell you congratulations!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:46 AM
I don't have kids, so I don't have any answers to your questions, but just wanted to tell you congratulations!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:46 AM
I don't have kids, so I don't have any answers to your questions, but just wanted to tell you congratulations!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:46 AM
I had cramping when my first period was do with either one or both of my pregnancies (can't remember my baby is 6 now!). My Dr. said it was my body going through the motions of menstruation but nothing to worry about.
This early on there's not much a Dr. would do for you - I don't think. Of course my advice is to cally your OBGYN office and talk to a nurse about your concerns!
Congratulations! How exciting for you!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:47 AM
I had cramping when my first period was do with either one or both of my pregnancies (can't remember my baby is 6 now!). My Dr. said it was my body going through the motions of menstruation but nothing to worry about.
This early on there's not much a Dr. would do for you - I don't think. Of course my advice is to cally your OBGYN office and talk to a nurse about your concerns!
Congratulations! How exciting for you!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:47 AM
I had cramping when my first period was do with either one or both of my pregnancies (can't remember my baby is 6 now!). My Dr. said it was my body going through the motions of menstruation but nothing to worry about.
This early on there's not much a Dr. would do for you - I don't think. Of course my advice is to cally your OBGYN office and talk to a nurse about your concerns!
Congratulations! How exciting for you!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:47 AM
although you cannot see your doctor until next month, there must be a clinic or planned parenthood near you? i strongly suggest taking up your questions with a certified medical practitioner. you may get informed opinions here regarding similar situations to yours, but only a professional who actually sees you can really answer your questions with any amount of certainty. i'm sure you could get seen by one of those places. if not, try your local emergency room as a walk-in patient for some basic medical advise. congratulations!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:50 AM
although you cannot see your doctor until next month, there must be a clinic or planned parenthood near you? i strongly suggest taking up your questions with a certified medical practitioner. you may get informed opinions here regarding similar situations to yours, but only a professional who actually sees you can really answer your questions with any amount of certainty. i'm sure you could get seen by one of those places. if not, try your local emergency room as a walk-in patient for some basic medical advise. congratulations!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:50 AM
although you cannot see your doctor until next month, there must be a clinic or planned parenthood near you? i strongly suggest taking up your questions with a certified medical practitioner. you may get informed opinions here regarding similar situations to yours, but only a professional who actually sees you can really answer your questions with any amount of certainty. i'm sure you could get seen by one of those places. if not, try your local emergency room as a walk-in patient for some basic medical advise. congratulations!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:50 AM
OP here:
I already check this morning and their is no clinic near my and my PCP is not a gyno (although she does my exams????) weird- found tHAT nice tidbit out this morning too!
I should mention that i dont have insurance right now (I know- shame on me!) I am just worried a bit b/c of the cramping.....
I will call my dr office if i have any real concerns of course ;) I was just looking for a small peice of mind, lol
Oh, is it ok (THIS is a dumass question) to have my lap top on my lap/belly??? Yea, i overworried, LOL
THANKS SO much for the quick responses everyone!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 11:05 AM
OP here:
I already check this morning and their is no clinic near my and my PCP is not a gyno (although she does my exams????) weird- found tHAT nice tidbit out this morning too!
I should mention that i dont have insurance right now (I know- shame on me!) I am just worried a bit b/c of the cramping.....
I will call my dr office if i have any real concerns of course ;) I was just looking for a small peice of mind, lol
Oh, is it ok (THIS is a dumass question) to have my lap top on my lap/belly??? Yea, i overworried, LOL
THANKS SO much for the quick responses everyone!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 11:05 AM
OP here:
I already check this morning and their is no clinic near my and my PCP is not a gyno (although she does my exams????) weird- found tHAT nice tidbit out this morning too!
I should mention that i dont have insurance right now (I know- shame on me!) I am just worried a bit b/c of the cramping.....
I will call my dr office if i have any real concerns of course ;) I was just looking for a small peice of mind, lol
Oh, is it ok (THIS is a dumass question) to have my lap top on my lap/belly??? Yea, i overworried, LOL
THANKS SO much for the quick responses everyone!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 11:05 AM
I didn't have insurance either, while it's not ideal, it's ok, don't worry about that right now, find a doctor you love and then negotiate the expenses afterwards. If you want more info, I can provide.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:02 PM
I didn't have insurance either, while it's not ideal, it's ok, don't worry about that right now, find a doctor you love and then negotiate the expenses afterwards. If you want more info, I can provide.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:02 PM
I didn't have insurance either, while it's not ideal, it's ok, don't worry about that right now, find a doctor you love and then negotiate the expenses afterwards. If you want more info, I can provide.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:02 PM
I'm not sure about the laptop. I know absolutely no hot tubs because it raises your body temperature too high. I personally get hot from my laptop on my lap so if I were you I'd be better safe than sorry and put the laptop on a table just so your temperature stays regulated.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:03 PM
I'm not sure about the laptop. I know absolutely no hot tubs because it raises your body temperature too high. I personally get hot from my laptop on my lap so if I were you I'd be better safe than sorry and put the laptop on a table just so your temperature stays regulated.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:03 PM
I'm not sure about the laptop. I know absolutely no hot tubs because it raises your body temperature too high. I personally get hot from my laptop on my lap so if I were you I'd be better safe than sorry and put the laptop on a table just so your temperature stays regulated.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:03 PM
Go to There are boards on there that you can discuss your pregnancy concerns and questions. If you go to community you can find and join the board of the month in which you are due. There are great ladies on there. Some have previous experience with pregnancy and others not, but you'll surely find someone to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:06 PM
