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I am having a crisis... I thought I was hot until I saw the new assistants that my company hired. Oh my gawd... When did I get so old ugly and fat? Chocolate....

Tue. Aug 30, 12:32pm

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You can't compare yourself to others... I know it is hard not to do. Just keep plodding away at your goal. If you throw in the towel, a year from now you may be 10 -20lbs heavier... and even if you don't lose anyweight... or only 3lbs in a year... at least you will have lost 3, not gained 20, got it? Just keep going...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 8:44 PM

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There's always someone younger and thinner to be jealous of... But, there's also always someone older and fatter who's jealous of you!!! Look around at your office, and figure out who must be jealous of you in your hotness!! It's vain and a little cruel, but it'll make you feel better! If you thought you were hot, then I'm sure other people think you are too!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 8:22 AM

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Concentrate on YOU!!

Just concentrate on improving yourself - both physically and mentally. There is always going to be someone who is "better" than you in whatever category you are using for comparison so it is unhealthy to waste time comparing. If you feel good about yourself your inner beauty will shine through. Have you ever had that happen when you meet people? They seem really attractive at first and then you get to know them and BLEH!! Or vice versa where you think someone is not so atttractive and then get to know them and WOW suddenly they are really attractive.

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 10:49 AM

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The best advice that I can give...and not only for this situation, but in life in yourself for who you are, no matter what weight, or what situation you are in. Once you are comfortable in your own skin, it doesn't matter how anyone else looks, just be happy with yourself. Then use the weight loss to improve your quality of life, not to look better than the next person. Make yourself happy. :)

Friday, September 2, 2005, 11:27 PM

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