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Intentional rest days from working out- any benefit?

Is there any benefit to taking rest days? I am not doing anything too hardcore- either walking 3 to 5 miles or swimming 1 mile. Should I be taking rest days? I always feel horrible on those days, like I didn't start off correctly...

Thanks in advance.

Thu. Jun 22, 11:24pm

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Hi There! :-)
I usually walk intensely every other day.

Advice I heard from a running seminar is that you need to reload your glycogen stores in your body after a hard workout. WIthin a 1/2 our of finishing, you should be eating something high in carbohydrates-- it will help restore the glycogen your body burned off and then the next day you'll find that you won't be dragging as much!

I would say that if you feel good, you could probably still work out every day-- Maybe just alternate the types of workouts you do! :-) (i.e. work out different muscles or just cross train in a different exercise.)

Listen to your body-- if you feel too exhausted or sick, it's probably better to take the rest day. :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:28 PM

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Hi There! :-)
I usually walk intensely every other day.

Advice I heard from a running seminar is that you need to reload your glycogen stores in your body after a hard workout. WIthin a 1/2 our of finishing, you should be eating something high in carbohydrates-- it will help restore the glycogen your body burned off and then the next day you'll find that you won't be dragging as much!

I would say that if you feel good, you could probably still work out every day-- Maybe just alternate the types of workouts you do! :-) (i.e. work out different muscles or just cross train in a different exercise.)

Listen to your body-- if you feel too exhausted or sick, it's probably better to take the rest day. :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:28 PM

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Hi There! :-)
I usually walk intensely every other day.

Advice I heard from a running seminar is that you need to reload your glycogen stores in your body after a hard workout. WIthin a 1/2 our of finishing, you should be eating something high in carbohydrates-- it will help restore the glycogen your body burned off and then the next day you'll find that you won't be dragging as much!

I would say that if you feel good, you could probably still work out every day-- Maybe just alternate the types of workouts you do! :-) (i.e. work out different muscles or just cross train in a different exercise.)

Listen to your body-- if you feel too exhausted or sick, it's probably better to take the rest day. :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:28 PM

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Swimming a mile is a pretty hard-core workout, if you're swimming freestyle. Byt alternating walking and swimming you basically ARE taking rest days, though, because walking isn't nearly as much exercise.

I run a lot, and DO notice that rest days really help. Take a day or two off, and then my times will drastically improve.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:43 PM

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Swimming a mile is a pretty hard-core workout, if you're swimming freestyle. Byt alternating walking and swimming you basically ARE taking rest days, though, because walking isn't nearly as much exercise.

I run a lot, and DO notice that rest days really help. Take a day or two off, and then my times will drastically improve.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:43 PM

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Swimming a mile is a pretty hard-core workout, if you're swimming freestyle. Byt alternating walking and swimming you basically ARE taking rest days, though, because walking isn't nearly as much exercise.

I run a lot, and DO notice that rest days really help. Take a day or two off, and then my times will drastically improve.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:43 PM

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I'd say that depends on how intensely you workout. I never intentionally take a day off of swimming- I only miss days that work interferes with the hours the pool is open. I might take it easier on two days a week by only swimming a mile (I usually do 2-3k, including a k with hand paddles).

With running however, I never run more than 5 days in a row. Your body really needs a break- over training is difficult on it. Swimming is nothing to me, running is taxing, so I have to give my body a rest.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:58 PM

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I'd say that depends on how intensely you workout. I never intentionally take a day off of swimming- I only miss days that work interferes with the hours the pool is open. I might take it easier on two days a week by only swimming a mile (I usually do 2-3k, including a k with hand paddles).

With running however, I never run more than 5 days in a row. Your body really needs a break- over training is difficult on it. Swimming is nothing to me, running is taxing, so I have to give my body a rest.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:58 PM

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I'd say that depends on how intensely you workout. I never intentionally take a day off of swimming- I only miss days that work interferes with the hours the pool is open. I might take it easier on two days a week by only swimming a mile (I usually do 2-3k, including a k with hand paddles).

