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Only way to flatten your tummy -- a tummy tuck?
Since you can't spot reduce, is this the only way to get a flat stomach?
Fri. Jul 21, 3:03pm
um no, definitely not! rigorous cardio and a healthy diet will take the fat off all over the body, including the tummy, and abdominal or core exercises will strengthen the muscles and firm the area. it has worked for alot of people.
remember barely anybody's stomach is 100% flat like a board. models are airbrushed, starve themsevles, and abuse drugs. make sure your expectations are realistic, and good luck! :)
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:12 PM
um no, definitely not! rigorous cardio and a healthy diet will take the fat off all over the body, including the tummy, and abdominal or core exercises will strengthen the muscles and firm the area. it has worked for alot of people.
remember barely anybody's stomach is 100% flat like a board. models are airbrushed, starve themsevles, and abuse drugs. make sure your expectations are realistic, and good luck! :)
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:12 PM
um no, definitely not! rigorous cardio and a healthy diet will take the fat off all over the body, including the tummy, and abdominal or core exercises will strengthen the muscles and firm the area. it has worked for alot of people.
remember barely anybody's stomach is 100% flat like a board. models are airbrushed, starve themsevles, and abuse drugs. make sure your expectations are realistic, and good luck! :)
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:12 PM
Why would you want a flat stomach anyway? Assuming you're female, Mother Nature put that little bit of fat on your lower stomach for a reason - it protects your reproductive organs! If you lower your body fat % enough to get rid of it, you're likely to stop having your period, and while that may sound great, the change in your hormones can lead to hair loss, loss of bone density, dry flaky skin and a number of other unattractive and dangerous things. Enjoy your feminine curves- they're sexy. I don't know too many men who really want to go to bed with a stick figure.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 9:30 PM
Why would you want a flat stomach anyway? Assuming you're female, Mother Nature put that little bit of fat on your lower stomach for a reason - it protects your reproductive organs! If you lower your body fat % enough to get rid of it, you're likely to stop having your period, and while that may sound great, the change in your hormones can lead to hair loss, loss of bone density, dry flaky skin and a number of other unattractive and dangerous things. Enjoy your feminine curves- they're sexy. I don't know too many men who really want to go to bed with a stick figure.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 9:30 PM
Why would you want a flat stomach anyway? Assuming you're female, Mother Nature put that little bit of fat on your lower stomach for a reason - it protects your reproductive organs! If you lower your body fat % enough to get rid of it, you're likely to stop having your period, and while that may sound great, the change in your hormones can lead to hair loss, loss of bone density, dry flaky skin and a number of other unattractive and dangerous things. Enjoy your feminine curves- they're sexy. I don't know too many men who really want to go to bed with a stick figure.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 9:30 PM
Just FYI, tummy tucks are best used to get rid of things like stretch marks and excess skin, which can't be worked down with any amount of exercise. The first responder is right - lots of cardio to burn fat, and lots of ab exercises, will really make a difference. Oh, and I also agree with the second responder - look closely at women on TV; even the most "perfect" looking ones have a little roundness in their bellies.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 11:09 PM
Just FYI, tummy tucks are best used to get rid of things like stretch marks and excess skin, which can't be worked down with any amount of exercise. The first responder is right - lots of cardio to burn fat, and lots of ab exercises, will really make a difference. Oh, and I also agree with the second responder - look closely at women on TV; even the most "perfect" looking ones have a little roundness in their bellies.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 11:09 PM
Just FYI, tummy tucks are best used to get rid of things like stretch marks and excess skin, which can't be worked down with any amount of exercise. The first responder is right - lots of cardio to burn fat, and lots of ab exercises, will really make a difference. Oh, and I also agree with the second responder - look closely at women on TV; even the most "perfect" looking ones have a little roundness in their bellies.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 11:09 PM
Abdominal flatness
For some getting good abs is easy and for some its a bit harder and pretty darned close to impossible. Genetics plays a significant role in fat distribution as well as diet. The first thing I would suggest is to cut out a lot of fat excluding omega 3 fatty acids. Also cut way down on your refined sugar. I know this is pretty general so I suggest a google search for more information if you need it so that I can stay more on to the point of the abs. cardio is essential for major fat loss in the abodominal region unless done so by drugs which I don't think is smart because although it can bring your body fat down, it does it in a way that screws with your metabolism and gives you a false sense of actual healthy weight loss behaviors. It can also screw with your thyroid and adrenal glands and those are glands you really don't want to mess with just ask anybody with hyper or hypothyroidism or adrenal atrophies. Now for a more empathetic and caring approach... I believe you should try not to obsess over the fat too much and try to be healthy and work on making yourself feel good all over from knowing you did good for your body. If your not an experienced exercise person don't try to do too much at first but get the behavior of going to exercise down. If your going to a gym introduce yourself to everybody there and build a report with everybody and you won't feel so self conscious. You might even look forward to going to the gym. With that being said good luck with your ab work and exercise and diet and everything you decide.I know that is alot of ands but sometimes different elements have to work synergistically in order to work. Good luuuuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 12:46 AM
