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Intuitive Eating by Tribole and Resch

Anyone ever read this book? I just started in on it 1/3 of the way through and I think it is pretty enlightening. Basically claims that people (because they have been dieting so much) do not listen to their bodies or hunger signals and eat for other reasons besides hunger- which I can believe ppl here can agree with.
I figured out (they have classifications of different types of eaters) I am a combination of Unconcious Eater- I was actually reading the book while eating an apple. So one thing that I am going to try again, which I had overlooked- is to not do anything else when I eat... whenever I eat.
The only part of it that I don't get yet- maybe I have not gotten to where they explain it.. if someone is a sufferer of diabetes- and really needs to eat certain things or not to stay off of needing meds- how they say you can do this without "dieting." But they don't claim this is for ppl with diabetes.
I got it on interlibrary loan... so I have to read up fast and then decide if I want my own copy.
So- anyone read this book?

Tue. Jun 13, 7:20am

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This book has changed my life. I wish more people would read it. There is such a horrible diet mentality in this country... people totally ignore their natural hunger and satiety cues by dieting. People I know who are naturally thin do not obsess over calories, they do not diet, they let themselves have whatever foods sound good, they stop eating when they are full, even if there is food left on the plate, even if it is really good food. I want to incorporate that into my life. I do not want to diet forever. I want to trust myself with food.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:42 AM

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This book has changed my life. I wish more people would read it. There is such a horrible diet mentality in this country... people totally ignore their natural hunger and satiety cues by dieting. People I know who are naturally thin do not obsess over calories, they do not diet, they let themselves have whatever foods sound good, they stop eating when they are full, even if there is food left on the plate, even if it is really good food. I want to incorporate that into my life. I do not want to diet forever. I want to trust myself with food.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:42 AM

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This book has changed my life. I wish more people would read it. There is such a horrible diet mentality in this country... people totally ignore their natural hunger and satiety cues by dieting. People I know who are naturally thin do not obsess over calories, they do not diet, they let themselves have whatever foods sound good, they stop eating when they are full, even if there is food left on the plate, even if it is really good food. I want to incorporate that into my life. I do not want to diet forever. I want to trust myself with food.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:42 AM

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hear hear!

I am even further through the book now... and it just gets better... I totally changed my goals section to focus on the hunger discovery scale.

Did you ever read anything about waking up in the morning and not feeling hungry at all?... yet I know that I have heard constantly that one should eat breakfast, even as soon as one gets up... thoughts on that?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:52 AM

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hear hear!

I am even further through the book now... and it just gets better... I totally changed my goals section to focus on the hunger discovery scale.

Did you ever read anything about waking up in the morning and not feeling hungry at all?... yet I know that I have heard constantly that one should eat breakfast, even as soon as one gets up... thoughts on that?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:52 AM

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hear hear!

I am even further through the book now... and it just gets better... I totally changed my goals section to focus on the hunger discovery scale.

Did you ever read anything about waking up in the morning and not feeling hungry at all?... yet I know that I have heard constantly that one should eat breakfast, even as soon as one gets up... thoughts on that?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 9:52 AM

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I don't know if there is anything in the book... maybe wait an hour or so after waking and see if you are hungry. You definitely should eat something to replace the glycogen stores in your liver. I typically am not hungry right away, but will have a small piece of fruit, then workout, and by the time I get to work (two hours after waking up) I am so ready for breakfast.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 1:38 PM

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I don't know if there is anything in the book... maybe wait an hour or so after waking and see if you are hungry. You definitely should eat something to replace the glycogen stores in your liver. I typically am not hungry right away, but will have a small piece of fruit, then workout, and by the time I get to work (two hours after waking up) I am so ready for breakfast.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 1:38 PM

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I don't know if there is anything in the book... maybe wait an hour or so after waking and see if you are hungry. You definitely should eat something to replace the glycogen stores in your liver. I typically am not hungry right away, but will have a small piece of fruit, then workout, and by the time I get to work (two hours after waking up) I am so ready for breakfast.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 1:38 PM

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A week later and 2lbs down.... and feeling so free with Intuitive Eating.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:29 PM

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A week later and 2lbs down.... and feeling so free with Intuitive Eating.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:29 PM

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A week later and 2lbs down.... and feeling so free with Intuitive Eating.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:29 PM

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Congrats! Glad to hear it is going well for you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:54 PM

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Congrats! Glad to hear it is going well for you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:54 PM

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Congrats! Glad to hear it is going well for you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 12:54 PM

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ok, 15 days later from starting this... and I have gone from 206 to 196.... and I was eating foods (previously "forbidden") I really liked and craved.. and not feeling guilty about it!!!
Y'all should really read this book...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 1:47 PM

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ok, 15 days later from starting this... and I have gone from 206 to 196.... and I was eating foods (previously "forbidden") I really liked and craved.. and not feeling guilty about it!!!
Y'all should really read this book...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 1:47 PM

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ok, 15 days later from starting this... and I have gone from 206 to 196.... and I was eating foods (previously "forbidden") I really liked and craved.. and not feeling guilty about it!!!
Y'all should really read this book...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 1:47 PM

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So, OP, what exactly are you doing differently? Do tell.

