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How to resist tempting foods?
Any tips or advice on how to face down temptation would be appreciated. It is my major weakness as I start this process.
Sat. Sep 9, 10:17am
If it were only that easy....siggghhh....
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:12 AM
If it were only that easy....siggghhh....
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:12 AM
If it were only that easy....siggghhh....
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:12 AM
There are some things that I just don't keep in the house, notably peanut butter, ice cream, raisin bread, and orange juice. I know that I won't eat just a small, reasonable, serving of any of these foods if I have a whole container, because I experience them as a huge treat for the senses! So if I want a one-scoop ice cream cone, for instance, I go out for it.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:25 AM
There are some things that I just don't keep in the house, notably peanut butter, ice cream, raisin bread, and orange juice. I know that I won't eat just a small, reasonable, serving of any of these foods if I have a whole container, because I experience them as a huge treat for the senses! So if I want a one-scoop ice cream cone, for instance, I go out for it.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:25 AM
There are some things that I just don't keep in the house, notably peanut butter, ice cream, raisin bread, and orange juice. I know that I won't eat just a small, reasonable, serving of any of these foods if I have a whole container, because I experience them as a huge treat for the senses! So if I want a one-scoop ice cream cone, for instance, I go out for it.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 11:25 AM
A few of my favorite strategies
If your weakness involves decadent desserts or other foods that you only eat in restaurants, tell yourself you can have it but only if you share it, only if you don't eat any bread from the basket, only if you're good and have a green salad for an appetizer.
Sometimes the best thing is to only allow yourself to have a dangerous food in public - how easy is it to scarf down half a dozen donuts alone, but you wouldn't want anyone else to see you do it, would you?
And go gourmet. If your weakness is brownies, don't make a tray of Duncan Hines - you'll end up dragging out the desire for one brownie into 2-3 days of overeating just to finish up the tray. Go somewhere special for it, where it costs like $5 for the darn thing, and enjoy it ONCE.
There is no food you HAVE to have in the house ("for guests", kids, roommates or significant other - that's such a common, easy excuse to keep your trigger foods around, singing their siren song from your cupboards). I keep things I don't like for those occasions - for me, that means plain potato chips (blech) instead of Doritos, that sort of thing. That's also how I handle the free-bag-of-chips-with-lunch deals...I pick things I don't like and keep them for visitors.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 12:06 PM
A few of my favorite strategies
If your weakness involves decadent desserts or other foods that you only eat in restaurants, tell yourself you can have it but only if you share it, only if you don't eat any bread from the basket, only if you're good and have a green salad for an appetizer.
Sometimes the best thing is to only allow yourself to have a dangerous food in public - how easy is it to scarf down half a dozen donuts alone, but you wouldn't want anyone else to see you do it, would you?
And go gourmet. If your weakness is brownies, don't make a tray of Duncan Hines - you'll end up dragging out the desire for one brownie into 2-3 days of overeating just to finish up the tray. Go somewhere special for it, where it costs like $5 for the darn thing, and enjoy it ONCE.
There is no food you HAVE to have in the house ("for guests", kids, roommates or significant other - that's such a common, easy excuse to keep your trigger foods around, singing their siren song from your cupboards). I keep things I don't like for those occasions - for me, that means plain potato chips (blech) instead of Doritos, that sort of thing. That's also how I handle the free-bag-of-chips-with-lunch deals...I pick things I don't like and keep them for visitors.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 12:06 PM
A few of my favorite strategies
If your weakness involves decadent desserts or other foods that you only eat in restaurants, tell yourself you can have it but only if you share it, only if you don't eat any bread from the basket, only if you're good and have a green salad for an appetizer.
Sometimes the best thing is to only allow yourself to have a dangerous food in public - how easy is it to scarf down half a dozen donuts alone, but you wouldn't want anyone else to see you do it, would you?
And go gourmet. If your weakness is brownies, don't make a tray of Duncan Hines - you'll end up dragging out the desire for one brownie into 2-3 days of overeating just to finish up the tray. Go somewhere special for it, where it costs like $5 for the darn thing, and enjoy it ONCE.
