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How many myspace friends do YOU have?

This is a thread in our myspace team. I feel inadequate because I only have a couple :(

Tue. Jun 13, 4:28pm

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Myspace is not real life. Get out there are meet real people who can give you real hugs! If it makes you sad, then stop going there. Your worth is not your myspace friends! You are worth so much more than that!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 5:07 AM

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Myspace is not real life. Get out there are meet real people who can give you real hugs! If it makes you sad, then stop going there. Your worth is not your myspace friends! You are worth so much more than that!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 5:07 AM

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Myspace is not real life. Get out there are meet real people who can give you real hugs! If it makes you sad, then stop going there. Your worth is not your myspace friends! You are worth so much more than that!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 5:07 AM

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Like 14 or something. But the people with hundrends - come on, give me a break. The point to myspace for me is to build relationships and keep up with old friends. How can you build a relationship with 489 "friends"?

MySpace can be used as a tool, just like PEERtrainer. I blog there and belong to a weightloss blog and have met some really great people on there trying to lose weight just like me. And you know what?? I sing to them the priases of PEERtrainer every day. I have PEERtrainer all over my MySpace blog. These tools are what we make of them. Ignore the bad parts and embrace the good. I have had a couple PEERtrainer friends sign up as MySpace friends - it helps me to get to know them a little better.

A couple friends is awesome!!! It gives you more time to concentrate on each individual and really get to know them and help them out with their life. I love myspace.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 8:54 AM

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Like 14 or something. But the people with hundrends - come on, give me a break. The point to myspace for me is to build relationships and keep up with old friends. How can you build a relationship with 489 "friends"?

MySpace can be used as a tool, just like PEERtrainer. I blog there and belong to a weightloss blog and have met some really great people on there trying to lose weight just like me. And you know what?? I sing to them the priases of PEERtrainer every day. I have PEERtrainer all over my MySpace blog. These tools are what we make of them. Ignore the bad parts and embrace the good. I have had a couple PEERtrainer friends sign up as MySpace friends - it helps me to get to know them a little better.

A couple friends is awesome!!! It gives you more time to concentrate on each individual and really get to know them and help them out with their life. I love myspace.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 8:54 AM

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Like 14 or something. But the people with hundrends - come on, give me a break. The point to myspace for me is to build relationships and keep up with old friends. How can you build a relationship with 489 "friends"?

MySpace can be used as a tool, just like PEERtrainer. I blog there and belong to a weightloss blog and have met some really great people on there trying to lose weight just like me. And you know what?? I sing to them the priases of PEERtrainer every day. I have PEERtrainer all over my MySpace blog. These tools are what we make of them. Ignore the bad parts and embrace the good. I have had a couple PEERtrainer friends sign up as MySpace friends - it helps me to get to know them a little better.

A couple friends is awesome!!! It gives you more time to concentrate on each individual and really get to know them and help them out with their life. I love myspace.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 8:54 AM

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old saying..

my mama used to say to me (in reference to a body part, but it applies here) "anything more than a handful is a waste."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 10:47 AM

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old saying..

my mama used to say to me (in reference to a body part, but it applies here) "anything more than a handful is a waste."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 10:47 AM

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old saying..

my mama used to say to me (in reference to a body part, but it applies here) "anything more than a handful is a waste."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 10:47 AM

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I agree about the "number of friends" on myspace.
I'm on there (as "pinkbubelz") and most of my "friends" are the bands I've seen. If I worried about the number of friends I have there (about 40) vs. the people I have in my life, I'd have a major complex....

So... Just play with myspace as another tool for you to express yourself and know that even if you have only a few friends there, that doesn't mean you are inadequate!

Take a moment and think of it this way, if diamonds were a dime a dozen would people want them as much? Naturally uncloudy emeralds are far more rare than and worth many times more than diamonds!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 11:13 AM

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I agree about the "number of friends" on myspace.
I'm on there (as "pinkbubelz") and most of my "friends" are the bands I've seen. If I worried about the number of friends I have there (about 40) vs. the people I have in my life, I'd have a major complex....

So... Just play with myspace as another tool for you to express yourself and know that even if you have only a few friends there, that doesn't mean you are inadequate!

Take a moment and think of it this way, if diamonds were a dime a dozen would people want them as much? Naturally uncloudy emeralds are far more rare than and worth many times more than diamonds!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 11:13 AM

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I agree about the "number of friends" on myspace.
I'm on there (as "pinkbubelz") and most of my "friends" are the bands I've seen. If I worried about the number of friends I have there (about 40) vs. the people I have in my life, I'd have a major complex....

So... Just play with myspace as another tool for you to express yourself and know that even if you have only a few friends there, that doesn't mean you are inadequate!

Take a moment and think of it this way, if diamonds were a dime a dozen would people want them as much? Naturally uncloudy emeralds are far more rare than and worth many times more than diamonds!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006, 11:13 AM

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