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I think I might quit paying to lose weight!

I am thinking of quiting a diet club I have to pay to go too and just make sure I login peertrainer everyday. I have been in and out of a program for the past 5 years. I can't afford it . I could use nymy $50 bucks on paying bills or clothes or getting my nails or hair done. I really think peer trainer is going to work for me. I am so mixed up. Everytime I quit I gain another 10 lbs. Although I was never in peer trainer. I just don't have the $12 bucks every week. What do guys think?

Thu. Aug 31, 11:20pm

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Go for it... Make sure your teams and groups know you are counting on them to keep you accoutable, I've personally had more success here than with other plans and I've paid plenty for them. But having said that, each person must know their own needs and how they can best succeed. Best of luck to you.

Thursday, August 31, 2006, 11:48 PM

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hello, i used to pay to lose weight, too. (WW) after being on PT for about 6 months i realized the support here was waaay better than what i was paying for -and- the weekly weigh-ins were humiliating and self-destructive. so, if your instincts are telling you to stop paying, you know what to do!

Friday, September 01, 2006, 9:17 AM

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maybe stop the gym and save the monthly fees (or half) and see how peertrainer works for you. if you are not retaining the success you had, you could join up again.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 9:38 AM

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Weight Watchers is self-destructive?

i'd be curious to hear a bit more about why you think this is the case. There are pros and cons to any approach-- but I usually only hear pro-WW cheerleading.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 9:38 AM

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I think the support you receive here is much better as you can log on anytime! I never really stuck with anything...until I found peertrainer. Now I am finally sticking to something and losing weight -- I've only lost a small amount, but I know if I continue, I will continue to lose weight. Why not take the $50 and join a gym instead! Or use it to make yourself look better as you are losing the weight - new clothes, massage, getting your hair and nails done!

Friday, September 01, 2006, 9:41 AM

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It is not that I don't think WW meetings are great! But I don't have the money and peer trainer seems just as good! It is new to me but time will tell. I also love tier bars and shakes. I am not sure if they will let me go in just to purchase them. Oh well. It will all work out!

Friday, September 01, 2006, 10:56 AM

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I think with WW it depends on your group. I was at one time a member of the WW group here locally and if you stayed the same or gained on your weigh in the leaders really really made you feel bad about yourself by basically making fun of you and that's not a conducive approach to weight loss. However I have a friend who lives upstate who is a member of WW and she says they are nothing but supportive. If you have a gain then the leader will often take you aside and discuss what's going on in your life - not just diet and exercise wise. She says they truly care about everyone and no one is made to feel inferior due to their weight gains if it happens.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 11:54 AM

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I stopped "paying" to lose weight a long time ago. If paying was a motivator, I'd be in size 26 jeans! I realized the only way is to make a commitment and stick with it and PT seems to work for me. I also have my gym "work" for me. I ask the receptionists at the desk to give me grief if I haven't shown up in a few days.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 11:59 AM

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I've joined WW several times. Here's my insight. Although it is a well-designed program, it is just that. A program, and one that is out to make money. Therefore, they can't possibly have the kind of dialogue you can have here, where you are free to explore and get advice about different approaches to weight loss! Also, I found that I never had a leader that had anything to offer me, I felt like I could jump up and lead the class myself. And most of the women in the group were much older than I was, and they didn't seem to want to change their lives at all!

Friday, September 01, 2006, 12:06 PM

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WW being self -destructive

While the weekly weigh-ins didn't bother me because they were pretty private - I didn't find much support and during the time I was at WW, I actually gained 20 lbs! Not exactly the result I was looking for. I think it was their point system and the "it's okay to have some - just remember to log the points" Or all the recipes where they were making cakes with diet soda - I'm sorry - but it's still cake and for me - that's still more calories of the poor stuff than the good stuff. It just did not work.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 5:48 PM

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More on WW

I am a member of Weight Watchers and it works great for me. Very supportive, although I do well by myself controlling my portions and losing weight. What I like is the weekly weigh in. It keeps me thinking about everything I put in my mouth!!! It gives me a "track to run on" and really focuses on nurtition and balanced meals. And I really think the main goal of weight watchers is to learn portion control! Bottom line if you follow the plan you will lose weight.

Friday, September 01, 2006, 6:48 PM

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I love WW and I love my leader, she is very supportive! I always leve the meetings motivated! I think a good leader is key! I have been going to the same meeting for years( with the same leader) , and I love all the people there too..They are a great support system..I would never stop going..

Saturday, September 02, 2006, 4:26 AM

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