There is no food you HAVE to have in the house ("for guests", kids, roommates or significant other - that's such a common, easy excuse to keep your trigger foods around, singing their siren song from your cupboards). I keep things I don't like for those occasions - for me, that means plain potato chips (blech) instead of Doritos, that sort of thing. That's also how I handle the free-bag-of-chips-with-lunch deals...I pick things I don't like and keep them for visitors.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 12:06 PM
I am with those who say don't keep it in the house. There are some foods I just really have a hard time resisting (pistacios are my all-time fave!) and simply cannot eat in moderation. Thank goodness there are not many, but there are enough :P If I receive a bag as a gift i send it to the office with my husband. The only exception is Christmas when I do allow myself a bag. I figure once a year isn't too bad.
I would like to have more willpower, but I recognize that I don't, so I don't buy it, I don't keep it and thus try not to set myself up for failure. It was kinda difficult at first, especially with gifts, but with practice getting rid of things has gotten a lot easier - out of sight, out of mind.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 1:13 PM
I am with those who say don't keep it in the house. There are some foods I just really have a hard time resisting (pistacios are my all-time fave!) and simply cannot eat in moderation. Thank goodness there are not many, but there are enough :P If I receive a bag as a gift i send it to the office with my husband. The only exception is Christmas when I do allow myself a bag. I figure once a year isn't too bad.
I would like to have more willpower, but I recognize that I don't, so I don't buy it, I don't keep it and thus try not to set myself up for failure. It was kinda difficult at first, especially with gifts, but with practice getting rid of things has gotten a lot easier - out of sight, out of mind.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 1:13 PM
I am with those who say don't keep it in the house. There are some foods I just really have a hard time resisting (pistacios are my all-time fave!) and simply cannot eat in moderation. Thank goodness there are not many, but there are enough :P If I receive a bag as a gift i send it to the office with my husband. The only exception is Christmas when I do allow myself a bag. I figure once a year isn't too bad.
I would like to have more willpower, but I recognize that I don't, so I don't buy it, I don't keep it and thus try not to set myself up for failure. It was kinda difficult at first, especially with gifts, but with practice getting rid of things has gotten a lot easier - out of sight, out of mind.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 1:13 PM
this works for me (most of the time)
Set it forth as a "rule." I make rules for my kids all the time, "and that's just the way it is." So I do it to myself, too. I tell myself, "You aren't allowed to have such-and-such." And that's just the way it is.
For me, if I have a little, I'll have a lot, so I just avoid trouble foods all together... MOST of the time! (I am human, you know!)
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 2:01 PM
this works for me (most of the time)
Set it forth as a "rule." I make rules for my kids all the time, "and that's just the way it is." So I do it to myself, too. I tell myself, "You aren't allowed to have such-and-such." And that's just the way it is.
For me, if I have a little, I'll have a lot, so I just avoid trouble foods all together... MOST of the time! (I am human, you know!)
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 2:01 PM
this works for me (most of the time)
Set it forth as a "rule." I make rules for my kids all the time, "and that's just the way it is." So I do it to myself, too. I tell myself, "You aren't allowed to have such-and-such." And that's just the way it is.
For me, if I have a little, I'll have a lot, so I just avoid trouble foods all together... MOST of the time! (I am human, you know!)
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 2:01 PM
I think everyone made alot of great commentS ! Hers some more
Never eat junk on an empty stomach! For me protien and a cup of something hot to drink before helps.
I always seat down to eat a portion.
I always have Dentenyne Ice gum. I heard others say the put those breath strips in their mouth. I also have some more coffee with my gum. When I am out I usally split my dessert with som one. They call it dessert because it is suppoe to end a meal. If I fall I just start right ovrer again my next meal. And PRAY!
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 8:30 PM
I think everyone made alot of great commentS ! Hers some more
Never eat junk on an empty stomach! For me protien and a cup of something hot to drink before helps.
I always seat down to eat a portion.
I always have Dentenyne Ice gum. I heard others say the put those breath strips in their mouth. I also have some more coffee with my gum. When I am out I usally split my dessert with som one. They call it dessert because it is suppoe to end a meal. If I fall I just start right ovrer again my next meal. And PRAY!
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 8:30 PM
I think everyone made alot of great commentS ! Hers some more
Never eat junk on an empty stomach! For me protien and a cup of something hot to drink before helps.
