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How can I give up bread???
I eat bread pretty much every day and I think that is part of the reason I am having such a hard time losing weight -- I keep thinking in terms of low calories and low fat instead of lowering carbs -- I eat a lot of sandwiches, bagels, etc. Any suggestion on what I can replace that with? I need something quick and easy so I don't fall off the wagon.
I've been biking 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week and doing situps, but not much change in my body....and still haven't lost weight :(
Fri. Jul 21, 2:34pm
i replaced the wheat in my diet by switching to quinoa pasta, eating "nut thins", which are crackers made with nut flour instead of wheat, and eating salads at lunch instead of sandwiches or pizza. if you do not want to cut out wheat altogether, maybe try switching to a low-carb wrap instead of a roll or bread for your sandwiches.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:44 PM
i replaced the wheat in my diet by switching to quinoa pasta, eating "nut thins", which are crackers made with nut flour instead of wheat, and eating salads at lunch instead of sandwiches or pizza. if you do not want to cut out wheat altogether, maybe try switching to a low-carb wrap instead of a roll or bread for your sandwiches.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:44 PM
i replaced the wheat in my diet by switching to quinoa pasta, eating "nut thins", which are crackers made with nut flour instead of wheat, and eating salads at lunch instead of sandwiches or pizza. if you do not want to cut out wheat altogether, maybe try switching to a low-carb wrap instead of a roll or bread for your sandwiches.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:44 PM
You don't necessarily need to lower carbs to lose weight (findings from the National Weight Control Registry suggest that people who consume a high-carb, low-fat diet keep the weight off longer), but consuming a lot of bread probably isn't helping you either. You could focus on switching to more whole-grain breads and watching your portions - the bagel you buy at the deli is actually several servings of bread, not just one.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:48 PM
You don't necessarily need to lower carbs to lose weight (findings from the National Weight Control Registry suggest that people who consume a high-carb, low-fat diet keep the weight off longer), but consuming a lot of bread probably isn't helping you either. You could focus on switching to more whole-grain breads and watching your portions - the bagel you buy at the deli is actually several servings of bread, not just one.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:48 PM
You don't necessarily need to lower carbs to lose weight (findings from the National Weight Control Registry suggest that people who consume a high-carb, low-fat diet keep the weight off longer), but consuming a lot of bread probably isn't helping you either. You could focus on switching to more whole-grain breads and watching your portions - the bagel you buy at the deli is actually several servings of bread, not just one.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:48 PM
Thanks for the tip on the bread -- I have been eating the frozen bagels -- that are much smaller than the kind you buy at the local hopefully they are a little better! Only 160 calories.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 3:00 PM
Thanks for the tip on the bread -- I have been eating the frozen bagels -- that are much smaller than the kind you buy at the local hopefully they are a little better! Only 160 calories.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 3:00 PM
Thanks for the tip on the bread -- I have been eating the frozen bagels -- that are much smaller than the kind you buy at the local hopefully they are a little better! Only 160 calories.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 3:00 PM
I agree more with the second poster. Lose the wheat. (My own experience: lose the wheat, lose the weight).
I Rarely have bread. Occasionally as a treat I'll have spelt toast with crofters raspberry spread (SO YUMMY). I have half a sprouted grain bun if I have a burger. Otherwise no bread.
And I don't have grains much either. Perhaps a SMALL amount of rice as a side (at most, one cooked cup). Rice pasta maybe twice a month. Broken wasa crackers instead of croutons on salad, maybe a sprouted grain quesadilla once a week. The more I limit my grain intake (not carbs, just grains) the better I feel, and the better I look.
I find most people who are dependent on grain products don't eat enough veggies. If you consider one cup of veggies a serving, what are you eating with your bagel that makes a serving? What are you eating with your sandwich that makes a serving of vegetable? Do you really have a full serving of vegetables with your pasta or rice? Just start thinking of all the ways you could add more (and full serving amounts, not just half a tomato on a sandwich kinda amounts) and you'll be too busy eating veggies to be filling up on bread.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:23 PM
I agree more with the second poster. Lose the wheat. (My own experience: lose the wheat, lose the weight).
I Rarely have bread. Occasionally as a treat I'll have spelt toast with crofters raspberry spread (SO YUMMY). I have half a sprouted grain bun if I have a burger. Otherwise no bread.
And I don't have grains much either. Perhaps a SMALL amount of rice as a side (at most, one cooked cup). Rice pasta maybe twice a month. Broken wasa crackers instead of croutons on salad, maybe a sprouted grain quesadilla once a week. The more I limit my grain intake (not carbs, just grains) the better I feel, and the better I look.
