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Nervous to meet BF's Friends

I don't know if anyone can relate to this or not, but I'm dating this guy long distance. Anyway, I'm going to visit in a few days and he wants to introduce me to his closest friends. I'm so nervous. I just want to eat sweets to comfort myself. I'm terrible at small talk and worry that his friends will be judging me and sizing me up. He told me that they're all excited to meet me, which makes me feel pressured. I'm sure once I get there everything will be fine. But I so want to eat junk (I won't, because I know I'll feel worse if I meet them feeling fat). I just want to comfort myself with some bread and chocolate so much. I hate this. Can anyone relate?

Sun. Jun 25, 4:24pm

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yes this is totally relatable, but don't beat yourself, think about it from their side too, don't you want to meet his friends - it can tell you a lot about your guy - and they might be feeling the same way. Maybe you all should do something fun, like playing pool or going to the park to play a sport or something. Bring a bottle of wine to share to take the edge off. I always feel nervous right up to the point of meeting someone and then the feelings disappear once I meet them.

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 7:59 PM

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yes this is totally relatable, but don't beat yourself, think about it from their side too, don't you want to meet his friends - it can tell you a lot about your guy - and they might be feeling the same way. Maybe you all should do something fun, like playing pool or going to the park to play a sport or something. Bring a bottle of wine to share to take the edge off. I always feel nervous right up to the point of meeting someone and then the feelings disappear once I meet them.

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 7:59 PM

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yes this is totally relatable, but don't beat yourself, think about it from their side too, don't you want to meet his friends - it can tell you a lot about your guy - and they might be feeling the same way. Maybe you all should do something fun, like playing pool or going to the park to play a sport or something. Bring a bottle of wine to share to take the edge off. I always feel nervous right up to the point of meeting someone and then the feelings disappear once I meet them.

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 7:59 PM

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just be yourself!!! you'll do fine!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 9:18 PM

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just be yourself!!! you'll do fine!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 9:18 PM

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just be yourself!!! you'll do fine!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 9:18 PM

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tell me about it!

i can relate pretty much 100%!! my bf and i were originally long distance, and i was SO nervous the first time i met him family! i barely spoke the whole time! it was terrible. it worked out in the end and we get along fine now, but at first they thought i was a very timid, shy person.
so my advice is... just try to relax, and visualize the meet going great. i know it can be really hard to calm yourself down, but take it from me. being too nervous can cause problems. just let them see the real you and they'll love ya!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 11:10 PM

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tell me about it!

i can relate pretty much 100%!! my bf and i were originally long distance, and i was SO nervous the first time i met him family! i barely spoke the whole time! it was terrible. it worked out in the end and we get along fine now, but at first they thought i was a very timid, shy person.
so my advice is... just try to relax, and visualize the meet going great. i know it can be really hard to calm yourself down, but take it from me. being too nervous can cause problems. just let them see the real you and they'll love ya!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 11:10 PM

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tell me about it!

i can relate pretty much 100%!! my bf and i were originally long distance, and i was SO nervous the first time i met him family! i barely spoke the whole time! it was terrible. it worked out in the end and we get along fine now, but at first they thought i was a very timid, shy person.
so my advice is... just try to relax, and visualize the meet going great. i know it can be really hard to calm yourself down, but take it from me. being too nervous can cause problems. just let them see the real you and they'll love ya!

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 11:10 PM

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