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:09 AM

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So, OP, what exactly are you doing differently? Do tell.

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:09 AM

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So, OP, what exactly are you doing differently? Do tell.

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:09 AM

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Thank you!

I just heard about this book (read a great review) and have been meaning to pick it up. Now I definitely will.

Kate (kissmekate02)

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 10:55 AM

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Thank you!

I just heard about this book (read a great review) and have been meaning to pick it up. Now I definitely will.

Kate (kissmekate02)

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 10:55 AM

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Thank you!

I just heard about this book (read a great review) and have been meaning to pick it up. Now I definitely will.

Kate (kissmekate02)

Thursday, June 29, 2006, 10:55 AM

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op -doing differently...

I am listening to my hunger cues and eating if I am hungry without guilt- even if it is not a planned meal or snack.
I am honoring my stomach fullness... not relying on a cup or measure to tell me what to eat, but using how my stomach feels as a guide.
I am enjoying food more... even what I tried not to eat before because it was on a "forbidden" list.
SO now that there is NO forbidden list of foods, when I do have some, I don't feel the need to overindulge and stuff myself "this one last time."
Since I know I can rely on giving myself to eat unconditionally if I am hungry I am less likely to turn to using eating for emotional reasons... My stomach is my guide.
I put a link to another persons blog. It really is a different way of thinking, especially since we have all been taught not to trust ourselves with food... and here it is so the opposite and freeing.
I can feel good about eating what I crave- I just honor my stomach fullness.


Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:21 PM

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op -doing differently...

I am listening to my hunger cues and eating if I am hungry without guilt- even if it is not a planned meal or snack.
I am honoring my stomach fullness... not relying on a cup or measure to tell me what to eat, but using how my stomach feels as a guide.
I am enjoying food more... even what I tried not to eat before because it was on a "forbidden" list.
SO now that there is NO forbidden list of foods, when I do have some, I don't feel the need to overindulge and stuff myself "this one last time."
Since I know I can rely on giving myself to eat unconditionally if I am hungry I am less likely to turn to using eating for emotional reasons... My stomach is my guide.
I put a link to another persons blog. It really is a different way of thinking, especially since we have all been taught not to trust ourselves with food... and here it is so the opposite and freeing.
I can feel good about eating what I crave- I just honor my stomach fullness.


Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:21 PM

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op -doing differently...

I am listening to my hunger cues and eating if I am hungry without guilt- even if it is not a planned meal or snack.
I am honoring my stomach fullness... not relying on a cup or measure to tell me what to eat, but using how my stomach feels as a guide.
I am enjoying food more... even what I tried not to eat before because it was on a "forbidden" list.
SO now that there is NO forbidden list of foods, when I do have some, I don't feel the need to overindulge and stuff myself "this one last time."
Since I know I can rely on giving myself to eat unconditionally if I am hungry I am less likely to turn to using eating for emotional reasons... My stomach is my guide.
I put a link to another persons blog. It really is a different way of thinking, especially since we have all been taught not to trust ourselves with food... and here it is so the opposite and freeing.
I can feel good about eating what I crave- I just honor my stomach fullness.


Thursday, June 29, 2006, 5:21 PM

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Yeaaaay for you OP. I honestly believe that the whole "diet" and "forbidden food" thing adds stress to our lives and stress causes something like hormone and chemical imbalances which in turn causes weight to just add up or hang on. There's nothing like feeling free in life is it? It should be the mantra we live by and strive for every day. Way to go!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 10:20 AM

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Yeaaaay for you OP. I honestly believe that the whole "diet" and "forbidden food" thing adds stress to our lives and stress causes something like hormone and chemical imbalances which in turn causes weight to just add up or hang on. There's nothing like feeling free in life is it? It should be the mantra we live by and strive for every day. Way to go!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 10:20 AM

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Yeaaaay for you OP. I honestly believe that the whole "diet" and "forbidden food" thing adds stress to our lives and stress causes something like hormone and chemical imbalances which in turn causes weight to just add up or hang on. There's nothing like feeling free in life is it? It should be the mantra we live by and strive for every day. Way to go!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 10:20 AM

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Just ordered this book! I am really excited to read it! Thanks for putting on pt!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 1:06 PM

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Just ordered this book! I am really excited to read it! Thanks for putting on pt!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 1:06 PM

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Just ordered this book! I am really excited to read it! Thanks for putting on pt!

Sunday, July 2, 2006, 1:06 PM

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