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Any nursing moms out there trying to lose weight?
Tue. May 23, 2:54pm
No, but I'm pregnant and will nurse this baby like I did the last. I lost a BUNCH of weight nursing, the hard part is keeping it off once you are done!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:13 PM
No, but I'm pregnant and will nurse this baby like I did the last. I lost a BUNCH of weight nursing, the hard part is keeping it off once you are done!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:13 PM
No, but I'm pregnant and will nurse this baby like I did the last. I lost a BUNCH of weight nursing, the hard part is keeping it off once you are done!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:13 PM
Missing the "suck it off" diet..
Hi there! Best of luck to you on your nursing. It's the part I miss the most, now that my daughter is older. Actually, I usually lost about ten pounds a month the first several months I was nursing. The main things to focus on are getting good quality nutrition and lots of water. From that point, the nursing will only enhance your process like an extra workout, right up to the last ten pounds or so, which your body will most likely try to hang onto for an emergency supply. Nursing weight is the easiest I ever dropped, so have fun with it!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:45 PM
Missing the "suck it off" diet..
Hi there! Best of luck to you on your nursing. It's the part I miss the most, now that my daughter is older. Actually, I usually lost about ten pounds a month the first several months I was nursing. The main things to focus on are getting good quality nutrition and lots of water. From that point, the nursing will only enhance your process like an extra workout, right up to the last ten pounds or so, which your body will most likely try to hang onto for an emergency supply. Nursing weight is the easiest I ever dropped, so have fun with it!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:45 PM
Missing the "suck it off" diet..
Hi there! Best of luck to you on your nursing. It's the part I miss the most, now that my daughter is older. Actually, I usually lost about ten pounds a month the first several months I was nursing. The main things to focus on are getting good quality nutrition and lots of water. From that point, the nursing will only enhance your process like an extra workout, right up to the last ten pounds or so, which your body will most likely try to hang onto for an emergency supply. Nursing weight is the easiest I ever dropped, so have fun with it!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 5:45 PM
I nursed both of my sons and just stopped with my youngest when he turned 11 months (in April). I, like the last poster, found it to help increase my metabolism quite a bit. Unfortunately, it made me pretty hungry too. You will hang on to a little extra weight, but it will help you. Don't try to cut your calories too dramatically. Move and eat a balanced, healthy diet and you will see results pretty quickly.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 10:04 PM
I nursed both of my sons and just stopped with my youngest when he turned 11 months (in April). I, like the last poster, found it to help increase my metabolism quite a bit. Unfortunately, it made me pretty hungry too. You will hang on to a little extra weight, but it will help you. Don't try to cut your calories too dramatically. Move and eat a balanced, healthy diet and you will see results pretty quickly.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 10:04 PM
I nursed both of my sons and just stopped with my youngest when he turned 11 months (in April). I, like the last poster, found it to help increase my metabolism quite a bit. Unfortunately, it made me pretty hungry too. You will hang on to a little extra weight, but it will help you. Don't try to cut your calories too dramatically. Move and eat a balanced, healthy diet and you will see results pretty quickly.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 10:04 PM
"suck it off" diet
Tthat's hilarious!!
I found that nursing was less and less of a weight-loss miracle with each baby. With my first child, the weight seemed to drop right off. With my third, I really had to work to get the weight off. I'm now pregnant with my fourth, and I forecast some heavy duty workouts and strict nutritional regime to take this weight off.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 8:52 AM
"suck it off" diet
Tthat's hilarious!!
I found that nursing was less and less of a weight-loss miracle with each baby. With my first child, the weight seemed to drop right off. With my third, I really had to work to get the weight off. I'm now pregnant with my fourth, and I forecast some heavy duty workouts and strict nutritional regime to take this weight off.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 8:52 AM
"suck it off" diet
Tthat's hilarious!!
