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beginners training for tri

Wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions or training routines for a girl (ie me) who wants to train for a sprint-distance tri?

I run a lot, 5-7 days a week and have only just started biking again. And I used to be a big swimmer in college and high-school (over 5 years ago now) so it seems a logical/fun way to get in shape (i'm getting bored of just running all the time).

I did some searches on-line but all the plans were either too easy or not detailed enough so any suggestions/advice would be great.

Tue. Sep 12, 4:31pm

Add comment is an amazing resource. I also have a few schedules from my coach that trained me for five months before my tri coming up on sunday... whisper to me if you want them!

The first step is to register for the race... once you make the committment, there's no stopping you!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:34 PM

Add comment is an amazing resource. I also have a few schedules from my coach that trained me for five months before my tri coming up on sunday... whisper to me if you want them!

The first step is to register for the race... once you make the committment, there's no stopping you!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:34 PM

Add comment is an amazing resource. I also have a few schedules from my coach that trained me for five months before my tri coming up on sunday... whisper to me if you want them!

The first step is to register for the race... once you make the committment, there's no stopping you!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:34 PM

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OP here: An example of a training routine i don't like

Just thought I'd post the sort of thing i keep finding:

This doesn't seem detailed enough to be totally effective...and it doesn't seem intense enough.

also, to the 4:34 poster, hi! thanks for offering the whisper but since you didn't post your username, no can do! i'd love to hear more about your experience and about your upcoming race.

thanks, carrieanne

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:39 PM

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OP here: An example of a training routine i don't like

Just thought I'd post the sort of thing i keep finding:

This doesn't seem detailed enough to be totally effective...and it doesn't seem intense enough.

also, to the 4:34 poster, hi! thanks for offering the whisper but since you didn't post your username, no can do! i'd love to hear more about your experience and about your upcoming race.

thanks, carrieanne

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:39 PM

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OP here: An example of a training routine i don't like

Just thought I'd post the sort of thing i keep finding:

This doesn't seem detailed enough to be totally effective...and it doesn't seem intense enough.

also, to the 4:34 poster, hi! thanks for offering the whisper but since you didn't post your username, no can do! i'd love to hear more about your experience and about your upcoming race.

thanks, carrieanne

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:39 PM

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I know, i just realized that! I figured they'd automatically post the usernames like other comments.. oops!

I'm nzjdiva :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:46 PM

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I know, i just realized that! I figured they'd automatically post the usernames like other comments.. oops!

I'm nzjdiva :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:46 PM

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I know, i just realized that! I figured they'd automatically post the usernames like other comments.. oops!

I'm nzjdiva :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 4:46 PM

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Go to is a great website with articles, some free training plans to get you started and a wonderful forum. You can ask other triathletes how they do it and get great recommendations on gear, training, nutrition and injuries........check it out, it really has helped me quite a bit........

Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:31 PM

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Go to is a great website with articles, some free training plans to get you started and a wonderful forum. You can ask other triathletes how they do it and get great recommendations on gear, training, nutrition and injuries........check it out, it really has helped me quite a bit........

Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:31 PM

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Go to is a great website with articles, some free training plans to get you started and a wonderful forum. You can ask other triathletes how they do it and get great recommendations on gear, training, nutrition and injuries........check it out, it really has helped me quite a bit........

Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 1:31 PM

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