Go to There are boards on there that you can discuss your pregnancy concerns and questions. If you go to community you can find and join the board of the month in which you are due. There are great ladies on there. Some have previous experience with pregnancy and others not, but you'll surely find someone to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:06 PM
Go to There are boards on there that you can discuss your pregnancy concerns and questions. If you go to community you can find and join the board of the month in which you are due. There are great ladies on there. Some have previous experience with pregnancy and others not, but you'll surely find someone to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:06 PM
First , congratulations. Second, if you have no insurance and you are healthy, I would highly recommend considering a midwife for the delivery. Not only is it far more affordable, but you will get better care physically and emotionally (so long as the birth is low risk with no complications). I had my first in a birthing center, 2nd in hospital and 3rd at home. I felt I got the best care with my third pregnancy.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:43 PM
First , congratulations. Second, if you have no insurance and you are healthy, I would highly recommend considering a midwife for the delivery. Not only is it far more affordable, but you will get better care physically and emotionally (so long as the birth is low risk with no complications). I had my first in a birthing center, 2nd in hospital and 3rd at home. I felt I got the best care with my third pregnancy.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:43 PM
First , congratulations. Second, if you have no insurance and you are healthy, I would highly recommend considering a midwife for the delivery. Not only is it far more affordable, but you will get better care physically and emotionally (so long as the birth is low risk with no complications). I had my first in a birthing center, 2nd in hospital and 3rd at home. I felt I got the best care with my third pregnancy.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:43 PM
Congrats! The chances of having two false positives is VERY low, so I'd say you're pretty much assured of being pregnant. It's common to have cramping early in pregnancy, particularly around when you would have had your period, so unless you are seeing a lot of bleeding as well, don't sweat it. Even a little spotting is normal. I wouldn't be too concerned about the ibuprofen, but I would refrain from taking more and check with a doctor to see what their recommended over the counter pain reliever is during each stage of pregnancy, as it changes depending on how far in you are.
I second the recommendation to work with a midwife and also about getting your laptop off your lap-top. Not so much for the heat issue, but it's not generally considered a great idea to have a lot of electromagnetic fields running so close to a growing baby, particularly at this stage of development.
Best of luck! Keep us updated as things progress.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:13 PM
Congrats! The chances of having two false positives is VERY low, so I'd say you're pretty much assured of being pregnant. It's common to have cramping early in pregnancy, particularly around when you would have had your period, so unless you are seeing a lot of bleeding as well, don't sweat it. Even a little spotting is normal. I wouldn't be too concerned about the ibuprofen, but I would refrain from taking more and check with a doctor to see what their recommended over the counter pain reliever is during each stage of pregnancy, as it changes depending on how far in you are.
I second the recommendation to work with a midwife and also about getting your laptop off your lap-top. Not so much for the heat issue, but it's not generally considered a great idea to have a lot of electromagnetic fields running so close to a growing baby, particularly at this stage of development.
Best of luck! Keep us updated as things progress.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:13 PM
Congrats! The chances of having two false positives is VERY low, so I'd say you're pretty much assured of being pregnant. It's common to have cramping early in pregnancy, particularly around when you would have had your period, so unless you are seeing a lot of bleeding as well, don't sweat it. Even a little spotting is normal. I wouldn't be too concerned about the ibuprofen, but I would refrain from taking more and check with a doctor to see what their recommended over the counter pain reliever is during each stage of pregnancy, as it changes depending on how far in you are.
I second the recommendation to work with a midwife and also about getting your laptop off your lap-top. Not so much for the heat issue, but it's not generally considered a great idea to have a lot of electromagnetic fields running so close to a growing baby, particularly at this stage of development.
Best of luck! Keep us updated as things progress.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:13 PM
OP again
Thanks so much everyone!
To the 12 pm poster- can you give me more info please.
I am going to try for Mass Health. Any opnions on this???
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 6:26 PM
OP again
Thanks so much everyone!
To the 12 pm poster- can you give me more info please.
I am going to try for Mass Health. Any opnions on this???
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 6:26 PM
OP again
Thanks so much everyone!
To the 12 pm poster- can you give me more info please.
I am going to try for Mass Health. Any opnions on this???
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 6:26 PM
I had spotting and cramping with all four of my pregnancies, and the babies were all perfectly fine and normal with no complications. I agree with the person who said to go to There is a LOT of info on there, and some very helpful links. Also, get a copy of the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting." As I said, I had four kids, and I still used that book as a reference each time. Even having been through it all before, I forgot a lot! : )
Congratulations!! And don't stress about any of this stuff. Stress doesn't help you or the baby! : )
Join our team: Pregnancy - Before, During, and After
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 9:47 PM
I had spotting and cramping with all four of my pregnancies, and the babies were all perfectly fine and normal with no complications. I agree with the person who said to go to There is a LOT of info on there, and some very helpful links. Also, get a copy of the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting." As I said, I had four kids, and I still used that book as a reference each time. Even having been through it all before, I forgot a lot! : )
Congratulations!! And don't stress about any of this stuff. Stress doesn't help you or the baby! : )
Join our team: Pregnancy - Before, During, and After
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 9:47 PM
I had spotting and cramping with all four of my pregnancies, and the babies were all perfectly fine and normal with no complications. I agree with the person who said to go to There is a LOT of info on there, and some very helpful links. Also, get a copy of the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting." As I said, I had four kids, and I still used that book as a reference each time. Even having been through it all before, I forgot a lot! : )
Congratulations!! And don't stress about any of this stuff. Stress doesn't help you or the baby! : )
Join our team: Pregnancy - Before, During, and After
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 9:47 PM
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