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Need some suggestions!!

Since it doesn't seem like anyone read my previous thread, I'm reposting in hopes of some response....

Please give me some suggestions... I know we must have at least a handful of people on PT 40 and over!

Thanks!!! :-)

in 2007, a lot of my friends (including my hubby & me) will be turning 40.

I was talking to some friends about what we are going to do to celebrate and what our goals are in the next year....

I came up with something fun for myself and my hubby did, too....

I've always wanted to play the drums since I was a kid, so my goal is to play the drums (WELL) by the time I'm 40.

My hubby wants to release a CD of his own music and do a mini "CD Release party" for family and friends on his 40th birthday.

We aren't going to 40 until March and May, so these are goals that we can achieve if we work at it! ;-)


I have a question for PT friends... We normally have a New Year's Eve party and I'm trying to decide if we should celebrate "the year of 40 at the beginning or end of the year? What do you think?

One of my friends turned 40 recently, and the 1st of one of my friends from junior high is turning 40 in July... I want to make this a special year for all of our friends... :-)

Would love some ideas as to what we might do on New Year's day 2007 and New Year's eve 2007 to make our 40 year a special one!!

Thu. Jun 15, 6:08pm

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I am 32, so I don't know how much my opinion counts, but what about doing with your friends what you just did with your husband? Sit around and talk about goals for the year, what you were like when you were in your 20's, what you thought growing older would be like but what it's like in actuality. Maybe you could all plan a "Fun Forty Trip" together that evening and then actually do it. Put together a time capsule to open up when you are 55 or 60. Put together a video of all your pictures together since you have known eachother set to music of each decade you have been born. Does that help????

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 7:54 PM

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How about count 40 days into the new year (2007) and party then?

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 8:42 PM

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I bet that you have had at least 40 resolutions in your life. Make a list of these past resolutions, check off the ones that you have accomplished and then get to work on the ones that you haven't reached. Revamp ones that aren't important to you any longer.

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 10:05 PM

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Of course there are lots of us over 40 people here. Your ideas sound like fun! Sounds like you've thought of some ideas that speak to you both and your interests and passions.Why don't you have the CD release party and combine it with the drumming thing?

Friday, June 16, 2006, 5:19 AM

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To the 32 year old poster.
That sounds like a good idea.

I have a video camera.... Hmmm.. Maybe my friends and I can videotape a time capsule for down the road?! :-)

To the person regarding the 40 resolutions... LOL I think they have been the same every year for at least the past 20 years... (i.e. get organized... LOL)

I'm thinking of making my hubby & My parties combined. I'm only 1-1/2 months older than him...

The other idea I'm batting around is finding the middle day of the year (day 183) which I think is in the beginning of June or end of May) and maybe combining all of our friends' 40th b'days together for one huge bash....

Hmmm.. Need more suggestions... :-) I want to get started early so that we have the best year of our life in 2007!

Saturday, June 17, 2006, 4:28 AM

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