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Healthy Camping Food
I'm going on a camping trip with my boyfriend and his family in a few days, and I've never been camping before. He says there'll be lots of cereal, trail mix, and "junk food and soda," so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for healthy snacks that'll keep me up and going for a week of camping? I know without healthy food I'll revert back to my old habits of munching down an entire can of Pringles and washing it down with soda -_-.
Wed. Jul 19, 10:19pm
well, if you want a "healthier" version of soda, pick up a small bottle or torani syrup and a case of club soda. mix. Have the sugar as pop, no artificial sugars, no hfcs. Or, you can always just use club soda with some lime juice.
for a chip crunch, you can use mary's gone crackers brand of crackers. no oils- different taste than a chip- personal opinion it's way better. I think even pretzels are better than chips...
Basically, I'd just pac as much healthy stuff as I could so that when everyone else is snacking I at least have snack food too.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 10:50 PM
well, if you want a "healthier" version of soda, pick up a small bottle or torani syrup and a case of club soda. mix. Have the sugar as pop, no artificial sugars, no hfcs. Or, you can always just use club soda with some lime juice.
for a chip crunch, you can use mary's gone crackers brand of crackers. no oils- different taste than a chip- personal opinion it's way better. I think even pretzels are better than chips...
Basically, I'd just pac as much healthy stuff as I could so that when everyone else is snacking I at least have snack food too.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 10:50 PM
well, if you want a "healthier" version of soda, pick up a small bottle or torani syrup and a case of club soda. mix. Have the sugar as pop, no artificial sugars, no hfcs. Or, you can always just use club soda with some lime juice.
for a chip crunch, you can use mary's gone crackers brand of crackers. no oils- different taste than a chip- personal opinion it's way better. I think even pretzels are better than chips...
Basically, I'd just pac as much healthy stuff as I could so that when everyone else is snacking I at least have snack food too.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 10:50 PM
Ricecakes!- chocolate, plain, corn puffed, caramel... high fiber will fill you up! Bring some peanut butter and high fiber crackers, maybe some instant oatmeal you can mix with water for breakfast, boxes of raisins or some apples and bananas if they won't go bad... We went camping a few weeks ago and brought amy's vegetarian refried beans to have in tacos, heated up very easily. If you're bringing a cooler, even hummus and baby carrots. Otherwise, some protein/meal replcement bars...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
Ricecakes!- chocolate, plain, corn puffed, caramel... high fiber will fill you up! Bring some peanut butter and high fiber crackers, maybe some instant oatmeal you can mix with water for breakfast, boxes of raisins or some apples and bananas if they won't go bad... We went camping a few weeks ago and brought amy's vegetarian refried beans to have in tacos, heated up very easily. If you're bringing a cooler, even hummus and baby carrots. Otherwise, some protein/meal replcement bars...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
Ricecakes!- chocolate, plain, corn puffed, caramel... high fiber will fill you up! Bring some peanut butter and high fiber crackers, maybe some instant oatmeal you can mix with water for breakfast, boxes of raisins or some apples and bananas if they won't go bad... We went camping a few weeks ago and brought amy's vegetarian refried beans to have in tacos, heated up very easily. If you're bringing a cooler, even hummus and baby carrots. Otherwise, some protein/meal replcement bars...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
I don't know how they do meals, but our family camps two or three times a month and this is a must-have each time we go out.
We pack a bag of frozen chicken breasts (pack them still frozen - they help keep your cooler colder), cut up a large head of fresh broccoli (put in tupperware or freezer bag) and about a pound of carrots (tupperware or freezer bags), cut up five or six large baking potatoes and some green pepper and onions. When it's time to cook them up, make a fire and let it burn down to the coals. Wrap the chicken in a couple of layers of heavy duty foil (make a packet) and add BBQ sauce or FF italian dressing. Do the same with the vegetables (we cook the carrots and broccoli seperately, but mix up the potatoes, onions and peppers). Put the packets in the coals of the fire for 45 minutes to an hour. It's tender and delicious.
There's also a link here to a site that has camping recipes. I can't guarantee how healthy they all are, but there are some good ideas that you could adapt.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
I don't know how they do meals, but our family camps two or three times a month and this is a must-have each time we go out.
We pack a bag of frozen chicken breasts (pack them still frozen - they help keep your cooler colder), cut up a large head of fresh broccoli (put in tupperware or freezer bag) and about a pound of carrots (tupperware or freezer bags), cut up five or six large baking potatoes and some green pepper and onions. When it's time to cook them up, make a fire and let it burn down to the coals. Wrap the chicken in a couple of layers of heavy duty foil (make a packet) and add BBQ sauce or FF italian dressing. Do the same with the vegetables (we cook the carrots and broccoli seperately, but mix up the potatoes, onions and peppers). Put the packets in the coals of the fire for 45 minutes to an hour. It's tender and delicious.
There's also a link here to a site that has camping recipes. I can't guarantee how healthy they all are, but there are some good ideas that you could adapt.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
I don't know how they do meals, but our family camps two or three times a month and this is a must-have each time we go out.
