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Advice needed for first time open water swim competition

In a week I'm swimming in my first open water swim. I have been practicing in a pool, doing laps, going a little more than the distance of the swim. I've also swum laps at the local lake.

The not seeing bottom thing and the swimming into people thing don't really bother me. I'm just going to stay to the back and side of the pack. I am worried that I will get there, see the course and how far it really is, and FREAK OUT (even though I've been practicing that distance, just back and forth instead of a straight line.)

Any advice from open water swimmers out there about this or any other open water swimming advice is very welcome!

Thanks in advance.

Sat. Jul 15, 1:53am

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yeah it's different than a pool

but don't let that bug you!
it is funny, because sometimes when i go to the pool to swim, still, after 5 years, i sometimes get that feeling that the end of the pool is so far away and i get tired before i even start swimming a lap. i guess it is just a mental thing.

but don't lose heart, because when i've done open water swims, and i'm sure you'll feel the same way, i have found the mere spectacle to be overwhelming and completely inspiring. and even a little competitive spirit might catch you as well!
you have trained well, and you are fully prepared.
have a great time!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 9:47 PM

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yeah it's different than a pool

but don't let that bug you!
it is funny, because sometimes when i go to the pool to swim, still, after 5 years, i sometimes get that feeling that the end of the pool is so far away and i get tired before i even start swimming a lap. i guess it is just a mental thing.

but don't lose heart, because when i've done open water swims, and i'm sure you'll feel the same way, i have found the mere spectacle to be overwhelming and completely inspiring. and even a little competitive spirit might catch you as well!
you have trained well, and you are fully prepared.
have a great time!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 9:47 PM

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yeah it's different than a pool

but don't let that bug you!
it is funny, because sometimes when i go to the pool to swim, still, after 5 years, i sometimes get that feeling that the end of the pool is so far away and i get tired before i even start swimming a lap. i guess it is just a mental thing.

but don't lose heart, because when i've done open water swims, and i'm sure you'll feel the same way, i have found the mere spectacle to be overwhelming and completely inspiring. and even a little competitive spirit might catch you as well!
you have trained well, and you are fully prepared.
have a great time!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 9:47 PM

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i did my first open water a few weeks ago. to be honest, i WAS freaked out by the distance. but then i reminded myself that the distance was my typical pool WARM-UP. i usually do 3-4x that distance for my entire workout. but open water distances usually look shorter than they feel. good luck, and let us know how it goes!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 5:20 PM

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i did my first open water a few weeks ago. to be honest, i WAS freaked out by the distance. but then i reminded myself that the distance was my typical pool WARM-UP. i usually do 3-4x that distance for my entire workout. but open water distances usually look shorter than they feel. good luck, and let us know how it goes!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 5:20 PM

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i did my first open water a few weeks ago. to be honest, i WAS freaked out by the distance. but then i reminded myself that the distance was my typical pool WARM-UP. i usually do 3-4x that distance for my entire workout. but open water distances usually look shorter than they feel. good luck, and let us know how it goes!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 5:20 PM

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Thanks to the two posters above- here's how it went...

It was GREAT! I am hooked and just want to swim in open water now! WOW! What a rush...

I really paced myself and finished with energy left over... I could've pushed myself harder, but I just wanted to finish. Hey, I didn't come in LAST at least... It was a great time and the water was 79 degrees, thanks to our recent heat wave...

Thanks again for the advice- it helped a great deal!


Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:26 AM

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Thanks to the two posters above- here's how it went...

It was GREAT! I am hooked and just want to swim in open water now! WOW! What a rush...

I really paced myself and finished with energy left over... I could've pushed myself harder, but I just wanted to finish. Hey, I didn't come in LAST at least... It was a great time and the water was 79 degrees, thanks to our recent heat wave...

Thanks again for the advice- it helped a great deal!


Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:26 AM

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Thanks to the two posters above- here's how it went...

It was GREAT! I am hooked and just want to swim in open water now! WOW! What a rush...

I really paced myself and finished with energy left over... I could've pushed myself harder, but I just wanted to finish. Hey, I didn't come in LAST at least... It was a great time and the water was 79 degrees, thanks to our recent heat wave...

Thanks again for the advice- it helped a great deal!


Monday, July 24, 2006, 11:26 AM

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Congrats to you!

9:47 commentor here... and I am so thrilled for you!
and 79 degree water is just about perfect!
did you wear a wetsuit even??

sounds like a great day. GREATJOB!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 1:36 PM

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Congrats to you!

9:47 commentor here... and I am so thrilled for you!
and 79 degree water is just about perfect!
did you wear a wetsuit even??

sounds like a great day. GREATJOB!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 1:36 PM

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Congrats to you!

9:47 commentor here... and I am so thrilled for you!
and 79 degree water is just about perfect!
did you wear a wetsuit even??

sounds like a great day. GREATJOB!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 1:36 PM

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No wetsuit!

But some people did- I learned that it's a great safety device, helps you stay afloat. The water was so warm, I would've croaked in one. Gotta get used to one at some point if I ever want to do the Alcatraz swim!

Would you be interested in a PT Group focusing on swimming?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 6:06 PM

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No wetsuit!

But some people did- I learned that it's a great safety device, helps you stay afloat. The water was so warm, I would've croaked in one. Gotta get used to one at some point if I ever want to do the Alcatraz swim!

Would you be interested in a PT Group focusing on swimming?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 6:06 PM

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No wetsuit!

But some people did- I learned that it's a great safety device, helps you stay afloat. The water was so warm, I would've croaked in one. Gotta get used to one at some point if I ever want to do the Alcatraz swim!

Would you be interested in a PT Group focusing on swimming?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 6:06 PM

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I swim almost everyday, and I too have thought of doing the Alcatraz swim.. but I think I'm too afraid of that OPEN of a water body! YIKESSSS!! Just thinking about giant sea creature below me is giving me the Creeps!

Yes, start one, and maybe It'll force me to do another tri.
I'll join!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:50 PM

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I swim almost everyday, and I too have thought of doing the Alcatraz swim.. but I think I'm too afraid of that OPEN of a water body! YIKESSSS!! Just thinking about giant sea creature below me is giving me the Creeps!

Yes, start one, and maybe It'll force me to do another tri.
I'll join!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:50 PM

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I swim almost everyday, and I too have thought of doing the Alcatraz swim.. but I think I'm too afraid of that OPEN of a water body! YIKESSSS!! Just thinking about giant sea creature below me is giving me the Creeps!

Yes, start one, and maybe It'll force me to do another tri.
I'll join!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:50 PM

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i had the 5:20 post at the top. let me know if you start a swimming group. i was thinking about starting an open water swimming group. i need some motivation for one coming up in september.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 7:07 PM

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i had the 5:20 post at the top. let me know if you start a swimming group. i was thinking about starting an open water swimming group. i need some motivation for one coming up in september.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 7:07 PM

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i had the 5:20 post at the top. let me know if you start a swimming group. i was thinking about starting an open water swimming group. i need some motivation for one coming up in september.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 7:07 PM

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Open Water Swimmers group up and running (or swimming)!

Took your comments and ran with them! Didn't know your user names, so I'm posting the message here... Please join me!


Thursday, July 27, 2006, 10:29 AM

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Open Water Swimmers group up and running (or swimming)!

Took your comments and ran with them! Didn't know your user names, so I'm posting the message here... Please join me!


Thursday, July 27, 2006, 10:29 AM

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Open Water Swimmers group up and running (or swimming)!

Took your comments and ran with them! Didn't know your user names, so I'm posting the message here... Please join me!


Thursday, July 27, 2006, 10:29 AM

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