Abdominal flatness
For some getting good abs is easy and for some its a bit harder and pretty darned close to impossible. Genetics plays a significant role in fat distribution as well as diet. The first thing I would suggest is to cut out a lot of fat excluding omega 3 fatty acids. Also cut way down on your refined sugar. I know this is pretty general so I suggest a google search for more information if you need it so that I can stay more on to the point of the abs. cardio is essential for major fat loss in the abodominal region unless done so by drugs which I don't think is smart because although it can bring your body fat down, it does it in a way that screws with your metabolism and gives you a false sense of actual healthy weight loss behaviors. It can also screw with your thyroid and adrenal glands and those are glands you really don't want to mess with just ask anybody with hyper or hypothyroidism or adrenal atrophies. Now for a more empathetic and caring approach... I believe you should try not to obsess over the fat too much and try to be healthy and work on making yourself feel good all over from knowing you did good for your body. If your not an experienced exercise person don't try to do too much at first but get the behavior of going to exercise down. If your going to a gym introduce yourself to everybody there and build a report with everybody and you won't feel so self conscious. You might even look forward to going to the gym. With that being said good luck with your ab work and exercise and diet and everything you decide.I know that is alot of ands but sometimes different elements have to work synergistically in order to work. Good luuuuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 12:46 AM
Abdominal flatness
For some getting good abs is easy and for some its a bit harder and pretty darned close to impossible. Genetics plays a significant role in fat distribution as well as diet. The first thing I would suggest is to cut out a lot of fat excluding omega 3 fatty acids. Also cut way down on your refined sugar. I know this is pretty general so I suggest a google search for more information if you need it so that I can stay more on to the point of the abs. cardio is essential for major fat loss in the abodominal region unless done so by drugs which I don't think is smart because although it can bring your body fat down, it does it in a way that screws with your metabolism and gives you a false sense of actual healthy weight loss behaviors. It can also screw with your thyroid and adrenal glands and those are glands you really don't want to mess with just ask anybody with hyper or hypothyroidism or adrenal atrophies. Now for a more empathetic and caring approach... I believe you should try not to obsess over the fat too much and try to be healthy and work on making yourself feel good all over from knowing you did good for your body. If your not an experienced exercise person don't try to do too much at first but get the behavior of going to exercise down. If your going to a gym introduce yourself to everybody there and build a report with everybody and you won't feel so self conscious. You might even look forward to going to the gym. With that being said good luck with your ab work and exercise and diet and everything you decide.I know that is alot of ands but sometimes different elements have to work synergistically in order to work. Good luuuuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 12:46 AM
OP, have you had children?
after my daughter was born i have extremely loose skin that i just can't imagine it ever shrinking back... even w/ tons of cardio and weights and low sugar, etc. my abdo skin looks like it melted. if that's the kind of abs you're talking about - i say go for the tummy tuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 8:35 AM
OP, have you had children?
after my daughter was born i have extremely loose skin that i just can't imagine it ever shrinking back... even w/ tons of cardio and weights and low sugar, etc. my abdo skin looks like it melted. if that's the kind of abs you're talking about - i say go for the tummy tuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 8:35 AM
OP, have you had children?
after my daughter was born i have extremely loose skin that i just can't imagine it ever shrinking back... even w/ tons of cardio and weights and low sugar, etc. my abdo skin looks like it melted. if that's the kind of abs you're talking about - i say go for the tummy tuck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 8:35 AM
Thanks for all your comments and tips. I always had a super FLAT stomach and only would gain in my lower body....but the in the last 2 years, I have gained in my stomach. It really bothers me as most of my clothes are form fitting and that is what I am used to wearing -- you can really see it in those types. I have gotten a lot of advice from others about doing PILATES that target on ABS. So, I just ordered the DVD and will let you know how it turns out. And no, unfortunately, I can't blame it on having a baby. Although I did have some lipo in my legs....and I think the fat just came back in my stomach
Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:30 AM
Thanks for all your comments and tips. I always had a super FLAT stomach and only would gain in my lower body....but the in the last 2 years, I have gained in my stomach. It really bothers me as most of my clothes are form fitting and that is what I am used to wearing -- you can really see it in those types. I have gotten a lot of advice from others about doing PILATES that target on ABS. So, I just ordered the DVD and will let you know how it turns out. And no, unfortunately, I can't blame it on having a baby. Although I did have some lipo in my legs....and I think the fat just came back in my stomach
Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:30 AM
Thanks for all your comments and tips. I always had a super FLAT stomach and only would gain in my lower body....but the in the last 2 years, I have gained in my stomach. It really bothers me as most of my clothes are form fitting and that is what I am used to wearing -- you can really see it in those types. I have gotten a lot of advice from others about doing PILATES that target on ABS. So, I just ordered the DVD and will let you know how it turns out. And no, unfortunately, I can't blame it on having a baby. Although I did have some lipo in my legs....and I think the fat just came back in my stomach
Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:30 AM
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