I find most people who are dependent on grain products don't eat enough veggies. If you consider one cup of veggies a serving, what are you eating with your bagel that makes a serving? What are you eating with your sandwich that makes a serving of vegetable? Do you really have a full serving of vegetables with your pasta or rice? Just start thinking of all the ways you could add more (and full serving amounts, not just half a tomato on a sandwich kinda amounts) and you'll be too busy eating veggies to be filling up on bread.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:23 PM
I agree more with the second poster. Lose the wheat. (My own experience: lose the wheat, lose the weight).
I Rarely have bread. Occasionally as a treat I'll have spelt toast with crofters raspberry spread (SO YUMMY). I have half a sprouted grain bun if I have a burger. Otherwise no bread.
And I don't have grains much either. Perhaps a SMALL amount of rice as a side (at most, one cooked cup). Rice pasta maybe twice a month. Broken wasa crackers instead of croutons on salad, maybe a sprouted grain quesadilla once a week. The more I limit my grain intake (not carbs, just grains) the better I feel, and the better I look.
I find most people who are dependent on grain products don't eat enough veggies. If you consider one cup of veggies a serving, what are you eating with your bagel that makes a serving? What are you eating with your sandwich that makes a serving of vegetable? Do you really have a full serving of vegetables with your pasta or rice? Just start thinking of all the ways you could add more (and full serving amounts, not just half a tomato on a sandwich kinda amounts) and you'll be too busy eating veggies to be filling up on bread.
Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:23 PM
No need to give up bread, or other carbs to lose weight. I have a member of PT for 6 months and have lost 25 lbs and have eaten bread practically every day. What is important is to watch portion size and total number of calories. Calories *DO* count. You may be eating too many calories. Obviously, if you are eating a lot of bread it may be easiest to reduce the amount of bread you eat, to reduce the number of calories you eat.
I also like rye crackers and rice crackers, as an alternative to bread and to vary my carbs. When I make pasta, I try to make whole wheat pasta and when I make rice, which is often, I usually make brown rice.
Bottom line: you can eat carbs AND bread and lose weight. Good luck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:50 AM
No need to give up bread, or other carbs to lose weight. I have a member of PT for 6 months and have lost 25 lbs and have eaten bread practically every day. What is important is to watch portion size and total number of calories. Calories *DO* count. You may be eating too many calories. Obviously, if you are eating a lot of bread it may be easiest to reduce the amount of bread you eat, to reduce the number of calories you eat.
I also like rye crackers and rice crackers, as an alternative to bread and to vary my carbs. When I make pasta, I try to make whole wheat pasta and when I make rice, which is often, I usually make brown rice.
Bottom line: you can eat carbs AND bread and lose weight. Good luck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:50 AM
No need to give up bread, or other carbs to lose weight. I have a member of PT for 6 months and have lost 25 lbs and have eaten bread practically every day. What is important is to watch portion size and total number of calories. Calories *DO* count. You may be eating too many calories. Obviously, if you are eating a lot of bread it may be easiest to reduce the amount of bread you eat, to reduce the number of calories you eat.
I also like rye crackers and rice crackers, as an alternative to bread and to vary my carbs. When I make pasta, I try to make whole wheat pasta and when I make rice, which is often, I usually make brown rice.
Bottom line: you can eat carbs AND bread and lose weight. Good luck!
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:50 AM
I'm the 5:50 AM poster: one more thing -- when I eat rice, it is usually as part of a stir fry with lots of different veggies, and when I eat pasta, it is usually under a tomato sauce that includes lots of veggies. I think I eat more veggies than most people. So i don't think eating grain products means one will eat fewer veggies. And a slice of bread can include lots of sliced tomato, lettuce, cukes, and other veggies along with whatever else is on the bread (cheese? tuna? sardines? peanut butter? humus?)
It is all a question of what you choose.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:55 AM
I'm the 5:50 AM poster: one more thing -- when I eat rice, it is usually as part of a stir fry with lots of different veggies, and when I eat pasta, it is usually under a tomato sauce that includes lots of veggies. I think I eat more veggies than most people. So i don't think eating grain products means one will eat fewer veggies. And a slice of bread can include lots of sliced tomato, lettuce, cukes, and other veggies along with whatever else is on the bread (cheese? tuna? sardines? peanut butter? humus?)
