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Another Post From Alester's Fan Club

He just posted this in the spotlight....

You know, Bradway, I got that logic a few years ago when I was trying to get my finances in order. I wanted to buy a house so badly, but I was doing social work (read: making noooooo money), my credit was terrible, I had no savings, and I felt like there was no way to get there. I took some 1st time homebuyer classes through a non-profit, and analyzed what I was spending, and found that if I was dutiful about it, I could save a couple hundred dollars a month. It was work, though, and the kookie woman who taught the class (whom I LOVED), asked me one day, when I was complaining that I couldn't have my mochas anymore, "can you live in a Starbucks coffee cup?" NO "How long will the joy from that Starbucks Mocha last you?" An hour? "Which would you have to choose, if you could have either one RIGHT NOW, a great Starbucks Mocha, or a cute little house that you can fix up and make your home?" The house, duh! And that became my logic. Everytime I wanted the mocha, I would hear my internal voice asking, "would you rather have that mocha, or a house?"--obviously, 9 times out of the 10 the house was the choice. I got that way about everything--a new pair of jeans, new CD, everything. 9 months later I bought my house--I had enought to put 5% down! My friends would joke about it, and tease me, "wanna get a beer, or will that cost you a house?" But once they saw me making progress toward the goal they started doing it, too--"wanna go out tonight? We can split a desert so we don't lose our houses." It's a bit silly--the logic that buying a mocha will cost you that much, but it's true at the same time. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and each step is critical to one reaching the end-point of that journey. So, tomorrow morning I will seriously ask myself, "do you want that pumpkin muffin, or do you want a hot ass?" I know what the answer will be. . . . BOTH! LOL :)

Tue. Sep 6, 2:57pm

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Wow Alester! You've got a fan club! LOL. Can I be the president???

Bradway :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2005, 6:23 PM

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I LOVE this post.

Thanks to the fan club for posting it. I haven't checked out the spotlight..alester, I will see you there!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005, 7:41 PM

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Alester, you are of course your own best fan.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 4:49 PM

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