With running however, I never run more than 5 days in a row. Your body really needs a break- over training is difficult on it. Swimming is nothing to me, running is taxing, so I have to give my body a rest.

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:58 PM

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you definitely need to give your body time to properly rest and heal after working out, or you will risk injury and may compromise results. i generally try to not do the same rigorous workout 2 days in a row, but plenty of people do. if your muscles are sore, take a break or work a different muscle group. like another poster said, since you are alternating your workouts you should be alright unless your body is telling you otherwise.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:07 AM

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you definitely need to give your body time to properly rest and heal after working out, or you will risk injury and may compromise results. i generally try to not do the same rigorous workout 2 days in a row, but plenty of people do. if your muscles are sore, take a break or work a different muscle group. like another poster said, since you are alternating your workouts you should be alright unless your body is telling you otherwise.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:07 AM

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you definitely need to give your body time to properly rest and heal after working out, or you will risk injury and may compromise results. i generally try to not do the same rigorous workout 2 days in a row, but plenty of people do. if your muscles are sore, take a break or work a different muscle group. like another poster said, since you are alternating your workouts you should be alright unless your body is telling you otherwise.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:07 AM

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I say you should just listen to your body. If it tells you to take it easy one day then take it easy that day. I set a goal of 5 or 6 workouts per week then if I'm feeling sore or tired 1 or 2 days I don't feel guilty to rest that day.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:43 AM

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I say you should just listen to your body. If it tells you to take it easy one day then take it easy that day. I set a goal of 5 or 6 workouts per week then if I'm feeling sore or tired 1 or 2 days I don't feel guilty to rest that day.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:43 AM

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I say you should just listen to your body. If it tells you to take it easy one day then take it easy that day. I set a goal of 5 or 6 workouts per week then if I'm feeling sore or tired 1 or 2 days I don't feel guilty to rest that day.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 12:43 AM

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I guess it depends how you walk. Swimming a mile is definitely a workout. But walkig 3-5 miles, while a huge workout if you're power-walking, may be perfectly natural to do every day if it's more of a walk or stroll. I walk close to that much many days, just because it happens. I'd say you don't need a break from walking a number of miles each day, but, if it's an intense power walk, alternated with days of swimming a mile, I'd probably try and make at least one day a week more of a normal-paced walk. You really do burn about as many calories walking 3 miles fast as you will if you walk the same distance slow.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 10:34 AM

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I guess it depends how you walk. Swimming a mile is definitely a workout. But walkig 3-5 miles, while a huge workout if you're power-walking, may be perfectly natural to do every day if it's more of a walk or stroll. I walk close to that much many days, just because it happens. I'd say you don't need a break from walking a number of miles each day, but, if it's an intense power walk, alternated with days of swimming a mile, I'd probably try and make at least one day a week more of a normal-paced walk. You really do burn about as many calories walking 3 miles fast as you will if you walk the same distance slow.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 10:34 AM

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I guess it depends how you walk. Swimming a mile is definitely a workout. But walkig 3-5 miles, while a huge workout if you're power-walking, may be perfectly natural to do every day if it's more of a walk or stroll. I walk close to that much many days, just because it happens. I'd say you don't need a break from walking a number of miles each day, but, if it's an intense power walk, alternated with days of swimming a mile, I'd probably try and make at least one day a week more of a normal-paced walk. You really do burn about as many calories walking 3 miles fast as you will if you walk the same distance slow.

Friday, June 23, 2006, 10:34 AM

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I agree with the above poster-- I walk 6-8 miles at a 4 mph pace and over small inclines and declines. That's alot more intense then on the days when I walk about 6 miles at 2.5 mph... :-)

Friday, June 23, 2006, 11:12 AM

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I agree with the above poster-- I walk 6-8 miles at a 4 mph pace and over small inclines and declines. That's alot more intense then on the days when I walk about 6 miles at 2.5 mph... :-)

Friday, June 23, 2006, 11:12 AM

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I agree with the above poster-- I walk 6-8 miles at a 4 mph pace and over small inclines and declines. That's alot more intense then on the days when I walk about 6 miles at 2.5 mph... :-)

Friday, June 23, 2006, 11:12 AM

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