It is all a question of what you choose.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:55 AM
I'm the 5:50 AM poster: one more thing -- when I eat rice, it is usually as part of a stir fry with lots of different veggies, and when I eat pasta, it is usually under a tomato sauce that includes lots of veggies. I think I eat more veggies than most people. So i don't think eating grain products means one will eat fewer veggies. And a slice of bread can include lots of sliced tomato, lettuce, cukes, and other veggies along with whatever else is on the bread (cheese? tuna? sardines? peanut butter? humus?)
It is all a question of what you choose.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 5:55 AM
eating slices of six different veggies on a sandwhich isn't 6 servings of vegetables. Just like a salad with 8 different veggies isn't automatically 8 servings of veggies. The variety of veggies is great, but it still comes down to the quantity of veggies.
Veggies are generally more nutrient dense, so if you want to count calories, eat more veggies than grains.
(I lost 40lbs in 6 months that I've kept off for 6 months and counting... )
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:00 AM
eating slices of six different veggies on a sandwhich isn't 6 servings of vegetables. Just like a salad with 8 different veggies isn't automatically 8 servings of veggies. The variety of veggies is great, but it still comes down to the quantity of veggies.
Veggies are generally more nutrient dense, so if you want to count calories, eat more veggies than grains.
(I lost 40lbs in 6 months that I've kept off for 6 months and counting... )
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:00 AM
eating slices of six different veggies on a sandwhich isn't 6 servings of vegetables. Just like a salad with 8 different veggies isn't automatically 8 servings of veggies. The variety of veggies is great, but it still comes down to the quantity of veggies.
Veggies are generally more nutrient dense, so if you want to count calories, eat more veggies than grains.
(I lost 40lbs in 6 months that I've kept off for 6 months and counting... )
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:00 AM
i cut way back on bread years ago. for some reason, in the last few weeks, i started to eat bread again. i would buy the super healthy dense kind, but that has even more calories. i ended up gaining weight in the last couple of weeks. so, i'm back to not buying bread regularly.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:02 AM
i cut way back on bread years ago. for some reason, in the last few weeks, i started to eat bread again. i would buy the super healthy dense kind, but that has even more calories. i ended up gaining weight in the last couple of weeks. so, i'm back to not buying bread regularly.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:02 AM
i cut way back on bread years ago. for some reason, in the last few weeks, i started to eat bread again. i would buy the super healthy dense kind, but that has even more calories. i ended up gaining weight in the last couple of weeks. so, i'm back to not buying bread regularly.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 9:02 AM
I was like you and ate bread twice a day, sandwich for lunch, rolls for dinner. What I did this past month was eat a big salad for lunch and skip the bread for 3 days, then I eat my burger or sandwich on the 4th day. I really don't miss bread that much at all anymore.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 6:19 PM
I was like you and ate bread twice a day, sandwich for lunch, rolls for dinner. What I did this past month was eat a big salad for lunch and skip the bread for 3 days, then I eat my burger or sandwich on the 4th day. I really don't miss bread that much at all anymore.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 6:19 PM
I was like you and ate bread twice a day, sandwich for lunch, rolls for dinner. What I did this past month was eat a big salad for lunch and skip the bread for 3 days, then I eat my burger or sandwich on the 4th day. I really don't miss bread that much at all anymore.
Saturday, July 22, 2006, 6:19 PM
I cut back on bread last year and immediately noticed a change in weight. I didn't cut it out completely, just replaced it with more veggies more often.
Perhaps eating a half sandwich instead of a whole. While I was doing that I was very successful at weight loss.
As soon as more carbs came in however, the weight jumped back up. I need to cut back the carbs again. Maybe if you cut back on bread instead of just going cold turkey it will be easier.
Sunday, July 23, 2006, 9:05 PM
I cut back on bread last year and immediately noticed a change in weight. I didn't cut it out completely, just replaced it with more veggies more often.
Perhaps eating a half sandwich instead of a whole. While I was doing that I was very successful at weight loss.
As soon as more carbs came in however, the weight jumped back up. I need to cut back the carbs again. Maybe if you cut back on bread instead of just going cold turkey it will be easier.
Sunday, July 23, 2006, 9:05 PM
I cut back on bread last year and immediately noticed a change in weight. I didn't cut it out completely, just replaced it with more veggies more often.
Perhaps eating a half sandwich instead of a whole. While I was doing that I was very successful at weight loss.
As soon as more carbs came in however, the weight jumped back up. I need to cut back the carbs again. Maybe if you cut back on bread instead of just going cold turkey it will be easier.
Sunday, July 23, 2006, 9:05 PM
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