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If you could eat one thing right now, that you know you totally can't, what would it be?
throught this would be a fun question!
Thu. Aug 25, 5:59pm
The problem is I can, and its a brownie w/ a big glass of milk. they both are sitting in my fridge.
Thursday, August 25, 2005, 6:50 PM
i already did
this whole day/week has been nothing but ugliness. i have eaten everything that i shouldnt so bad. but in another scenerio, it would be PIZZA yum :oD
Thursday, August 25, 2005, 7:26 PM
Hot fudge sundae from McDonalds with extra fudge and extra nuts. What can I say? Snacks from Micky D's bring me back to my childhood... :)
Thursday, August 25, 2005, 10:26 PM
Great question..........
a slice of pizza, with a few more slices on the side.
Friday, August 26, 2005, 12:09 AM
one cheese stuffed 1/2 veggie, 1/2 cheese with all over extra cheese pizza, 1 dulce de leche cheesecake ...oh yeah, and some dulce de leche to while i'm at it. plantain chips, beef tonge in tomato sauce w/ coconut rice. I know you guys think it's gross, i tricked my husband into trying it and he loved it!
Friday, August 26, 2005, 6:47 AM
Anything yummy in a very large quantity - like a carton of chocolate ice cream, or a whole pizza, etc.
I'd love to go to a restaurant and order the chicken fingers and fries, go to the movies and get chocolate candy, go to a baseball game and get a hot dog with cheez, nachos with cheez, and some cheez on the side!
I'd drink a few glasses of fresh-squeezed orange juice a day (I know, not so horrible, but, drinking calories other than skim milk just takes away so much food from the day...) I'd go to Starbuck's and order one of the yummy-sounding oreo-chocolate-fudge-frappuccinos, and I'd get the whipped cream! And I'd get one of their pastries on the side! A cheese danish maybe??
I'd eat a warm, fresh brownie, with a cold scoop of ice cream, and really thick hot fudge on top!
This IS a fun post!!
Friday, August 26, 2005, 9:01 AM
German chocolate
An entire Ritter sport for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Friday, August 26, 2005, 10:03 AM
Cadbury Creme Egg!
I figure anything bad I can have a little bit of - but it would be damn near impossible to have one of these in August ;-) If I still had one, it would be disgustingly old! Ick!
Friday, August 26, 2005, 3:07 PM
a deep-fat fried pepperoni pizza covered in maple syrup and chocolate fudge sauce, with fries. i'm joking, of course, i don't eat pepperoni.
Friday, August 26, 2005, 3:22 PM
Everybody loves pizza!
It's so funny how about 1/2 of us would choose to eat pizza! What is it about the cheese, the crust, the sauce, the grease, that we just can't get enough of! I know i could eat it everyday and be happy. That with a whole plate of french that's a good day!
I would also eat a big burrito stuffed with chicken, beans, cheese, guac, sour cream, rice, salsa...yup the works!
I'm not a sweet tooth person!
Hey but just thinking of how gross I would feel (and have felt) after pigging out on these foods....not really worth it anymore!
Monday, August 29, 2005, 11:55 AM
chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy
homemade apple pie - 2 pieces (or one really big piece)
Monday, August 29, 2005, 1:37 PM
A Thanksgiving meal made by my best friend's mom - she cooks everything with butter - she makes the stereotypical southern black food...soooooo good...while I'm at it, the next day I'd have Greek Easter food made by my boyfriend's mom, spanikopita, pastitso, musaka...mmm, and for some desert, some chocolate pecan pie from Mountain Gate (local resturant) - it's super rich and I've never seen anyone else make it (it's a very distinct radioactive green color)...I really love food...(especially homemade food...I can't cook and neither can either of my parents, so I have to treasure it where I can get it!)
Monday, August 29, 2005, 2:51 PM
an entire log of cookie dough
Monday, August 29, 2005, 4:16 PM
Omigod! pizza....fried calamari...fried anything, actually.....loads, no gallons of ice cream!....pies w/all the buttery crust and sweet fruits.....creamy, rich ranch or blue cheese dressing smothered on buffalo wings.....rice, lots of rice with lots of rich, fried chinese entrees....yes! I'm sure i'm missing something, but man, i'm sooo craving, now!
Monday, August 29, 2005, 6:05 PM
An entire bag of BBQ chips (w/ ridges)!!!
Monday, August 29, 2005, 6:40 PM
Vanilla Wafers and vitamin D MILK
Oh my gawd!!! I thought I was the only one who loved to eat junk food. I feel like I'm normal reading these posts.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 11:06 AM
A Philly CheeseSteak sandwich w/Cheese fries!!! YUMMY!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2005, 7:15 AM
Vegan Beginner
I am my second day of becoming a vegan so you know I have an answer.
And that is:
Ice Cream
Tuesday, September 6, 2005, 8:24 AM
Oh definitly pizza
Thursday, September 8, 2005, 10:31 AM
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