I found that nursing was less and less of a weight-loss miracle with each baby. With my first child, the weight seemed to drop right off. With my third, I really had to work to get the weight off. I'm now pregnant with my fourth, and I forecast some heavy duty workouts and strict nutritional regime to take this weight off.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 8:52 AM
Wow! See I here of so many people that just lost tons of weight when nursing. I however seem to have put some on. I have been nursing for over 11 months. I think I was eating far too much. I was always worried my milk supply would go down. The weight is now just starting to come off slowly because I have cut portions and started doing a lot more exercise. Those old wives tales did me no good.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 3:48 PM
Wow! See I here of so many people that just lost tons of weight when nursing. I however seem to have put some on. I have been nursing for over 11 months. I think I was eating far too much. I was always worried my milk supply would go down. The weight is now just starting to come off slowly because I have cut portions and started doing a lot more exercise. Those old wives tales did me no good.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 3:48 PM
Wow! See I here of so many people that just lost tons of weight when nursing. I however seem to have put some on. I have been nursing for over 11 months. I think I was eating far too much. I was always worried my milk supply would go down. The weight is now just starting to come off slowly because I have cut portions and started doing a lot more exercise. Those old wives tales did me no good.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 3:48 PM
nurser here too
I am still nursing my 2 yr old- and I think it helps somewhat, though I was not dieting in the first year and a half- really so I lost a little but it was not dramatic. I was pumping exclusively for the first 5.5 months so I don't know if that had any factor in + or -.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 5:25 PM
nurser here too
I am still nursing my 2 yr old- and I think it helps somewhat, though I was not dieting in the first year and a half- really so I lost a little but it was not dramatic. I was pumping exclusively for the first 5.5 months so I don't know if that had any factor in + or -.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 5:25 PM
nurser here too
I am still nursing my 2 yr old- and I think it helps somewhat, though I was not dieting in the first year and a half- really so I lost a little but it was not dramatic. I was pumping exclusively for the first 5.5 months so I don't know if that had any factor in + or -.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 5:25 PM
nursing and weight gain/loss
I've nursed 4 babies and am currently nursing the youngest (she is 2 1/2). I nurse my kids for long time. I'm a former La Leche League Leader and can tell you that for many people and in this society (with so much food) weight loss doesn't happen so easily during lactation. I'm saying this as an experienced breastfeeding mom who's known lots of breastfeeding moms.....not as a statement from LLL. Just need to clarify that so it won't seem like I'm speaking officially for LLL right now...I'm not. Just my observation and experience.... I'm a perfect example of someone who can workout a lot, breastfeed exclusively, and still manage to gain weight and keep it on. Most of the cause was due to my over indulgence of fast food on top of trying to eat "healthier" fare for the nutrients. I just got too much fat and calories. Something I'm working on.....
Most of us don't need to add extra calories to our diet during nursing.....we are mostly getting more than enough as it is. But having said that, I do know of women who actually struggle to keep weight on while having a nursling. I wonder if some of it is genetic and well as enviornmental.
Thursday, May 25, 2006, 2:52 PM
nursing and weight gain/loss
I've nursed 4 babies and am currently nursing the youngest (she is 2 1/2). I nurse my kids for long time. I'm a former La Leche League Leader and can tell you that for many people and in this society (with so much food) weight loss doesn't happen so easily during lactation. I'm saying this as an experienced breastfeeding mom who's known lots of breastfeeding moms.....not as a statement from LLL. Just need to clarify that so it won't seem like I'm speaking officially for LLL right now...I'm not. Just my observation and experience.... I'm a perfect example of someone who can workout a lot, breastfeed exclusively, and still manage to gain weight and keep it on. Most of the cause was due to my over indulgence of fast food on top of trying to eat "healthier" fare for the nutrients. I just got too much fat and calories. Something I'm working on.....
Most of us don't need to add extra calories to our diet during nursing.....we are mostly getting more than enough as it is. But having said that, I do know of women who actually struggle to keep weight on while having a nursling. I wonder if some of it is genetic and well as enviornmental.
Thursday, May 25, 2006, 2:52 PM
nursing and weight gain/loss
I've nursed 4 babies and am currently nursing the youngest (she is 2 1/2). I nurse my kids for long time. I'm a former La Leche League Leader and can tell you that for many people and in this society (with so much food) weight loss doesn't happen so easily during lactation. I'm saying this as an experienced breastfeeding mom who's known lots of breastfeeding moms.....not as a statement from LLL. Just need to clarify that so it won't seem like I'm speaking officially for LLL right now...I'm not. Just my observation and experience.... I'm a perfect example of someone who can workout a lot, breastfeed exclusively, and still manage to gain weight and keep it on. Most of the cause was due to my over indulgence of fast food on top of trying to eat "healthier" fare for the nutrients. I just got too much fat and calories. Something I'm working on.....
Most of us don't need to add extra calories to our diet during nursing.....we are mostly getting more than enough as it is. But having said that, I do know of women who actually struggle to keep weight on while having a nursling. I wonder if some of it is genetic and well as enviornmental.
Thursday, May 25, 2006, 2:52 PM
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