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Intuitive eating. stop spamming.
Enough said.
Thu. Sep 7, 1:50pm
do you realize that by starting this thread you are merely providing yet another area to push this book? i mean, this is ripe for people to defend the f***ing book, now.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 1:56 PM
do you realize that by starting this thread you are merely providing yet another area to push this book? i mean, this is ripe for people to defend the f***ing book, now.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 1:56 PM
do you realize that by starting this thread you are merely providing yet another area to push this book? i mean, this is ripe for people to defend the f***ing book, now.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 1:56 PM
where oh where have you seen any spam about IE. i have read and seen more about ww and the no carb people than i have about intuitive eating. i am not one to push books but there is certain ideas that appeal to me about IE. yes i have the book , but then again i have lots of books on different ways to lose weight because i like to be informed of other ways of thinking.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 2:05 PM
where oh where have you seen any spam about IE. i have read and seen more about ww and the no carb people than i have about intuitive eating. i am not one to push books but there is certain ideas that appeal to me about IE. yes i have the book , but then again i have lots of books on different ways to lose weight because i like to be informed of other ways of thinking.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 2:05 PM
where oh where have you seen any spam about IE. i have read and seen more about ww and the no carb people than i have about intuitive eating. i am not one to push books but there is certain ideas that appeal to me about IE. yes i have the book , but then again i have lots of books on different ways to lose weight because i like to be informed of other ways of thinking.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 2:05 PM
i thought this was a support page for ALL types of weight loss and exercise?? is someone trying to sell the book on the site?? if not i really dont think it is spamming is it?
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 5:28 PM
i thought this was a support page for ALL types of weight loss and exercise?? is someone trying to sell the book on the site?? if not i really dont think it is spamming is it?
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 5:28 PM
i thought this was a support page for ALL types of weight loss and exercise?? is someone trying to sell the book on the site?? if not i really dont think it is spamming is it?
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 5:28 PM
OK, if the IE readers are spamming, then the WW people are a cult.
"Enough said."
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 9:15 PM
OK, if the IE readers are spamming, then the WW people are a cult.
"Enough said."
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 9:15 PM
OK, if the IE readers are spamming, then the WW people are a cult.
"Enough said."
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 9:15 PM
Again! What is intitive eating?
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:07 AM
Again! What is intitive eating?
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:07 AM
Again! What is intitive eating?
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:07 AM
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating is the name of the book. The book suggests an approach to eating and weight loss issues. You can google it and find the web site as well as information re the book itself.
Like the Zone Diet, Weight Watchers, the South Beach Diet, Atkins, etc., it is a book that has made an impression on lots of people, including lots of people on PeerTrainer, and has informed how they approach their own struggles with eating, weight loss, food, etc. etc. etc.
If you search for past threads on Intuitive Eating in the lounge, you will find that (a) a number of people are quite interested in Intuitive Eating (and there are groups and teams where Intuitive Eating is the theme); and (b) a number of people think that someone who seeks to profit from the sale of the book called Intuitive Eating are somehow planting plugs for the book/approach.
I agree with several of the above posters that Intuitive Eating (IE) is not discussed any more than a number of other plans/books/ideas, but somehow, references to Intuitive Eating seem to irritate people more than references to other plans like Weight Watchers (WW) or Atkins.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:22 AM
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating is the name of the book. The book suggests an approach to eating and weight loss issues. You can google it and find the web site as well as information re the book itself.
Like the Zone Diet, Weight Watchers, the South Beach Diet, Atkins, etc., it is a book that has made an impression on lots of people, including lots of people on PeerTrainer, and has informed how they approach their own struggles with eating, weight loss, food, etc. etc. etc.
If you search for past threads on Intuitive Eating in the lounge, you will find that (a) a number of people are quite interested in Intuitive Eating (and there are groups and teams where Intuitive Eating is the theme); and (b) a number of people think that someone who seeks to profit from the sale of the book called Intuitive Eating are somehow planting plugs for the book/approach.
I agree with several of the above posters that Intuitive Eating (IE) is not discussed any more than a number of other plans/books/ideas, but somehow, references to Intuitive Eating seem to irritate people more than references to other plans like Weight Watchers (WW) or Atkins.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:22 AM
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating is the name of the book. The book suggests an approach to eating and weight loss issues. You can google it and find the web site as well as information re the book itself.
Like the Zone Diet, Weight Watchers, the South Beach Diet, Atkins, etc., it is a book that has made an impression on lots of people, including lots of people on PeerTrainer, and has informed how they approach their own struggles with eating, weight loss, food, etc. etc. etc.
