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ideas for eating less sugar and white flours

how can easily limit these foods without feeling like , "shit I ate a grape, there's my sugar for today!"

Sat. Jul 15, 12:53am

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In terms of white flour, we eat brown rice pasta instead of regular pasta. Hope this helps!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 1:54 AM

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In terms of white flour, we eat brown rice pasta instead of regular pasta. Hope this helps!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 1:54 AM

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In terms of white flour, we eat brown rice pasta instead of regular pasta. Hope this helps!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 1:54 AM

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I eat very little 'refined' sugar or white flour and very little honey, brown sugar or molasses. However I generally don't cut fruit even if it's higher on the glycemic index. Unless you are doing Atkins or South Beach that's pretty strict. Fruits have too many nutrients and anti-oxidants for me to avoid them on sugar content plus they are often my only recourse for dessert since I dont eat much sugar :-). However, although it's not really concious I do tend to stick to lower-glycemic fruit like apples and berries.

I don't buy dressings, sauces or packaged foods where sugar is higher than #5 on the ingredient list. I don't eat any bread that has less than 4 g of fiber per slice (it is very dense and filling) or that doesn't have the word 'whole' in the name. I eat whole wheat pasta or brown rice (and stick religiously to the appropriate serving size) and simply do not bake or eat baked goods. I don't drink sugary soda or juice, nor do I put sugar in my tea. I eat rye crackers and that's about it. If you stick to simple, whole foods it's pretty easy to avoid sugar and white flour - where you have to watch out is packaged foods and sauces. Trader Joe's has some great dressings, ketchup and Marinara that are sugar-free.

Best wishes to you on making the changes you desire!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 2:04 AM

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I eat very little 'refined' sugar or white flour and very little honey, brown sugar or molasses. However I generally don't cut fruit even if it's higher on the glycemic index. Unless you are doing Atkins or South Beach that's pretty strict. Fruits have too many nutrients and anti-oxidants for me to avoid them on sugar content plus they are often my only recourse for dessert since I dont eat much sugar :-). However, although it's not really concious I do tend to stick to lower-glycemic fruit like apples and berries.

I don't buy dressings, sauces or packaged foods where sugar is higher than #5 on the ingredient list. I don't eat any bread that has less than 4 g of fiber per slice (it is very dense and filling) or that doesn't have the word 'whole' in the name. I eat whole wheat pasta or brown rice (and stick religiously to the appropriate serving size) and simply do not bake or eat baked goods. I don't drink sugary soda or juice, nor do I put sugar in my tea. I eat rye crackers and that's about it. If you stick to simple, whole foods it's pretty easy to avoid sugar and white flour - where you have to watch out is packaged foods and sauces. Trader Joe's has some great dressings, ketchup and Marinara that are sugar-free.

Best wishes to you on making the changes you desire!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 2:04 AM

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I eat very little 'refined' sugar or white flour and very little honey, brown sugar or molasses. However I generally don't cut fruit even if it's higher on the glycemic index. Unless you are doing Atkins or South Beach that's pretty strict. Fruits have too many nutrients and anti-oxidants for me to avoid them on sugar content plus they are often my only recourse for dessert since I dont eat much sugar :-). However, although it's not really concious I do tend to stick to lower-glycemic fruit like apples and berries.

I don't buy dressings, sauces or packaged foods where sugar is higher than #5 on the ingredient list. I don't eat any bread that has less than 4 g of fiber per slice (it is very dense and filling) or that doesn't have the word 'whole' in the name. I eat whole wheat pasta or brown rice (and stick religiously to the appropriate serving size) and simply do not bake or eat baked goods. I don't drink sugary soda or juice, nor do I put sugar in my tea. I eat rye crackers and that's about it. If you stick to simple, whole foods it's pretty easy to avoid sugar and white flour - where you have to watch out is packaged foods and sauces. Trader Joe's has some great dressings, ketchup and Marinara that are sugar-free.

Best wishes to you on making the changes you desire!

Saturday, July 15, 2006, 2:04 AM

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