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How do you know when to stop?
I've lost weight but am afraid I'm beginning to get some anorexic tendencies. I still think I look so huge and am afraid I can't see myself accurately. If anyone has any advice or similar feelings, I would like to hear what you do. TIA.
Fri. Sep 2, 10:33am
I feel your pain. I have lost 115lbs and have such a distorted perception of myself. If I go into a store, I pick up an item and buy it and get it home and it's like 5 sizes too big. I have no idea what I look like. Honestly, it's an issue you just have deal with. In time you'll see how far you've come. I have good days and bad days. As for anorexic tendancies, don't fall for them, would you want to make all this progress and then do something so unhealthy. Disorted perception of self is one thing, anorexia is another. Commend yourself on what you've done and someday you'll see your own progress, but it does take time!
Friday, September 2, 2005, 10:48 AM
Ask a good, trusted friend for a reality check, and promise not to get mad if they say you're getting too skinny or not being healthy - they care about you, and you're starting to see it too!
If you think you'll get mad at a truthful friend, or hurt by comments that might not be gentle, just go to your doctor and get an exam, and tell him/ her truthfully how you eat - maybe take a copy of your logs, etc.
If you're losing more than 1-2lbs per week, that's unhealthy.
Also, look at your diet and look at the food triangle - if you're not getting close to the recommended number of servings of all of those groups, you're probably being unhealthy as well.
If the thought of eating a scoop of real ice cream (not every day, but maybe once or twice a summer) makes you flip out and go into panic mode, you may be being unhealthy.
Friday, September 2, 2005, 10:49 AM
I think the fact that you recoginize this as a potential issue is important. Keep it in mind and dont let yourself get there. Ask yourself if the way you see yourself and your eating habits affect your normal daily routine. If you can see this now, you can defenitly prevent if from being a problem. Keep talking to us on here, talk to whomever you feel close and comfortable sharing openly about these isues with, If you think you need help, ask. Noone that loves and cares about you would want to see you go down that path, especially if they knew that they could help you in some way. I applaud you for coming forth and admitting to the community that this is an issue for you.
Friday, September 2, 2005, 5:33 PM
I would do 2 things:
1. Make a doctor's appointment to see if you're where you ought to be regarding weight, health, body composition, etc. - in fact, you may want to see a couple doctors just to get a couple opinions. If they all tell you the same thing, promise yourself that you'll beleive them - whatever that is.
2. (and this goes for the other above poster) Go to a store where they help you pick out clothes - what are they called - personal shoppers? You don't even need to buy what they pick out for you, but let them play dress-up with you. That way you'll get to see yourself in clothes that ACTUALLY fit your CURRENT body. It's very hard to evaluate what you really look like when your body is surrounded with ill-fitting clothing.
Friday, September 2, 2005, 7:18 PM
When to Stop
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I look at myself the same way. I was ruthlessly picked on in school for being chubby and poor. My parents came to me one day and said that I could have new clothes if I lost weight. Now I know that was their way of trying to held but talk about give me a complex. My own parents thought that I was fat. In my late 20's early 30's I went from a size 14 to a size 6 and I still saw myself as that chubby kid that nobody liked. After I got married I went up to a size 8 and it really made a differnce on my day to day life. I didn't want to be intimate with my husband because I saw myself as big and ugly. No matter what the label on my clothes says. I know that in relation to the problem that some struggle with a size 8 sounds very petty, but in my mind it is the same as a size 18 or whatever. I had a child 4 months ago and was back to a 14 afterwards. I'm down to size 12 now and am struggling to accept myself. I have a wonderful husband who tries to understand.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you are not the only person that has this problem. I am seriously considering therapy to help me with my self esteam issues.
Monday, September 26, 2005, 12:07 PM
I've felt stupid ever since I posted this so I never came back. These responses helped me feel better.
Monday, September 26, 2005, 1:47 PM
Don't feel stupid, please!!
Oh no!!
Don't EVER feel stupid for what you say here. Two things to keep in mind about this place- 1) this place is like Vegas-- what happens here STAYS here-- so no one will ever blab about your private problems, and 2) this is a SAFE PLACE! Non-judgmental and supportive!
We are not here to criticize or disrespect you. We are here to listen, to give you any advice we might have, to support you when you're having a hard time, and to just be there for you to talk to - ANY time!! Please please please don't feel stupid, especially not about what you posted. So many of us face the same problem and the same worry- that we'll replace one unhealthy lifestyle for another! You have been given some great suggestions here, and I am so glad it made you feel better. But please know you can ALWAYS come to us (or seek us out individually-- I'm "TracyinDC") to talk about whatever is on your mind during this journey.
Monday, September 26, 2005, 2:02 PM
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