I always seat down to eat a portion.
I always have Dentenyne Ice gum. I heard others say the put those breath strips in their mouth. I also have some more coffee with my gum. When I am out I usally split my dessert with som one. They call it dessert because it is suppoe to end a meal. If I fall I just start right ovrer again my next meal. And PRAY!
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 8:30 PM
hmm, while i agree with the no temptation if it's not there concept, i don't really agree with the "rule" against it idea, i was watching something on "scientific american" the other day about kids who are allowed to eat whatever they want, when they want it (as opposed to being told you can't have this food, or only at these times...) and when left alone w/ foods the kids who were allowed anything listened to their bodies and didn't eat the junk (because they knew it would be there if they wanted it later etc.) while the kids not allowed to eat certian foods imediatly went for the junk food, binging on it the second they were left alone, even if they'd just eaten. i was brought up in a house with nothing that even remotely resembeled junk food and i still find myself binging like crazy if there is food avalable, even though now i "know better" it's an impulse.
just my 2 cents.
Monday, September 11, 2006, 12:41 PM
hmm, while i agree with the no temptation if it's not there concept, i don't really agree with the "rule" against it idea, i was watching something on "scientific american" the other day about kids who are allowed to eat whatever they want, when they want it (as opposed to being told you can't have this food, or only at these times...) and when left alone w/ foods the kids who were allowed anything listened to their bodies and didn't eat the junk (because they knew it would be there if they wanted it later etc.) while the kids not allowed to eat certian foods imediatly went for the junk food, binging on it the second they were left alone, even if they'd just eaten. i was brought up in a house with nothing that even remotely resembeled junk food and i still find myself binging like crazy if there is food avalable, even though now i "know better" it's an impulse.
just my 2 cents.
Monday, September 11, 2006, 12:41 PM
hmm, while i agree with the no temptation if it's not there concept, i don't really agree with the "rule" against it idea, i was watching something on "scientific american" the other day about kids who are allowed to eat whatever they want, when they want it (as opposed to being told you can't have this food, or only at these times...) and when left alone w/ foods the kids who were allowed anything listened to their bodies and didn't eat the junk (because they knew it would be there if they wanted it later etc.) while the kids not allowed to eat certian foods imediatly went for the junk food, binging on it the second they were left alone, even if they'd just eaten. i was brought up in a house with nothing that even remotely resembeled junk food and i still find myself binging like crazy if there is food avalable, even though now i "know better" it's an impulse.
just my 2 cents.
Monday, September 11, 2006, 12:41 PM
I agree with the above poster. I would never keep my favorite foods in the house (chips, pretzels, crackers, graham cookies, granola) because I thought I would overeat them. On Saturday nights, I would end up at a friend's house raiding the pantry and shoving my face with 2000-3000 calories worth of all those foods going "Wow! I never get to eat this stuff! I better get as much as I can tonight because I won't get them for who knows how long." I now keep 1-2 of my favorite foods around all the time, and frankly, they look boring sometimes.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 9:03 AM
I agree with the above poster. I would never keep my favorite foods in the house (chips, pretzels, crackers, graham cookies, granola) because I thought I would overeat them. On Saturday nights, I would end up at a friend's house raiding the pantry and shoving my face with 2000-3000 calories worth of all those foods going "Wow! I never get to eat this stuff! I better get as much as I can tonight because I won't get them for who knows how long." I now keep 1-2 of my favorite foods around all the time, and frankly, they look boring sometimes.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 9:03 AM
I agree with the above poster. I would never keep my favorite foods in the house (chips, pretzels, crackers, graham cookies, granola) because I thought I would overeat them. On Saturday nights, I would end up at a friend's house raiding the pantry and shoving my face with 2000-3000 calories worth of all those foods going "Wow! I never get to eat this stuff! I better get as much as I can tonight because I won't get them for who knows how long." I now keep 1-2 of my favorite foods around all the time, and frankly, they look boring sometimes.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 9:03 AM
the alternative is everything. Whenever I get hungry or tempted I eat beans and then fruit. Beans fill me up and fruit helps with the sweet tooth.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:46 AM
the alternative is everything. Whenever I get hungry or tempted I eat beans and then fruit. Beans fill me up and fruit helps with the sweet tooth.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:46 AM
the alternative is everything. Whenever I get hungry or tempted I eat beans and then fruit. Beans fill me up and fruit helps with the sweet tooth.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:46 AM
The truth is, there is no hard and fast rule: you just have to experiment to see what works for yourself. I have found it best to not keep my trigger foods in the house: but I allow them as a special treat when I'm out - occasionally! Even out I've found it effective to remind myself that for now, if I'm serious about losing weight, that it would be better to wait to have that particular treat. I set myself the personal goal of one week without sugar, then another - and amazingly quickly I lose my taste and desire for the stuff!