We pack a bag of frozen chicken breasts (pack them still frozen - they help keep your cooler colder), cut up a large head of fresh broccoli (put in tupperware or freezer bag) and about a pound of carrots (tupperware or freezer bags), cut up five or six large baking potatoes and some green pepper and onions. When it's time to cook them up, make a fire and let it burn down to the coals. Wrap the chicken in a couple of layers of heavy duty foil (make a packet) and add BBQ sauce or FF italian dressing. Do the same with the vegetables (we cook the carrots and broccoli seperately, but mix up the potatoes, onions and peppers). Put the packets in the coals of the fire for 45 minutes to an hour. It's tender and delicious.
There's also a link here to a site that has camping recipes. I can't guarantee how healthy they all are, but there are some good ideas that you could adapt.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:07 PM
11:07 poster again...
By "I don't know how they do meals" - I meant that I didn't know if you can bring your own or if you potluck or what. We usually camp with another couple and their kids - I prepare all the food for all eight of us and we split the cost. That helps me keep ingredients (and costs) under control.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:09 PM
11:07 poster again...
By "I don't know how they do meals" - I meant that I didn't know if you can bring your own or if you potluck or what. We usually camp with another couple and their kids - I prepare all the food for all eight of us and we split the cost. That helps me keep ingredients (and costs) under control.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:09 PM
11:07 poster again...
By "I don't know how they do meals" - I meant that I didn't know if you can bring your own or if you potluck or what. We usually camp with another couple and their kids - I prepare all the food for all eight of us and we split the cost. That helps me keep ingredients (and costs) under control.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:09 PM
im going camping this weekend too! this is what i was thinking of bringing:
granola bars
baked lays chips
baby carrots
veg burgers and dogs
light burger bun rolls
soy cheese
all these things are low cal/fat and keep pretty well in a cooler. think simple and when in doubt bring lots of veggies! veggies will never let you down :) good luck!
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 8:21 AM
im going camping this weekend too! this is what i was thinking of bringing:
granola bars
baked lays chips
baby carrots
veg burgers and dogs
light burger bun rolls
soy cheese
all these things are low cal/fat and keep pretty well in a cooler. think simple and when in doubt bring lots of veggies! veggies will never let you down :) good luck!
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 8:21 AM
im going camping this weekend too! this is what i was thinking of bringing:
granola bars
baked lays chips
baby carrots
veg burgers and dogs
light burger bun rolls
soy cheese
all these things are low cal/fat and keep pretty well in a cooler. think simple and when in doubt bring lots of veggies! veggies will never let you down :) good luck!
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 8:21 AM
Bring a bunch of full ears of corn with the husks still on. You can throw those on the grill and they cook inside the husk. Best corn you will ever taste. Also, veggie dogs!! So yummy
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 9:15 AM
Bring a bunch of full ears of corn with the husks still on. You can throw those on the grill and they cook inside the husk. Best corn you will ever taste. Also, veggie dogs!! So yummy
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 9:15 AM
Bring a bunch of full ears of corn with the husks still on. You can throw those on the grill and they cook inside the husk. Best corn you will ever taste. Also, veggie dogs!! So yummy
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 9:15 AM
OP here...
Wow, thanks for the ideas, guys! My bf's mom called us up and asked if there was anything specific I wanted, so I named off fruits and veggies (since I actually don't own a cooler -_-), but I'll bring some of the dry stuff along. Since I've never been camping it'll be an interesting experience!
Feel free to keep the ideas, coming, too! :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 12:11 PM
OP here...
Wow, thanks for the ideas, guys! My bf's mom called us up and asked if there was anything specific I wanted, so I named off fruits and veggies (since I actually don't own a cooler -_-), but I'll bring some of the dry stuff along. Since I've never been camping it'll be an interesting experience!
Feel free to keep the ideas, coming, too! :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 12:11 PM
OP here...
Wow, thanks for the ideas, guys! My bf's mom called us up and asked if there was anything specific I wanted, so I named off fruits and veggies (since I actually don't own a cooler -_-), but I'll bring some of the dry stuff along. Since I've never been camping it'll be an interesting experience!
Feel free to keep the ideas, coming, too! :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 12:11 PM
Thanks for this thread
I'll be going on a "catered" hiking/camping trip in the Andes next month, and they boast about the carb-heavy menu. I don't really need to bring anything, but I'm planning to pack some beef jerky (usually only 2-3% fat) to balance it out a bit...just a thought, in case you're concerned about the carb-protein thing.
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 1:01 PM
Thanks for this thread
I'll be going on a "catered" hiking/camping trip in the Andes next month, and they boast about the carb-heavy menu. I don't really need to bring anything, but I'm planning to pack some beef jerky (usually only 2-3% fat) to balance it out a bit...just a thought, in case you're concerned about the carb-protein thing.
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 1:01 PM
Thanks for this thread
I'll be going on a "catered" hiking/camping trip in the Andes next month, and they boast about the carb-heavy menu. I don't really need to bring anything, but I'm planning to pack some beef jerky (usually only 2-3% fat) to balance it out a bit...just a thought, in case you're concerned about the carb-protein thing.
Thursday, July 20, 2006, 1:01 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 10:11 AM
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