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Winners: Astoria, Jackson Heights, Woodside

I just started a group called "Winners, etc."

My intention is to focus on our intentions, admit to mistakes, and move on accepting that mistakes, for the time being, are unavoidable. Binge eating, emotional eating, low self esteem, all add to problems we create for ourselves.

I'm the above.

Today is my second day and ate a box of peanuts but have promised myself would not eat another bite until supper with my friends. Have been drinking water, and, so far, excellent.

Am truly enjoying all this so called blogging. Actually, what does one call what we are doing.

I'd really enjoy it if someone with the same food issues as me and the same desire to focus on their lives, rather than stuffing food in that opening called a mouth, would join my group.

There is potential for us to be true WINNERS -- join me..

Cheers, my fellow travellers, cheers

Mon. Aug 29, 12:27pm

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Winners: Astoria, Jackson Heights, Woodside

This is the second day and I am recovering from mistakes, again mistakes, made yesterday.

Just wish someone from Queens would join my group!! Isn't there anyone in the area with food and exercise difficulties.

Good luck to all of us.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 5:00 AM

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It's the start of my third day and congratulate myself for continuing even though I'm not succeeding in keeping my word.

Soon will keep my word!! It's my plan!!

In the meanwhile, am at the start line and waiting to complete my first lap. That means, one day of not overeating or indulging myself with a cookie or a plate of icecream.

Anyone near me in NY who wants to join my solitary group?


Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 5:52 AM

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Seems that I am the only one posting on my thread.

It's OK, at least I am telling myself that I return to this site and am challenging myself to accomplish a weight loss.

It's 10 a,m, NY time and am getting ready to vacuum the house and then leave to buy my lunch and supper. Yes, will divide it in half, something I've never done, dividing one serving in halp. I can do it and damn, will I be pleased with myself when I succeed.

Onward to lose of weight!! Onward to letting beauty emerge from a shadow.

Onward women of the world, show yourself as in control of your life!!!!r

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 7:48 AM

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Try joining another group as well

Keep your Queens group open, and join another- you can join as many as you like. Your group will fill up in time, in the mean time there are a lot of groups you can join.

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 7:53 AM

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