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Lose weight...dont eat after 5!
I was told I should pass this on... my mom recently lost about 35 pounds...and is still losing weight... by not eating after 5pm -- if she's really hungry she has a cup of nonfat plain yogurt (no sugar). My sister has lost 15 pounds so far and she has been doing the no food after 5 thing for about 2 months. Neither of them work out or eat on a diet...they just don't eat after 5. They're both working women (mom works 70 hours a week, sister 50) and this seems to work for them! Maybe it could work for you too!
Wed. May 18, 10:50am
Oprah says this too, but her rule is after 8. I think there may be some sense to it, but isn't it really all about the calories? If you don't eat all day, then you eat after 5, wouldn't this be the same thing?
Sunday, May 22, 2005, 5:59 PM
My trainer says to eat all day. I don't go to bed until 12am and that would be a long time w/o food. I eat fruit at night or light popcorn, but I defintely eat. I have lost 20 lbs so far, but I exercise daily also. I was told eating every 2 hours keeps the metabolism going...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 9:56 AM
I did this non-eating schedule between when I was in school, it worked really well. I never gained weight and I was always slim.
I do not think it is only about calories, because the way I did it (the very unhealthy version, but what do you expect from a teenager...) I literally stuffed myself before 5 pm. I atecakes, dinner, biscuits, chocolate, all in unlimited amounts, but as soon as 5pm came, I stopped all eating!
I never gained anything.
Its hard to incorporate it it todays schedule, thogh ...
Monday, March 31, 2008, 4:28 AM
If I went to bed at 8pm - the 5pm cut off time would work great!
Having a cut off time is a good strategy for emotional eaters who go nuts at night and eat a lot when they're not hungry. And Oprah's thing (ala Bob Greene) is 2 hours before bedtime. For that person it can save them hundreds and hundreds of calories. It's not really a strategy that's necessary for those who can have the little snack at night and be done.
Monday, March 31, 2008, 8:21 AM
I get what you are saying, but my husband doesn't come home from work until after 5 and we always eat supper as a family. I think 7 is more realistic for most families.
Monday, March 31, 2008, 9:24 AM
i do something like this but mostly because my schedule calls for it
i eat at 5 pm and i am in bed by 7 pm becaus ei have to ge tup at 12 am to go to work but id oes halp control myhunger and overeating whichis def worse at night
Monday, March 31, 2008, 9:40 AM
i eat 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese before bed. The protein keeps me full all night and helps burn calories while I sleep.
Monday, March 31, 2008, 9:41 AM
having a family
You must not how do you show your kids you aren't going to eat a healthy dinner with them??? For most people 5 is unreal!!! Good job for your family if it works...but most of us it wouldn't!
Monday, March 31, 2008, 11:28 AM
I think it is just a factor of going without calories for 5 hours as a routine habit. The calories are reduced, willpower is increased and a caloric deficit is created - no magic there.
Sure it could work, but it is just calorie reduction - no secret "body slaps fat on you while you sleep if you eat after 5" phenomenon.
Monday, March 31, 2008, 11:30 AM
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