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What does it mean when your stomach grumbles?

When does it mean when your stomach grumbles when you are hungry or haven't eaten in a couple hours......I've heard that means that your stomach is shrinking??? It happens quite often if I am in a rush and skip a meal. Today, I haven't skipped, but had an early lunch and no snacks and it is outta control grumbling!!!!

Thu. Aug 17, 4:56pm

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The stomach is a muscular organ, which has many digestive roles.
It is always churning and moving, contracting and digesting. When it is full
of food, it is happily doing its job. But when it is low or empty, it is
still contracting. You feel it and hear it because the walls of the stomach
are rubbing past each other, rather than the food that should be there. It is
a way your body tells you to eat something! However, after a few more hours
without food, the churning ceases, as the body starts to use stored fat for
fuel, not ingested food. The body begins its "starvation mode" and conserves
energy, lowers metabolism, and burns stored fat.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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The stomach is a muscular organ, which has many digestive roles.
It is always churning and moving, contracting and digesting. When it is full
of food, it is happily doing its job. But when it is low or empty, it is
still contracting. You feel it and hear it because the walls of the stomach
are rubbing past each other, rather than the food that should be there. It is
a way your body tells you to eat something! However, after a few more hours
without food, the churning ceases, as the body starts to use stored fat for
fuel, not ingested food. The body begins its "starvation mode" and conserves
energy, lowers metabolism, and burns stored fat.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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The stomach is a muscular organ, which has many digestive roles.
It is always churning and moving, contracting and digesting. When it is full
of food, it is happily doing its job. But when it is low or empty, it is
still contracting. You feel it and hear it because the walls of the stomach
are rubbing past each other, rather than the food that should be there. It is
a way your body tells you to eat something! However, after a few more hours
without food, the churning ceases, as the body starts to use stored fat for
fuel, not ingested food. The body begins its "starvation mode" and conserves
energy, lowers metabolism, and burns stored fat.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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Another reason to hear that noise is because when a stomach is
not full of food it is more apt to get more air into it. So as it does it is
work (what it does it a lot like what you do to a push up ice pop) if there is
air in the stomach it get pushed in bubbles back and forth and you hear the
bubbles gurgling back and forth.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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Another reason to hear that noise is because when a stomach is
not full of food it is more apt to get more air into it. So as it does it is
work (what it does it a lot like what you do to a push up ice pop) if there is
air in the stomach it get pushed in bubbles back and forth and you hear the
bubbles gurgling back and forth.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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Another reason to hear that noise is because when a stomach is
not full of food it is more apt to get more air into it. So as it does it is
work (what it does it a lot like what you do to a push up ice pop) if there is
air in the stomach it get pushed in bubbles back and forth and you hear the
bubbles gurgling back and forth.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:59 PM

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The rumbles, gurgles and growls you sometimes hear from your abdomen typically are due to normal digestion. Stomach growling can occur when you're hungry. But it can also occur after eating or between meals when food is passing through your intestines.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:00 PM

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The rumbles, gurgles and growls you sometimes hear from your abdomen typically are due to normal digestion. Stomach growling can occur when you're hungry. But it can also occur after eating or between meals when food is passing through your intestines.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:00 PM

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The rumbles, gurgles and growls you sometimes hear from your abdomen typically are due to normal digestion. Stomach growling can occur when you're hungry. But it can also occur after eating or between meals when food is passing through your intestines.

Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:00 PM

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