If you search for past threads on Intuitive Eating in the lounge, you will find that (a) a number of people are quite interested in Intuitive Eating (and there are groups and teams where Intuitive Eating is the theme); and (b) a number of people think that someone who seeks to profit from the sale of the book called Intuitive Eating are somehow planting plugs for the book/approach.
I agree with several of the above posters that Intuitive Eating (IE) is not discussed any more than a number of other plans/books/ideas, but somehow, references to Intuitive Eating seem to irritate people more than references to other plans like Weight Watchers (WW) or Atkins.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:22 AM
Every time I see "IE" I think Internet Explorer. Really... Firefox is better.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:19 AM
Every time I see "IE" I think Internet Explorer. Really... Firefox is better.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:19 AM
Every time I see "IE" I think Internet Explorer. Really... Firefox is better.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:19 AM
I borrowed the book from my therapist, so I just wanted to let you know you can put your mind at ease that the authors and publishers did not get any of my money.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:37 AM
I borrowed the book from my therapist, so I just wanted to let you know you can put your mind at ease that the authors and publishers did not get any of my money.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:37 AM
I borrowed the book from my therapist, so I just wanted to let you know you can put your mind at ease that the authors and publishers did not get any of my money.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 9:37 AM
I started it...
Maybe the initial IE threads... I am in no way affiliated with any profit of the book...
It is like anything... if something works for you... resonates with you... you talk about it with other people.
Maybe the original starter of this thread was just irritated by the thought of people being able to eat what they want and be saitisfied, not feel guilty and lose weight- or even stay the same weight.. while others here are depriving themselves of foods they think they want to eat, starving at times, feeling downright irritable at the thought of a lifetime of this and gaining more weight in the end after a bit of weight loss in the beginning.
There are many ways of travelling from Oregon to Florida... one can zigzag by car from Oregon to Maine... then back West to CA... then back East to sc... Go up to Canada for a day, then fly to texas... then take a train to FL...
Some spend months planning in Oregon about how... and never set foot out of the state with the fear of possibilities...
Some get from Oregon to IL.. then remembered they forgot something and head back... (or they let their friends take the wheel, and while they were sleeping, they get taken back to Oregon) and they have to start over... maybe the next trip ending up in oh so close Alabama... do they ever get to Florida?
Still working with IE here... its not about the food... oh so much more. For gosh sakes let yourself eat something you crave if you are hungry and feel how freeing it is.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 10:49 PM
I started it...
Maybe the initial IE threads... I am in no way affiliated with any profit of the book...
It is like anything... if something works for you... resonates with you... you talk about it with other people.
Maybe the original starter of this thread was just irritated by the thought of people being able to eat what they want and be saitisfied, not feel guilty and lose weight- or even stay the same weight.. while others here are depriving themselves of foods they think they want to eat, starving at times, feeling downright irritable at the thought of a lifetime of this and gaining more weight in the end after a bit of weight loss in the beginning.
There are many ways of travelling from Oregon to Florida... one can zigzag by car from Oregon to Maine... then back West to CA... then back East to sc... Go up to Canada for a day, then fly to texas... then take a train to FL...
Some spend months planning in Oregon about how... and never set foot out of the state with the fear of possibilities...
Some get from Oregon to IL.. then remembered they forgot something and head back... (or they let their friends take the wheel, and while they were sleeping, they get taken back to Oregon) and they have to start over... maybe the next trip ending up in oh so close Alabama... do they ever get to Florida?
Still working with IE here... its not about the food... oh so much more. For gosh sakes let yourself eat something you crave if you are hungry and feel how freeing it is.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 10:49 PM
I started it...
Maybe the initial IE threads... I am in no way affiliated with any profit of the book...
It is like anything... if something works for you... resonates with you... you talk about it with other people.
Maybe the original starter of this thread was just irritated by the thought of people being able to eat what they want and be saitisfied, not feel guilty and lose weight- or even stay the same weight.. while others here are depriving themselves of foods they think they want to eat, starving at times, feeling downright irritable at the thought of a lifetime of this and gaining more weight in the end after a bit of weight loss in the beginning.
There are many ways of travelling from Oregon to Florida... one can zigzag by car from Oregon to Maine... then back West to CA... then back East to sc... Go up to Canada for a day, then fly to texas... then take a train to FL...
Some spend months planning in Oregon about how... and never set foot out of the state with the fear of possibilities...
Some get from Oregon to IL.. then remembered they forgot something and head back... (or they let their friends take the wheel, and while they were sleeping, they get taken back to Oregon) and they have to start over... maybe the next trip ending up in oh so close Alabama... do they ever get to Florida?
Still working with IE here... its not about the food... oh so much more. For gosh sakes let yourself eat something you crave if you are hungry and feel how freeing it is.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 10:49 PM
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