I also rely heavily on my Beck Response cards to remind myself of my goals. Most times after reading them I have renewed the commitment to weight loss - and decided that I'd rather lose weight than be loose with my eating.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 9:07 AM
The truth is, there is no hard and fast rule: you just have to experiment to see what works for yourself. I have found it best to not keep my trigger foods in the house: but I allow them as a special treat when I'm out - occasionally! Even out I've found it effective to remind myself that for now, if I'm serious about losing weight, that it would be better to wait to have that particular treat. I set myself the personal goal of one week without sugar, then another - and amazingly quickly I lose my taste and desire for the stuff!
I also rely heavily on my Beck Response cards to remind myself of my goals. Most times after reading them I have renewed the commitment to weight loss - and decided that I'd rather lose weight than be loose with my eating.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 9:07 AM
The truth is, there is no hard and fast rule: you just have to experiment to see what works for yourself. I have found it best to not keep my trigger foods in the house: but I allow them as a special treat when I'm out - occasionally! Even out I've found it effective to remind myself that for now, if I'm serious about losing weight, that it would be better to wait to have that particular treat. I set myself the personal goal of one week without sugar, then another - and amazingly quickly I lose my taste and desire for the stuff!
I also rely heavily on my Beck Response cards to remind myself of my goals. Most times after reading them I have renewed the commitment to weight loss - and decided that I'd rather lose weight than be loose with my eating.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 9:07 AM
keep them out of the house!! no matter what.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:39 AM
keep them out of the house!! no matter what.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:39 AM
keep them out of the house!! no matter what.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:39 AM
sometimes keeping them out of the house is NOT a option.. it isnt for me.. I live with my bro and a roommate.. there is always JUNK food in the house.. I woke up to my roommat making brownies this morning.. they looked soooo good.. I wanted them so bad. I love chocolate.. so I made wheat pancakes with agave.. it satisfied my craving for something sweet. we cant always control our surroundings so we have to learn to control ourselves..
I second the poster that mentioned thier beck cards. beck has helped me tremendiously look and approach food differently.
good luck everyone.. just remember just because its there doesn't mean you have to have it.. and what you eat and sneak in private shows in public on our bodies.. those are a few things that help me to resist.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 6:28 PM
sometimes keeping them out of the house is NOT a option.. it isnt for me.. I live with my bro and a roommate.. there is always JUNK food in the house.. I woke up to my roommat making brownies this morning.. they looked soooo good.. I wanted them so bad. I love chocolate.. so I made wheat pancakes with agave.. it satisfied my craving for something sweet. we cant always control our surroundings so we have to learn to control ourselves..
I second the poster that mentioned thier beck cards. beck has helped me tremendiously look and approach food differently.
good luck everyone.. just remember just because its there doesn't mean you have to have it.. and what you eat and sneak in private shows in public on our bodies.. those are a few things that help me to resist.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 6:28 PM
sometimes keeping them out of the house is NOT a option.. it isnt for me.. I live with my bro and a roommate.. there is always JUNK food in the house.. I woke up to my roommat making brownies this morning.. they looked soooo good.. I wanted them so bad. I love chocolate.. so I made wheat pancakes with agave.. it satisfied my craving for something sweet. we cant always control our surroundings so we have to learn to control ourselves..
I second the poster that mentioned thier beck cards. beck has helped me tremendiously look and approach food differently.
good luck everyone.. just remember just because its there doesn't mean you have to have it.. and what you eat and sneak in private shows in public on our bodies.. those are a few things that help me to resist.
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 6:28 PM
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